'Travelling Through Multiverses'

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Hi! I just wanted to mention a couple things before we begin! 

First of all! I really want to thank you guys for the amount of views this books has! I know ive said this like a hundred times and I probably will say it more but whatever! I do really appreciate it! Like 7.8K is ALOT for me, knowing that my other books aren't really as popular, I'm also really happy with my rankings! So ummmm, I WANT TO THANK YOU GUYS FOR THAT BECAUSE... because... UMMM...  YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST! hehe!

Yeah! Now I will get on with the chapter......  I point out one more thing! SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR A WHILE! I have been a bit busy with life! You know! My free time isnt being nice with me! So I will try to update as much as I can! We are sadly getting near the end! WHICH KINDA SUCKS BUT MEH! 


 [btw you didn't have to read this but notices are notices... YOU GET WHAT I MEAN!]

Nightmare POV:

"What exactly are you talking about void?" I dont really know what void is talking about. At least I found error! I can talk with him about certain things after this... reunion, I'll call it that! Im Not really sure how long void is going to stay for. Probably not long I'm guessing, knowing about the problems she has made in other multiverses.. yeah I'm guessing that she has loads to sort out.... "It's about Y/N nightmare...." Oh! Yeah! I forgot about Y/N for a moment. oh well! Not really my problem I guess. " I need your help nightmare......" I look over at her, what does she mean by that? Like, this docent really make sense at all in my head..... OH YEAH! Cut Y/N went missing we couldn't find her and..... "Do you know where Y/N is?" I ask. I think she should know.....She has outstanding power after all, id be disappointed if she didn't know where Y/N was..... "Yes I do.... but I'll need you to come with me... to help!" I nod my head. "Sure can do, allies help each other dont they!" This time void nods her head, before looking over at error. "Do you also want to come?" Error then looks at Void with a hint of excitement. "YES YES I DO!" Void laughs. "Of course you do glitchy!" I cant help but chuckle at the statements they made. 

I then went up to void. "So where do we need to go?" She sighs. "This is gonna be the hardest part guys!" I tilt my head to the side. "What do you mean by that?"  Void looks at me, then takes a deep breath in. Before saying, "We have got to go to a different multiverse..." "AnD WhY Is tHaT So dAngErOuS?" Void then stops looking at me, then she looks over at error. "Its very complicated and dangerous... at least for those that dont know how to do so..." Error nods his head. "Now.. are you two ready for this?" I nod my head and so does error. Void then does some hand movements. "Hold on to me!" "Sure..." Im not too enthusiastic about this.... cant say the same about error though..... "SURE CAN DO BUDDY!!!!!!" Void laughs. "Ok, ok hurry up guys I dont have all the time in the world...." 

Void POV:

Ok... This is going to be harder than usual.......  Travelling through multiverses alone is already hard enough.. but I'm gonna need all the help I can get to do this! I feel two hands grab onto my arms. Nightmare, and errors......AND BOY IM NOT EVEN GOING TO TRY EXPLAIN HOW I GOT ERROR TO GET USED TO TOUCHING ME!! Well I might explain later but not now! Not in a time like this!

"Are yOu nEaRlY DoNE?" I snap back... "Oh yeah sorry for the wait guys!" I do some specific hand movements. If I even do one thing wrong.. I could mess this up completely, and I cant afford slip ups at a moment like this! I take a deep breath in. It's either now or never. I close my eyes. Focusing as hard as I can. Remember the movements anti told me... Up, down, left... no right.....

I do the movements. I open one of my eyes. I see nightmare and error standing in amusement, and in shock. I squint my other eye. Its tiring swell as hard so yeah.... My eye should change colour now if I'm right.... yellow... yes yellow! "WHAT COLOUR IS MY EYE?!" Error then takes a look. "ITS YELLOW VOID!" I nod my head "GOOD!" Wind picks up out of nowhere, thats normal, no literally that is normal! We lift off the floor. Good, good.... it's going well so far. I lift my hands up violently. It goes dark for a split second before showing us a show of colours. I let my hands gently drop down to my sides. I take a deep breath in. "Is iT OvEr?" I shake my head. "That process was to only get out of the multiverse we were already in!" Nightmare turns to me. "What?! But that literally took so long!" I sigh. "I know it did nightmare but thats how long it takes... at least with three people..." "So yOu aRe sAyInG ThAt iF ThErE WeRe 10 Of uS ThEn iT WouLd tAkE nEaRlY 2 HoUrS?" I nod my head. "Exactly!" They are both windblown from the looks of it, nothing too surprised, I was also surprised the first time I did it!

I raise up my hands again. Anti appears in front of me. "What are you doing void?" Error smiles. "HeY AnTi!" Anti waves at error and nightmare. "It's nice to see you two again!" Nightmare also smiles, not in his usual creepy way though.... A smile I haven't seen in a while! "Also void... weren't you only supposed to take nightmare with you?" I chuckle. Yeah! But error could have also helped, also I haven't seen them in a while!" Anti nods. "Well good luck guys! Ive got things to do!" I nod my head. "I'll see you later Anti!" Anti then bows and leaves.... WHY DID THEY HAVE TO BOW!? Eh whatever! Not like I really care. But right before I begin the ritual again. We are teleported into Y/N's Dream.... wait what? Anti then pops up in front of me and winks before disappearing again. I smile. Of course they were gonna help! "Well we are here!" "WhERe eXaCtLy?" I take a deep breath in for the tenth time. "In Y/N's dream...." "How did you manage to do that?" I turn to nightmare. "None of your concern buddy!" He turns his head away, annoyed. I roll my eyes. Classic nightmare! I then turn over to where Y/N should have been. She was there. Her hand right above the button. As if to press it.... no... she cant... I CANT LET HER DO IT! "Y/N STOP!" She then flicks her eyes open. She is startled. Her hand jolts forwards. It like slow motion afterwards. 



Sorry I haven't updated in a while!


I left it on a cliffhanger because those are my specialities!

I hope you lot enjoyed it!

See y'all on the next chapter!!!!!

Words - 1272

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