'The End'

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I sighed, so what now? I wasn't expecting any of this...... Did I ever want this? Did I ever want to leave the world I came from, but I guess after all, this was all accident.. not something I meant to do in the first place.. 

We walk back to the kitchen in silence. But silence docent last forever and I knew that. In fact that was something I knew too well, too well to ever let anyone convince me that I'm wrong. I attempt to secretly take out my soul but nothing happened. It wasn't there and I didn't know why.... Why? Why did all of this happen? Why am I always the person that is in the middle unknowingly? Why am I aware that I am myself and not anyone else that exists in this world? Why.. why... why.... What even is all of this for? For myself or is all this just for someone else's amusement? IVE HAD ENOUGH! "Y/N!" That was a voice, the voice of nightmare. I seemed to be on the floor. "What happened?" Nightmare only sighed. "Lets just go... and not talk about this anymore..." I nod and stand up. If it wasn't something I should know, then I shouldn't know at all... right? right? I follow nightmare to the kitchen. I then see everyone else, all slimming at me. Smiling? I take a deep breath in... why does this feel like the first day of school for me? Why does everything feel so off? Why.... why dont I remember? What just happened.... 10 minutes ago... "Y/n are you okay?" I look back up. "Yes, I'm alright!" Well, time to be myself again! Cheerful, fun and creative! Cheerful.. fun. and.... creative... YEAH! I then see a tray that held burnt cookies... and by burnt, it was BLACK. IT WAS THAT BURNT! I couldn't help my laugh. "W-who MADE THOSE?!" 

Everyone looked around each other, before all looking back at horror. Well, what else could I have expected? I smile. Not fake, but very, very.... real! yeah! I looked around. Everything.. just felt fuzzy... that pretty normal for me I guess. The world always felt fuzzy to me.. but this much? I dont know... I'm not going to think about that anymore! What's the point of thinking negatively? No point right? Exactly.... I look around at everyone. "Sooo what now?" Everyone once again looks around each other, including nightmare this time. They ended up just shrugging their shoulders. I then saw a huge smile creep up on nightmare. "OOOOOOOOH! Boss has got a ideaaaaa!" I look over at nightmare. "So what ya got in mind?" Nightmare looks over at me. "How about we go give the star idiots a visit!" I give nightmare a look. "Okaaaayyyy...." Killer then decides to butt in. "YES YES YESSSSS THATS THE BEST IDEA IVE HEARD TODAY LETS DO IT YESSSSSSS!!!!!" ..... Looks like someone is hyper today! "Oh please shut up you piece of sh**.."

Killer then leans back for a moment before running over to me and grabbing my shoulders. what? "PLEASE HELP ME FROM THIS OCTOPUS... BEAT HIM UP LIKE 404!!!!" I slowly look over at killer before looking at nightmare the same way I looked over at killer. heheh... I'm going to prank this guy by pretending imma attack him, let's see his reaction! So, as fast as I can, I go into position to fight him. Nightmare then screams and jumps back. As I relax I burst out laughing so hard that I fall onto the floor. After like 5 minutes of straight up laughing I managed too muster up some words... "You are such an idiot!" He looks away awkwardly. Hard to believe I embarrassed an octopus! EHEM! Sorry I meant nightmare! 

I eventually get up. Brushing myself off from any dust particles that could've stuck to me. I smile. I look at them.... fuzzy, fuzzy, fuzzy is all I see. It all goes quiet.... huh? "GUYS?!" I shout and shout but nothing answers me. "HELLO?" Im scared now.... "ANYONE?" Then my vision returns... Im in my room... my actual room... where all of this started..... What? I feel tears starting to roll down my eyes and I collapse onto the floor. "NOOOO!" I then hear a voice.. "Good luck....." I spin around trying to identify where it came from.... I then see the glasses, my glasses. I see the portal appear out of nowhere again.... that same portal I saw... so long ago.... but it's happening all again..... I want to go in, but a force, I dont know what it is, is keeping me away from it. I just stand there for a minute. Trying to muster up what I think is going on at the moment.... What? The ports closes and I fall onto my knees, onto the carpet. I look up. The tears have dried up. This used to be my ordinary life until I changed it all..... Now I'll need to get used to this one again... but for how long until something happens again? I have no idea....

I then hear my phone ring. I basically jump over to it, answering it. It was one of my friends... one of those friends. I take a deep breath in and answer the phone. "Hello?" 

THATS IT! Woooooowww! I actually managed to finish this! Well. That was the last chapter guys! If it was a bit rushed I'm sorry! I dont really have time most of the time... but I do work on timing that for sure! I really hope y'all enjoyed all 61 or whatever number chapter of this book! It was nice to be able to see my progress on something like this! So... now I will be making a part 2 for this! But...... I will put that on hold! As I have many other ideas for stories! If you want to check any of my other stories out then feel free to go onto my profile :d. Well... I guess this is the end for now guys! ILL SEE YALL AROUND!!!!THIS IS EMOTIONAL!!!  ILL MISS THIS!

Words: 1031

Date of Beginning:18/06/2023

Date of End: 01/10/2023

Chapters in total including extras: 61

Hello! It's me from 5th of may 2024, it's been over half a year! So I've decided to read this again, and boi I loved it lol, this part just made me sad lol, tho it did make me even more proud of what I have created, I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I have, thank you for just being here and helping me get this book to over 10k reads which is something I thought I would never achieve :>

Alsooo update from 10th may 2024 Im sorry to announce that I won't be making stories on this account anymore but I have two friends who have just started but got some great stories so I would totally recommend checking them out, their users are :>







anyways ciaooooo

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