~Bonus Chapter 2~

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Well I think you guys already know this is my 1K special.... enjoy!

Also y/n isn't going to be in this chapter

Nightmare POV:

Well I'm a bit bored todayyy... what do I want to do? Well, torturing dream is just so not for me today... how about putting them in the building today? Nah. Oh! I know. I'm going to try out that new game killer gave me for my last birthday. So I go up to my room, planning on finding it. I open the door to my empty room. I then go to my bookshelf, I always like reading, I just don't do it that much anymore. Well, maybe I'll read something this evening at the dinner table. I scan the bookshelves for the game, it was some kind of card game, I don't remember the name for it though, guess I got to find it to find out the name. I then look under my bed. Aha! Found it! A small red box of cards with the word 'UNO' on it. So that's what the game is called! Well, one of his friends probably wanted him to give it to me because I don't usually let killer buy such things. Actually, where did he get this from? I look at the back of the small card box. There is no name of the store he got it from. I get my scanner from my phone and scan the red packaging. The only thing that shows up is more pictures of the card game. Well, since I have nothing better to do and I decently bored. I might aswell ask them to play it. 

I leave my room with the card box in my left hand, and my empty coffee mug in the other. I walk over to the kitchen to see the boys cooking something. I don't even want to know what it is. Hopefully not something that will blow the whole place up. Anyways, I sit down, unnoticed. Then cross turns around to get something out of the many drawers and screams. Yep he saw me. The others spin around, including horror, who is currently holding a pan containing a undercooked pancake inside. I then see a pancake flying in my direction, I quickly dodge it and by the time I lift my head up again, I hear the sound of a undercooked pancake hit the walls of my kitchen. My dodging skills are just TOO good. "Come on guys it wasn't that bad!" "I've put you through worse and I've seen a calmer reaction from that than this HONESTLY!!" I just stare at them. "Well, you could have told us you were coming in to prevent all that drama!" I end up rolling my eyes and pulling out the pack of cards. "Oooooooh! Is that the game I got you for your birthday!!??" I look at him before saying. "Yes it is, and we are all going to play it." Everyone is pretty happy that we aren't doing anything too crazy. Well everyone except for killer, who of course squeals that we are going to play his game all together. We usually don't do such things so you could say that this is a rare occasion. "But boss what about th-" "we will clean that up later dust..." He then looks at me before sitting down on a chair in front of me. "Also where did you get this from killer?" He then looks at me for a brief moment. "Well when colour gave it to me he said that he got it from Tesco's!" I looked at him again... "didn't I tell you to not hang out with colour?" He then realises what he's said and stays silent for a while. Well of course he got it from Tesco's, I mean Sainsbury's is more overpriced and everything sooooo. 

I take the cards out of the packaging. "Does anyone know how to play this?" Killer then smiles. Well, yeah what else was I expecting... "I know how to play! Co-" "Ok, ok enough about this idiot." After killer explains the whole concept of the game to me and the others, I start to hand the cards out one by one. "It should be 7 each right?" Killer then looks at me and nods his head, great! Then out of NOWWHERE. Error decides to appear, just great. "I hEaRd YoU GuYs WeRe PlAyInG UnO So I dEcIdEd To CoMe AnD wAtCh!" I just roll my eyes and continue giving out the cards. "YoU KnoW ItS VeRy RuDe To IgNoRe SoMEonE wHEn ThEy SpEak To YoU." I turn around and simply look at him. "Does it look like I care?" I then hear killer laughing behind me. I turn back to look at him, he immediately stops laughing. Haha. I mean, I didn't tell him to stop but oh well. I then finish handing out the cards and we begin the game. At first I had the most cards, horror had 7 cards still, while Cross had 5 and killer and dust had 3. Things quickly switched directions though when I decided to use a '+4'  on killer. Geez he was pissed haha. I then got to my last card. "Uno!" I said, then killer looked at me AGAIN. I bet you he was hoping secretly that I would forget to say uno. Well this boi is wrong haha. I put the last card down. " YES I WON!!!!" I then took a sip of my coffee again. " I WaS HoPinG YoU WouLDnT WiN..." I roll my eyes at errors comment, not like I cared anyways. Killer banged on the table. "REMATCH!!!" I chuckled and said sure. I have my ways for this heh. Error then sits down. "IM JoInIng ThIs TimE tO PrOvE ThAt I'm BeTtEr ThAn YoU At SoMEthInG!" I stared at him. " so you're basically saying that I'm better than you at everything?" He then decided not to answer. This guy honestly... this time killer was handing out the cards. We then began the next match, well all I'm going to say is... I won again haha. And guess what? ERROR RAGED!!! I always knew this guy had anger issues. This is what he said after he lost the game AFTER that. "YOU KNOW WHAT?! IM LEAVING, WATCHING UNDERNOVELA IS WAY BETTER THAN BEING WITH A BUNCH OF IDIOTS!!!" I smiled. "Don't forget that you're the one that came here in the first place!" He ends up raging more before finally leaving. This guys honestly.... We played a few more round after that, I'm deciding to leave who won all of them a mystery heh. I pack up all the cards and walk back to my room, saying goodbye to the boys. They then proceed to clean up the kitchen after I leave. I walk back to my room, Chuck the cards under my bed again, and flop onto the bed. Welp, that was a fun day!

That's it for this bonus chapter!

Hope you enjoyed it!

I had lots of fun making it :P

Words - 1180

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