'A Play Fight'

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They were all staring at me...

Well everyone except from killer of course, who was eating a cheese sandwich at the moment. He then also turns around with his mouth full and waves at me, smiling. Yeah! I now KNOW that killer likes me. Like as friends of course. One of them stands up and comes to me. I edge back a bit. Nightmare holds me so I dont go too far though. "I want you to meet Bill Sans....." He waves at me. "And Error 404." Then another guy comes up next to bill and reaches his hand out for me to shake. I just akwardly watch the hand. "Are you going to shake it or not?" I stop staring at the hand. "Y-Yeah sorry!" I then shake his hand. "Soooooo, I see that you are good friends with Nighty here arent ya?" I nod my head. I see Nightmare then side eyeing him with a annoyed look. Sheeeesh! Then the drama begins. "IM GETTING THE POPCORN!!" I snigger at killers comment. That guy comes up with the best things to say at the best of times! As excpected the two begin to fight over a stupid nickname. 

Killer goes to stand by my side. "It always gets even more interesting as it goes on trust me." I then observe killer. "What are you supposed to mean by that?" He then looks back at me. "Oh just that ive seen one of the fights between boss and bill, and it got SO funny at one point that I couldnt just keep it in anymore.." He paused for a second before saying. "Yeah, I nearly died that day heh!" "Geez man, so you are saying, that if I burst out laughing right now, then I would probably die?" Killer nods his head before looking back at the developing fight. I then heard another voice next to me. "Well... It also depends on how much they like you, But again, you are a human, at least I think, if nightmare likes you then I doubt he would hurt you but im not really sure about my friend bill over there." It was error 404. He seemed to notice that I was looking at him. "What are you doing that for?" I snap out of it and spin my head around so im now facing something else. "Nothing.." I then position my head up so that I could see the ongoing fight in front of me. OH BOY THIS WAS GETTING MORE INTERESTING ALRIGHT! I guess Killer was right about the fact that as time goes on it gets more interesting. Now they were throwing things at eachother. "Arent you going to do anything to stop it?" I stand there, not really sure what to do about the situation. Once again Error 404 answers. "Well I can and probably should, but its just fun to look at! Its not like you see this type of fight evolving in front of you every day, I am more powerful than both of them... just I have no desire to simply stop mild things like this!" Sheesh this guy talks alot. But wait a second... mild?

 I then see bill being thrown and I doge it bearly. GEEZ MAN. My dodge ball skills just got tested heh. I then burst out laughing and run out the room. BOY WENT FLYING!! I look up. There are two shadows of people infront of me. YEP! IVE MESSED UP BIG TIME! I think that Error 404 saw this and pointed a thumbs up at me. Yeah. Im going to start running now heh... I run down wherever. This place hosetly looks a bit like the backrooms not gonna lie... I run in a cirlce three times before running into a bathroom. PHEW! I think I have lost them. Then the door creaks open behind me. Yeah, luck isnt on my side today! I turn around. But instead of bill and nightmare, I see error 404. "What are you doing here?" He shrugs his shoulders. "Eh, I dont really know, I honestly though you would be dead by now!" Yeah! I probably would be if I wasnt a good runner... " Are they still looking for me?" "Well duuh they are, and they will probably be looking for you for the next 4-9 hours."  WHAT?! Yeah im definetly going to die today!

 Killer then rushed in. "THEY ARE CLOSE!" "AND THEY ARE NOT HAPPY!" I gulp. This has got to be the worst day that life will ever give me... "You better start running then kid... cus im not going to help you!" Killer then stares at me and smiles. "Sorry, but neither am I!" He then teleports away. JUST GREAT! Now Im all alone again. With a pretty high chance of dying again.... yay? I dont even know what to say anymore... well I should probably get out of here first. I look out the door. Okay nothing, the coast is clear. a-a-a-and RUN! Yeah... Wait a minute... Where am I supposed to run to? I pause for a minute before starting to run again. Yeah Im just going to run until I cant run anymore. Maybe by then it would have been 4-9 hours and maybe they wont kill me? Yeah im not having high hopes right now..... 

I just continue to run, geez im starting to get tired. But I cant stop! WHAT IF THEY FIND ME? I then continue to run as fast as I physically could. I then eventually enter a empty looking hallway. I stop and collapse onto the floor. I then quickly sit down and look around in all directions. Its empty okay I can chill. Not like I can run anymore. My legs dont work right now..... When will they work again? I have no idea! Yeah Im doomed if they find me. I fall back. All my strength has been used to run. Isnt there any food anywhere? I look around with a bit of force. Not by the looks of it.... That sucks! I just lie there, with no way of regaining energy. I still cant feel my legs... well I sorta can but those places only hurt. I sigh. What am I supposed to do now? Well I think that everyone thinks that I am 100% dead.... Yeah I probably should be, and im not because I have some good running skills.... that have all been used up. How long have I even been running for? Maybe a hour or two? Yeah Im not suprised my legs are dead. Ive never ran for that long with full force the whole time. Yeah actually I would be suprised if my legs were working! Oh geez what do I do? I drag myself to a door and open it with my arms. Luckily my arms are not dead yet! I then drag myself to a cupboard and open it. Inside of it lays a chocolate bar. YES FOOD! I open it up and gobble it up. I believe that was caramel chocolate, my second favourite type of chocolate after oreo of course! 

I lie down onto the cold floor and close my eyes, even though I know that im not getting any sleep because of the pain im in. I look around. What am I supposed to do. I sit up and try to bend my legs into a comfortable position for me. Of course that doesnt work and they end of sliding down. I sit up anyways. Trying to ignore my non functionable legs. Yeah there is definetly something real sketchy going on in here.... or maybe its just me going paranoid. Oh nevermind! I decide to try and relax myself, which I know is obviously not going to work but im going to try just in case! After a couple of minutes of trying to relax myself, I unsuprisingly give up on the task. I then hear a creak behind me. I spin my head around. It was just a closet door swinging from side to side, maybe it was just a gust of wind... wait a minute..... wasnt that closet closed when I came in- I feel something grab my waist and I am pulled into darkness...


I managed to make this one a bit longer heh! 

I think its one of my longest chapters!

I do hope that you liked it!

Also thank you guys for 2.5K veiws!

Ill make more than one  persons Pov in the next chapter I promise!

Also sorry for not updating yesterday!

I was busy hanging out with my friend!


Words - 1428

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