'Under a table'

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Y/n POV:

I'm gonna be honest, I don't want to knock on that front door. It looks hella scary, and I don't wanna be jumpscared. I mean, if I'm going to be honest, I'm not going for the door, or behind me because of obvious reasons. My eye catches a open window next to the door. AHA! That's how I'm going to get in.

I originally intended on getting in like a freaking ninja all quiet and stealthy. Let's just say that didn't turn out as expected, and by that I mean I landed face flat on the floor.Luckily no one was in the room. After I stood up, I looked in front of me. It looked like a living room, there was a closet, drawers, and a cabinet. That caught my attention. A cabinet. It was like the odd one out, it was white and had a lock on it. I decided to leave it for later as it's not really my business to be intervening with such things. I started to walk around the place, wondering what other things there were here.

Eventually I came across a lit up room, and I heard talking. I guess someone was here this whole time, hopefully they didn't hear me. But again, if they did they would probably go after me or just simply not care at all. I peeked in out of the side of the door. I did it quickly just in case one of them noticed me. I think that there were 5 people. It's kinda hard to describe because I only looked at the lot for about 2 seconds. But what I saw was not human for sure.

Then I thought of something that's been on my mind for a while, I don't think that this is my universe. I mean, I've always kind of knew that they are millions on timelines, universes and multiverses. I never seemed to think about it until now. Have I just traveled through a multiverse? I know for sure that those weren't humans, and only humans exist in our universe. So..... I'm not really sure about anything.....it's a confusing topic. Perhaps I shouldn't think about it, maybe later. When my brain cells are actually functioning. Speaking of, I'm really hungry. All I have is some Oreo chocolate that is in my pocket. I can't really eat that though because I might make a noise, and leaving doesn't seem like a option for me. So I just decided to stay put and chill. Apart from the talking in the what looked like a kitchen, it was pretty quiet. Probably because it was dark and probably late.

After about 30 minutes, I heard them get up. I stayed still. Pinned to the shady wall in front of me trying my best to not be seen. Note to self: Wearing black was a good idea today. I heard 4 of them leave I think. Well I knew someone was still in the kitchen so I just stayed put, pinned to the shady wall.

??? POV:

I basically kicked them out of the kitchen today, funny, in my opinion. Well maybe a fact, because it is funny, not, I think it's funny. I stood up and went to get my mug from the shelf. Today managed to be a day without to total chaos, and without the castle burning down. I flip back onto the chair. Now I need to think about what to do tomorrow, hmmm. Probably trying to eliminate my annoying brother again. Should I even call call him my brother, or his brother. I reach out for the cup and drink from it. Coffee sure is the best. Don't really know what else to say or think about. I hear a slight rustling noise just outside of the kitchen. Ughhh. Don't tell me that idiot is stalking me again. I stand up and look outside of the kitchen. There is nothing, now what the. I swear I just heard something. I knew someone was there, or maybe it's just the tiredness getting to me. I'll probably come back in about a hour or two as usual, then I'll take a proper look around for anything.I then slowly start to walk to my bedroom.

Y/n POV:

Okay, I just heard the last person walk away. I move out of my hiding spot and walk slowly into the kitchen. As expected, there is nobody there, except from a turquoise mug on the table that says '#1  BOSS'. I looked at it for a minute before sitting on a chair. I take out my chocolate and eat it without thinking. Just after that I hear something. I basically freeze for a straight up minute. Before I decide on acting. I look around nervously for a good hiding spot. I could just go outside the door again but it's too risky as someone might be there. I look at the table.You know, it's not the best hiding spot, but I'll take it. I rush under the table and then I actually chill and think. What's next? Honestly, I'm not gonna lie but it's a bit boring under here. I eventually decide on trying to get some sleep. After debating with myself wether to do it or not after 15 minutes, I finally manage to drift off to sleep.

I wake up to the sound of sizzling and talking in the kitchen. It's a bit more brighter now. And I'm still under a table, very impressed of myself for once! I find myself listening to what the beings are saying as they sit down on the table and start eating what I think is breakfast. I immediately get hungry. But I hold myself and just say no to the will to eat for now. After they finish, I think at least, I hear them cleaning up and one of them telling the others about a plan and to go wait outside for until they come. I chill for a moment as I come to realise they are leaving. Before I hear a not very good message...

"I know someone is in there, so it'll be better for you just to come out now..."


Here we are another chapter done! I hope you enjoyed this one!


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