'An Unbreakable Soul'

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Y/n POV: 

It's quite different here.... It's so empty and bland. I like it in a way, error has untied me by now, at least I think that his name is error, and he's sitting on his beanbag watching something.... I walk over to him. "What are you doing?" He looked at me, mid surprised. "ThAt iS nONe Of YoUr BuIsIneSS..." I look at what he's looking at. It kind of looks like a portal, but also a tv at the same time. "What are you watching?" He looks at me again. "dO YoU WaNt To bE TiEd Up AgAiN?" I just shrug my shoulders, " I don't mind either way...... it's not like I can get out of here anyways." Nightmare then barges in. "WhAt dO yOu WaNt?" Error looks intensely at nightmare. "I'm here to take back the kid..." They just look at each other. "Guess I'll be taking her now!..." This isn't going to be fun.... And I already knew what was about to happen. "HeRe KiD..." error passes me a chocolate bar, on it, it says ' UNDERFELLS CHOCOLATE DO NOT TOUCH!!!' I honestly think this doesn't belong to him, and well yeah! I watch as a freaking fight breaks out in front of me. This was going to be fun to watch!

Well it's been a couple minutes, I was honestly excpecting a cool and big fight. Umm, this kinda looks like a play fight to me, they are literally looking at each other and- wait. OH BOY THIS IS GETTING INTERESTING!!!! Wait- WAIT WHAT NO....

Nightmare POV:

I looked back. I say y/n trying her best not to laugh.... How can she even laugh in a situation like this?..... oh wait. We literally aren't doing anything... I think error seemed to notice too and gave me a look. Oh I knew what to do. Obviously we both started to chase her around. I went a bit easy on her cause you know.... But error.... ERROR WAS GOING FOR HER BRO. Boi was using his strings and everything while I was just chasing her, not using my tentacles. Obviously not wanting to cause her any serious harm.  But what was the FUNNIEST, was that  error could not get her, EVEN with his strings, I couldn't help but laugh at errors failed attempts. He side eyed me. " whats wrong?-" I couldn't help it.... "Ruru....". Then I heard y/n fall onto the floor. Completely loosing it. Error then decided then to try tie her up again. See how I mentioned 'try'? Cause it took him 5 minutes to do it. Cus he literally missed when y/n was nearly moving at all. 

He then went for her  soul. She stopped smiling. That's when I went for him. Sure, this human isn't the best. But it doesn't deserve to die. Especially scone this is one of the only humans that I've liked for decades. Im not going to let this idiot ruin this for me again... I dashed for him, and he dodged. "WhY dO WaNt ThIs PaThEtIc HuMaN To LiVE?" He looks at me and continues to pull at his strings, I wasn't about to let a human that I actually like die in front of me.... I went to get her again, but error threw me back across the anti void. I teleported back. She was crying.... But I didn't feel the emotion coming from her.... Was she faking the pain? Impossible...  error doesn't pretend to do these type of things. He then starts to pull as hard as he can, at least I think that. "WHY CANT YOU JUST DIE!??!!" Yep he was trying his hardest. But also what. I looked at her soul.... It was black. I dont think I've ever seen a black soul before. The soul starts to crack, and all I can do is watch. "HaH ItS FiNaLlY TiMe FoR YoUr End HuMaN!" Then the soul heals. "Huh, WHAT?!" "DONT TELL ME YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH THIS YOU GOOPY OCTOPUS!!!"  I look at him, VERY PISSED. "No I don't, and I would appreciate it if you wouldn't call me that.." Error then releases y/n knowing that for some reason its not breaking. "Sheesh, the oh so destroyer cant break a single humans soul." " how pathetic." He rolls his eyes and observes y/n. "I mEaN tHeRe IsNt ReAlLy AnYtHiNg  wRonG WitH HeR...." Im surprised, I definitely haven't seen a human with a black soul... what is that even supposed to mean? I look at her. "You know I can't get power from fake emotions right?" She looks at me, taking her attention off of the soul in front of her. "Sure I do, I just.... I don't know why it's black either, and why it didn't hurt..." I stare at her. That didn't really answer my question, but I was surprised that she didn't feel anything... "so you still feel emotions?" She nods her head. "Are you sure your a human?" She looks at both of us. "Of course I am, i literally come from a multiverse where only humans exist!" Errors eyes widen. " DiD YoU jUsT SaY mUlTiVeRsE oR aM I mIsTaKen?" " Yes I did just say multiverse error..." What was I watching....


I didnt understand anything I just went through. Sure, i said it like I understood it, I over her am clueless about everything that is going on right now. I think that nightmare knew. I mean, my soul was red, but then it turned black, bit by bit. I thought this was maybe not mine, or something not important.... NOT MY FREAKING SOUL!! About nightmares question too, Im sure that I'm a human, there is no denying anything at this point. Errors reaction to all this is just priceless! I looked over at nightmare, then at error. Just why me? Why do I have to go through these- "Wait what day is it?" "ITs A MoNdAy, WhY?" Ok, so now at least I know why this is all happening to me today.... 


Hehe that's all for now guys!

Sorry about the small delay, it was kinda hard to do this chapter, especially with my timing and everything. :]

Anyways I hope you liked it!

Words- 1039

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