'Help On The Way'

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Hello! Just before I start I just want to mention something real quick! Soooooo! I am really happy that we have gotten to 4.4K views in 3 weeks! Like WOW! Im very grateful but seriously.... WE GOTTA SLOW DOWN! I havent even managed to do the 2K special! So yeah I just want to thank you guys for actually reading this.... Im going to be honest.. I did not expect this to get over 400 reads as my earlier stories didnt get as popular but now Im just trying a newer thing to me and im quite shocked on how it turned out! Also sorry for not updating yesterday as I was quite busy and came home quite late so sorry about that! I HAVE BEEN TALKING TOO MUCH NOW! I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Error 404 POV:

Nightmare looks at me with a intense look in his eyes. I could tell he was stressed. Probably a emotion that he felt quite often. Im not going to question it though, especially in the situation we are in right now aswell. "We are going over to Ink today..." I widen my eyes. Isnt that where that dream idiot lives? I thought he hated those guys. "Since when do you want to go there?" Nightmare just stares for a while before saying, "He could help us... with y/n." I roll my eyes. I smirk enough so its visible. "I see you have finally started to care for humans!" He glares at me before breaking eye contact with me and grabbing me by the by the neck with one of his tentacles. "Sure... I might care for this one, but that dosent mean that I will show mercy to any other being in this multiverse!" I then see Killer leaning in. "What about meeeeee boss!" He says in a cute baby voice. I cover a hand over my mouth and laugh as quietly as I can at the comment he made. I see nightmare rolling his eyes. "Im talking about humans you idiot....." He then looks at him smiling. "Unless you say that you are a human!" Killers eyes then widen as he leans back into the chair he was sitting in earlier before shaking his head vigoursly. I couldnt help but snigger at Killers reaction. 

I then feel Nightmare squeezing me harder. Oh yeah. Forgot about that! I quickly break out of his grip. By now the smirk on my face was no longer there. "Dont make me remind you what happened last week!" He gulps and turn away. Yeah haha. Looks like he dosent really want to chat about that topic haha. I then peer at y/n. Who is still standing there quietly, showing now emotion on her face..... In a way, I do miss that smug grin on her face. Sure I havent known her for a while.... but Im going to be honest here. There is something about that girl that is special...now that I think of it... I might know what it is.

Nightmare POV:

I just continue to stare at the wall. Why am I staring at the wall? I hear a voice behind me. Its Error 404 again. "So how long until we leave?" I look at him in the eyes. Quite uncomfortable in my opinion but who cares at this point. "As soon as we can.... the quicker we can get y/n out of this state, the better..." I look around at the others. Why are they all so quiet. Its like only me and Error 404 is in the room.... Feels a bit wired.... I shake that feeling off and walk towards y/n, who is still standing there doing nothing, nothing but watching us. "Are you ready?" I see her nod her head. I then grab her arm. 

Right before I teleport away. Killer and Error 404 rush over to me. Why is it always these two? "We want to come!" I shake my head. "It can cause too much disruption!" I turn back to leave once again but Killer grabs me by the shoulder. "What if you get hurt boss? I want to protect you just in case!" "And I can fight them off easily in case anything happens!" I sigh."Fine... But be quick with it!" They both smile and hold onto me. I look back at my boys. "Ill be back as soon as I can!" They nod their head and we dissapear from their sight. This was going to be interesting isnt it!


I dont know what Im doing anymore. Nightmare is holding onto me. That sight in front of me.... I didnt know how to describe what I just saw..... Its hard to think like this. It almost hurts to think... But at the same time it dosent hurt at all. This is too weird. Its like I CAN feel something... Its just that I cant show it. Like hidden deep inside. Only in my deepest thoughts. I want to do something about all this but I literally cant. I wish I could. The black around us disappears. Did I forget to mention that there was nothing but black around us for a short while? Oh well. Thats too bad I guess......

 I look around. This place... Oh yeah. Its the ummm.. star sanses place isnt it. Why are we here? I dont remember the conversation. I need to calm down. It hurts. I cant show it. Like I said earlier. Well maybe I can.... Maybe Im not trying hard enough... But I dont need to try hard enough do I? I just need to relax and let it all go. I then see three skeletons in front of me. Its dream, ink and blue right? I dont remember that well. Its hard to remember when you can bearly think. I then see their faces worry. "Are you okay? Have you been hurt by them?!" I shake my head at blue's words." He seems suprised I guess. "Whats wrong with you?" I hear dreams voice. He walks up to me and holds my hand. "Why cant I feel anything in you?" Nightmare then rips him from me. "Because she isnt feeling anything... thats why im here... I need... your help.." Dream looks at nightmare. "How do you expect us to help with that?" Nightmare rolls his eyes. The three seem to be ignoring 404 and Killer, I wont think about though.... 

"Since ink cant feel emotions sometimes... I feel like he could help with y/n..." I can then see ink's face turn to nightmare. "Sure whatever... But we arent letting you come aswell!" "Sure sure whatever JUST DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!" Ink nods his head and grabs my arm. He then starts to lead me to where I believe is his bedroom. Then the questions begin....


Sorry its a bit later and shorter! I didnt have much time to write this!

I hope you guys liked it!

Words - 1158

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