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He smiled, turned around, looked at me for a certain moment before dashing towards me. Not at an average speed, but at a shockingly fast one. Next thing I knew, I wasn't in that dark area anymore. I looked around me. Trying to find the guy I talked with. I then see him, looking at me. 

He was still smiling.... I think that's a bit weird but whatever no one cares at this point about those type of things!

  "So what were you doing in the void?" I look at him. " The void?" He nods his head quickly before starting to circle me. He then stops after a couple of seconds and looks at me again. "How do you not know what the void is?" I shrug my shoulders. " Probably because that was the first time I've been in it." He just looks at me for a second or two after that before shaking his head and walking in the other direction. "Where are you going?" He turns around. "Oh yeah forgot about you for a minute there sorry.." Dang.... Eh I'll just brush it off. 

Oh yeah... I kinda forgot to mention what he looked like. He had a black cape thingy with a hood. So you couldn't really see his clothes if he had any. And he had a giant spear that was just a tiny bit bigger than him..  "So... what's your name?" He looks up. "You can call me reaper, reaper sans... what's your name?" "It's Y/n" He nods his head. "So what do I need to do for you?"

"Well... I need you to find someone for me..." Interesting question.. " Who do you want me to find?" "Geno sans.." Oh well.... I don't even know the guy... that's great! " And you probably don't know who that is..." I nod my head. He sighs. I wonder why he wants that geno guy so bad... 

Suddenly another guy comes out of no where. "GENO THERE YOU ARE!" I take a quick look at his face... looks like he wants to be anywhere but here at the moment. Geno starts to run in the other direction and right behind him is Reaper, trying to, I think, pounce on him. I watch the chase for about 2 mins.... I then see reaper jumping on top of Geno. By then I think Geno would have lost hope trying to run away from him...

Wait up... what if I just go away, you know, try to leave.....  imma give that a shot. I can wait with the question about my soul... or who knows, someone else might tell me as well! But I have no idea at this point. I start to slowly walk backwards. Oh yeah forgot to mention that right now we are in some kind of forest. I keep walking back slowly but not too slow so I'm actually making progress. Whatever else is about to happen here, I don't want to see at the moment!  I then pass some tree and turn around thinking it's safe. Notice how I said thinking.... Yeah I wasn't fully away yet. "HEY!!" "WHERE ARE YOU GOING!?" Oh crap, time to run. Let's just hope that I'm faster than this guy. 

I see him jump up from Geno and start running towards me. At least Geno isn't suffering.... Yeah i should start running...

I run... a lot, is he catching up? No idea. And I'm not even going to dare turn around.... Who am I to me messing with a reaper... dang I really shouldn't have done this.... I'm screwed now... WHAT IF HE KILLS ME?! Yeah let's just hope it's not that. I then start to hear breathing behind me... uh oh. He is catching up...  I need to try harder... if I can that it, I can't lie Im actually getting scared at this point. Wait up... wouldn't he just be able to teleport to get me? So he isn't serious about this right..?

Wait.... I slowed down no no no no NO! I ain't dying today! Just run and I might be fineee! Hopefully! Ok, my legs are starting to hurt which is a big problem. How long has it been? Who knows? Maybe it's been a hour... I keep on running. I hear the footsteps behind me getting closer and closer.

I then feel something tug at the back of my shirt, pulling me back. Oh no...

Cross POV:

I see Bill. Everyone is looking at him. Well everyone except from horror, who is cooking alphabet soup. He literally cooks that every single day! It's starting to get boring. But im not going to be the one to tell him that, cus I definitely don't want to be getting beaten up over here!

Yep I think that bill is quite disappointed with us.... Yep I'm not going to be the one explaining this whole thing and how it started.... Let me explain it to you....

So we were just chilling, waiting for the others to come back, when killer had the idea to steal nightmares uno cards and play uno. We all seemed to agreed to it. Even 404 was calm about it. So you know we started to play a normal round of uno. When error decided to come over, apparently to see y/n and he wouldn't tell us why. But then he got interested and looked at how we were playing uno. Then he walked over to 404 well at the point horror just quit and got up to make some food for later. So returning to the main part. Error went over to 404 and looked at all his cards and told everyone his cards. At that point error was smirking while 404 was raging. 404 slapped his cards on the table, got up and literally started to attack error. The rest of us just looked at each other, also got up and moved away from them. So they started to wreck everything. So then dust told them to stop but error told him to shut up and targeted a blaster at him so we all ducked for it to not hit us. And then bill came. 

And well you know the rest....


Where is Nightmare and y/n?


Sorry for not updating yesterday I was busy with my life problems... 🥲

Hope you enjoyed!

Words - 1056

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