'Problems With Emotions'

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Im still currently in the room, Error 404 standing in front of me. I we just look at eachother, not knowing what to do or say. I see his eyes moving from one place to another, inspecting me. As if he was looking for something..... I then remember the stain on my hand. It was more of a gray stain now. But still visible. I hide it under my sleeve. He eyes then point in that hands direction. He then sees it being covered by the sleeve. "Let me see that hand...." I shake my head, hold my hand and take a step back. I cant let them know, or him in this particular situation. His face is now serious. He is giving me a cold stare. I dont like that stare. I look away. I dont want to be looking at that. Come on me! Think of something to distract him! Uhhhhhhhhhh. What do I do?! Maybe changing the subject would work? I dont know, this guy is pretty smart, or is he I dont really know. I dont really know him well, for a matter of fact I dont know anyone here too well. I take another step back. Indicating that I dont want to talk about it. Im still looking to the side. Trying to avoid any way or form of making eye contact. 

I close my eyes. Im not going to let my emotions take over me this time! I clench my teeth. Come on! I think its starting to work.... I think.... I open my eyes. I look back up at error 404 as confidently as I can. C-c-c-come on! I can do this. His stare, its just so.... Its hard to explain... Should I say dark? Or is that not a good word to describe it... I then feel my teeth relaxing. For the first time... in so many years... I have been able to stop one of my emotional breakdowns all on my own. 

I smile, I dont know why but I smile. I look down at the hand. Could it be that its because of that substance. The hand is still covered by the sleeve. I then feel something hit me. Its not like pain or anything just... I cant feel it can I? I cant feel.... What cant I feel. I look down onto the floor in front of me. Error 404 then grabs me by my shoulders and pushes me to the ground. I cant react. Its not letting me. I just stare at him blankly. "Y/N STOP THIS YOU ARE SCARING ME!" I look at him before saying. "Im fine..." He is... I dont know how to say this. Suprised. He then grabs the hand. I dont do anything about it. Why do I not care? He takes the hand, the hand with the stain on and rolls the sleeve up. He sees the stain. His eyes widen. "You w-w-were...." I just look at him. I dont really know what to answer. Why cant I feel anything? I can only say it in my head. "We need to bring you back to the others!" I dont really know what to do about this. Its like Im feeling everything at the same time but also feeling nothing at all. Could it really be because of that stupid stain on my hand? Maybe I shouldnt have meddled with anything! I want to cry. But I cant.

He grabs me by my sleeve and teleports me, I then see that he teleported me to the castle. To the hallway. He then starts to run. I just stand there and do nothing. "Arent you coming?" I just stare at him. "Sure.."

He leads me to the hallway. The one where it all happened.... He pulls me into the room with the closet. "Try to take your soul out!" I nod my head and I do as he tells me to. I place my hand out in front of me. In the blink of a eye, the soul appears. It seems normal. At least it seems normal to me.... He looks at it. Observing every single little bit. "Was it always black?" I continue to stare at him. "And maybe stop with the staring its starting to creep me out.." "No not really, but its been like that for a while.... I think". He nods his head. I look at him. Trying my best not to stare at him creepily. He grabs my hand and holds it. "We will find a way to figure this out." I turn my head sideways. "What if we dont.... and what if it gets worse?" His eyes widen once again. I can see that he is trying to keep calm in this situation. "D-d-dont worry about that!" I nod my head. I then see him standing up. He grabs me by my sleeve and pulls me up with him. I then see Bill run out of the bathroom. He looks at me. "I HAVE FINALLY FOUND YOU!" He then see me completely, then he saw my hand. "Oh no..."

Bill POV:

I look at her. I observe every bit of her. I then see her hand.... I was right in a way... It did touch her and the effects are starting to kick in. Well I dont really know the effects of it touching you but I suspect that this is one of them... Ill have to ask Nightmare about that. I look worried. So does 404, and y/n..... There is no sign of emotion on her face... I need to get her to nightmare about this. Wherever that idiot is! "How long has she been like this?" Error 404 looks at me, still looking very worried. "Its been around a hour." I then see y/n look at 404.

"Hasnt it only been 15 minutes?" Atleast I know that she can speak normally. Well she dosent sound like herself. But well.... Im not even going to try and explain it. "We need to get her to nightmare!" Error 404 then spins his attention to me again. "We cant do that!" "Why!?" "She told me that she didnt want to tell anyone!" I shake my head in disbelief. "DO YOU KNOW HOW DANGEROUS THIS IS FOR A HUMAN LIKE HER?!" "That is if she even is a human...." I look at him abrubtly. "What do you mean by that?" "Her soul is black if havent noticed..." "Black? Since when do humans have blacks souls?" "Maybe they dont....." Im quite taken back by the few words that 404 had just said. I clench my teeth. "STILL ITS DANGEROUS FOR HER! IT ISNT NORMAL FOR SOMEONE LIKE HER TO NOT BE FEELING ANYTHING!" This time 404 just nods his head. "Come on.... if we dont want other effects to kick in then we should hurry up!" He just nods his head again and we teleport to the kitchen.

Nightmare POV:

Im still looking for her, worried. Me and killer end up giving up on trying to find her and 404. I wonder where Bill went though.... I wonder if he has found them. Me and Killer return to the kitchen, where cross, dust and horror are sitting. Just talking. Cross turns around to see me and Killer entering the kitchen. "Any luck?" I shake my head. I was hoping that I wouldnt be shaking my head. I dont even want to annoy her anymore. I just want to find her. WHY DO I CARE FOR THAT DANG HUMAN SO MUCH ANYWAYS! Dust runs up to me. "Are you alright boss?" I shake my head. "NO IM NOT FINE!" He then takes a step back and looks above me. I hear a familiar voice behind me.

 I turn around to see error 404, bill and y/n. Bill and 404 showing negative feelings and y/n showing..... nothing? I run up to them. "Is everything okay?!" Bill shakes his head silently and shows me y/n's arm. O-o-o-oh N-n-no...... It did... I look at y/n. "Howlong has she been like this?" My tone of voice being a lot more serious now. "Its been around 1 hour and 15 minutes." I look at y/n. "So it did touch her..." Bill makes eye contact with me and nods his head. I breathe in. Trying not to panic. "I think I might know who to go to for this...." I then hear Killer say Oh no behind me. I turn around to face him. "Its either him Killer or we may never get y/n to have emotions again...." Killer nods his head. I turn back to face them. "Do you feel anything y/n?" She looks at me coldly. "I dont really know.... I might be trying but who knows if I am..." I nod my head. I cant believe Im actually going to be doing this....


I hope you guys liked it!

Idk what else to say so...

See ya guys on the next chapter!

Words - 1495

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