'Something Wrong'

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Error 404 POV:

So! Im quite suprised at what just happened! How could a human have enough will power and strength to acually do that? The whole topic just shakes me. I mean, smartness is also a critical part in a fight. If you were really powerful but straight up stupid, going against a powerless but really smart person, then the person that was smart would probably win, because they will know how to outsmart them and beat them. That shows that power isnt all that is needed in a good fight. But the thing is, I have both.... so why couldnt I have beaten. She had pure disadvantage over me. She isnt all that smart either. So what couldve caused it? Maybe it was simply just one of my slip ups...... but I never slip up do I? Maybe I was so sure I would beat this human that I just didnt try. But I shouldnt have to try. At least against a human! Its impossible. Im just too strong for her.

I look across the room. We are in the kitchen right now, and nightmare is lying down on the table and it quite honestly looked like they were about to chop him up. I didnt hit him THAT hard. At least I think I didnt heh. They were discussing what to do with him. Y/n was doing most of the talking, wasnt she that silent person? But again, its just me..... I bearly know this girl so I dont know how she acts or anything, such a unpredictable person, almost a bit like me. But there is something off about her, not like I know what. Im telling myself that there is nothing wrong with her and that I shouldnt worry about it, but then there is also that voice in my head saying that something is wrong with her, and my physical body is just standing there doing nothing and not knowing what to do. 

Nightmare then wakes up. Perfect timing! He sits up and looks at me. Oh I just wish you could have seen the look on his face when he saw me, smiling. Why was I even smiling? Not like I have a suitable reason to be smiling over here, I still end up doing it anyways. Just why not, for the fun of it. He then stops looking at me and looks over to the others. I observe y/n, she is smiling. I squint at her face. Its fake........ and they cant tell. Its a good smile, but I can tell its fake. I can tell if any smile is fake or real. Sometimes its more difficult to tell..... this one was a difficult one to dig out. But its not real thats for sure. Why would she be faking her smile like this. Not like anything happened right?

I keep on observing her, not daring to mention a word about it to the others, if she wont tell them, then I wont either. Im not the type of person that tell everything about themselves to someone. Who would even do that in the first place? It shows your weaknesses and vulrebilities. That only a bad thing. You should have your secrets, maybe atleast one thing that you hide from someone.... I continue looking at her, my eyes fixed on any movement she makes, but at the same time, keeping it calm and unnoticed. So it dosent look like im straight up spying on her, that would be just weird would it? There is a thing I notice though. She keeps on keeping her hand over her mouth. A bit questionable isnt it? She still seems to be smiling. Something is up with this. I keep watching her like this before I see her eyes widen a bit. Now thats definetly off. I look at the others, no reaction, they havent noticed. I wouldnt blame them, these little imperfections are hard to notice. She looks over at them, telling as calmly as she possibly can, at least that is what I think, that she needs to leave the room. Looks like im going to follow someone today! Here goes nothing I guess!

Killer POV:

I look over at y/n, she just said that she need to go to the restroom. I saw her with a hand over her mouth. I then saw Error 404 leave the room behind her. Yeah I dont trust this guy one bit okay! I form eye contact with boss and Bill. Well it doesnt really work out with bill but boss is catching on to what I was trying to tell him. He looks behind himself. As he sort of excpected, Error 404 wasnt there. He sighed. "Does anyone know where Error 404 is?" Everyone just seemed to shrug their shoulders, that includes me. I watch as he stands up from his sitting position and put down his half filled mug. I dont even remember when or how he got that mug of coffee in his hand. I observe his movements. My eyes meet his again. I then look down at his hands, they were signalling for me to come with him. I nod and stand up following him out of the kitchen. He then starts going in a direction that I believe follows where Error 404 was going. Bill then teleports to us. "Im coming with you guys, Bill is one of my friends, I need to know any drama about him" Boss then looks at him and nods his head, not saying a word. Dang he seems quite silent today! I wouldnt be suprised. He has been through alot I guess. I mean If I was beaten up, knocked out and then someone would be following my friend planning to do who knows what the yeah I would be pretty down in the dumps. Im also pretty sure that he is trying his best not to lose it. 

I see him taking a few turns. This place is quite complicated, especially for new people, but once you get used to it. Its easy to figure it out! We hear screams and nightmare starting to run, so me and bill follow him. We reach to a door where I suspect the screaming was coming from. What were we about to see?


I hope you guys liked it

Sorry its a bit shorter but I had no idea what else to write so yeah!

Words - 1076

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