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Im scared.... I didnt know what to do. That the simplest answer I could think of. It was a blur to me, the voices.... or whatever those things were surrounding me. It was breaking me...... I remember running out of there, the kitchen, yes I ran out of the kitchen I remember that.... I was scared for myself. I didnt know why then, I just did. I couldnt keep calm then, no matter how hard I tried. I ran into the nearest bathroom. I looked at myself. It was all normal right? I continued to observe the tears running down my face. I didnt want to uncover my mouth, I was scared to find out what was underneath it. Maybe scared wouldnt be the right word to use that for, more like..... petrified.... I saw myself shake. What if someone followed me? That would have been bad right? Or maybe they could save me from this. I turn around but there is nothing there, I turn back around but instead of the mirror and sink I see black. NO NOT THIS AGAIN! I let go of my mouth. I look down at my hands, black, black BLACK. Its was all over my hands. BLACK! I trembled and I thought I was going to fall but I just stood there, paralized by the fear. I WAS JUST SEEING THINGS WASNT I? JUST PLEASE LET ME GO OF ALL OF THIS! I dont know what I was trying to mean by that.... I cant even turn my head around. I can only look down at the void below my feet. What was happening to me?! I squint my eyes....

I   N E V E R   W A N T E D  T H I S   ! ! !

I now just stand there unable to do anything. Just perhaps to stare into the black void in front of me. I then feel someone grab me. Im then freed from the black void and I see the mirror again, and error 404 standing there, holding me. I look at myself and scream. There was black liquid dripping from my mouth... WHAT IS THIS?! I cover my mouth with my now black hand once more and collapse onto the floor, I saw error 404 kneeling down next to me, worried. "Do you know what happened?!" I look at my blackified hands. I shake my head... but wait... what if its because that thing touched me? It could be possible? 

"I dont want to tell them...... I dont want them to know..." My voice was quivering. He nods his head and stands up. Im still looking at my hands. H-h-h-how could something like this even happen? He then picked me up. WHAT? I never agreed to this. I try to get out of his arms but I sadly fail. He just end up looking at me. "You look like a mess, If you dont want them to know then I suggest cleaning yourself." Oh yeah.. I should probably do that. That would be a smart option. He puts me in the bathtub and turn the shower on, spraying cold water on me. AHHHHH!! COLD! I DONT LIKE IT! He looks at my face and laughs. Does my face really look that bad?! Heh. It must look funny though I guess... What am I even saying? It doesnt make any sense! I sigh. I think I should get some rest, it has been a tough day. Maybe ill wake up tomorrow and it would all have been a dream! Or would be even called a dream? I shrug that thought off. By now I look good as new... except from the fact that I am pretty wet. He once again picks me up. "HEY!" He looks at me. " You do need to change into some clothes!" I... wait I dont have any with me. "You dont have any right?" I nod my head, he chuckles. "Im pretty sure I can lend you some!! "Im pretty sure that they would look sick on you!" I sigh and nod my head. I do both of those things too much now, But its a simpler way of communication in a way heh. 

Error 404 then teleports me to a place that I have never seen before. He then chucks me down onto the rug that layed in the middle of the room. He then reaches into some kind of drawer. While he does that, I look around. What even is this place, the main colour scheme is white, blue and black. Mostly white and blue though. It looked really nice in my opinion. He then threw some clothes over to me. I layed them next to me as I saw him peer at me. "Ill be back in about 5 minutes, I hope you would have changed by then!" "Also I put the wet clothes here." He then points to a area in his room next to the door. By the time I finished looking at the area where you had to put the wet clothes, Error 404 had already left, geez that was fast. I pick up the clothes and go change. After about 5 minutes, as excpected, error 404 comes into the room and shoots his eyes at me, I see him smiling after that. "You look a lot better than I excpected!" I smile back at him. I go to the mirror on the other side of the room and peer in it. I do really look good. I wonder what the others would think of it! That when I think of the others. Wont they be worrying about me?

Nightmare POV:

Its been a while since we have been, I think, following them. Killer and Bill are close behind me. Left, left, right, left, right, right, right..... This place is a bit too complicated even for me! I then hear the scream. Was that y/n? My speed quickly accelerates. What if she is in danger?! What is error 404 doing to her?! Or has he even gotten to her....... Then if he isnt with her then what is with her. I start to now run to where the sound was coming from. "I split and look for her in a different place!" I nod my head as me and killer are still heading to where the sound was. I saw Bill teleport away. We continued to run for about 20 minutes until we found a bathroom. We burst the door open to see nothing.... I swear the sound came from here! "Looking for something?" I spin around to see error 404 looking at me with a concerned yet serious look. "Do you know where y/n is?" He simply shrugs his shoulder. "No Nightmare, I dont know where y/n is..." "I wish I knew though..." He does look concerned though..... Thats good for me! The more negative feelings the better, but these arent that strong... but still! I glare at him. "Why where you trying to follow y/n then?!" He looks at me calmly. "I wanted to see if she was okay." I continue to glare at him. "Since when do you care!?"  He the  decides to glare back.

"SINCE WHEN DO YOU CARE NIGHTMARE!?" I..... Im taken back by the message. Why do I care? Its just a human anyways? Its useless..... Its not though, Its important to me and I dont really know why. I dont think I will ever know why. But what is most important is that I DO care. "Since Now 404....." He smiles. "I thought the day you would actually cared for someone would never come, but it seems like I was wrong!" "I dont like how you are trying to make this into a joke!" He just laughs "Im not trying to make this into a joke!" He just stares at me as he makes the statement. "Im sorry but Im going to have to go now!" He smiles at me. "WAIT NO I HAVENT FINISHED YET!" I try to reach for him but he already teleported away. I looked at Killer. "You could have helped you know?" He just shrugs his shoulders. I sigh at his respose. What am I going to do with this guy! Well, the search for y/n goes on!

Bill POV:

I run. But not in the direction where nightmare and killer are going. In the opposite direction. I think I know where she might be. I dont want her to be there but she might be there! I run to the hallway. That hallway... I speed through the door and run to the closet and open it. Nothing inside, yikes. I was wrong. Maybe somewhere around it? I close the closet before anything inside tries to get me. I inspect the room around me. Then my eye catches the bathroom. Maybe in there? I rush in and I look around. I then see the bathtub... I stare in shock. It was covered with the black substance....... it did touch her..... Oh why did you lie to me y/n? 

I need to find her... and QUICK!


I hope you guys liked it!

I WILL try to make it less dramatic and just in general more nice and calm!

Im just going along with the plan!


Words - 1548

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