'Just a Visit'

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Hello! I hope you lot are having a good day/night! I hope you will enjoy this chapter! I will make it shorter than the other SLIGHTLY because I'm basically being ripped apart inside lol. Nothing unusual but just saying yeah! Another thing.... BASICALLY 7.5K READS YAS! Im very VERY grateful for this. I FEEL LIKE I MENTIONED THIS SO MANY TIME IM SORRY! So like idk I might make this chapter between 800-1000 words because, like I just said two or three lines earlier, IM BASICALLY BEING RIPPED APART INSIDE! Not literally but I think you get what I mean! SO...... I SHALL BEGIN!


I really do not want to be here right now! I need to find nightmare and solve the problem I kinda made.... I guess it's my fault I got here included... but I do need to know how she managed to get into another multiverse just like that. That's one of the most rarest things to ever occur in history, knowing the fact that going to a different universe by accident is already incredibly rare, yet alone a multiverse..... it's too rare to even think about... but me? Not really, I didn't do it by accident, I'm sure it was one day going to happen, I just did not know when.. thats all I can really say. I wish some things could have ended differently though..... no one knows...... how my life really went do they? They should never know... my past is not something to worry about. ITS NOT WORTH IT! Why did I even write the possibility of her even.... I-I-I-I CANT LET HER DO IT! I dont want her to be hurt just like I was hurt, for thousands, and thousands of decades...... all because of one mistake. But if she makes that choice, I have no way of stopping her! ..... what if she does do it though... will be any version of me left that hasn't.... I guess I was about to say suffered.... but everyone has suffered their bit, or is yet to suffer. Not as much as me though... right?

Well I know for sure that she won't turn out just like me....probably in an alternate multiverse that I dont know the route of and by that I mean a exactly same multiverse just on the opposite side of the other.. So very very VERY far away.... traveling by multiverses is dangerous in general....Tragic things could happen, like a glitch occurring, falling in the process of travelling. Not only is it dangerous, its extremely tiring.... please dont choose that option.... 

I beg of you....

"HELLO??!!" uh.. I must have zoned out.... what did I zone out about? I'll ask my buddy later... oh yeah! You dont know who my buddy is! I explain them later!  For now I'm going to focus of these kids in front of me. "Hey guys! Long time no see heh?" They nod their heads. "HEY WHY SO SHY??" They shrugs their shoulders, one by one. I face palm. SERIOUSLY! I yeahhhhhh. I know how to break the silence with these guys! "What.... you scared?" Then they all shout at once. "NO!" I laugh at their reaction. KNEW THAT WOULD WORK!! Works every time! Heh! I then see error 404 in the crowd of cHildReN! "Long time no see pal.." I then motion him to come to me. He rolls his eyes and walks over. "You're still shorter than me...." I growl. "NO IM NOT!" he laughs. I sigh. "Has your power gotten better?" I nod my head. He smiles. "I bet I'll still be able to beat you!" I smile back at him. "We will see about that buddy!" I then see cross coming out laughing... why? "F-F-F-Forgot to say!......" Like what? "NO..... DONT... YOU ... DAREEEE!"  He is still laughing and I can see the others are starting to laugh too. What is this on about? "GLITCHY 2.0 GOT BEAT UP BY A HUMAN 2 WEEKS AGO!!!" I cant help bursting out laughing. So hard I fall onto the floor. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAS THIS GUY JUST BECOME STUPID OR WHAT?! 

"Y/N isnt 'just a human' Oreo idiot..." I then see cross pulling a face and going to the back of the crowd of ChIlDrEn. I then stop laughing and get up. "Y/N beat you up?" He nods his head, clearly embarrassed. "Y/N isnt someone to be underestimated.. remember that, she is more capable than what you think." I smile creeps up on my face. "Dont underestimate her... unless you want to mess with a...-" Killer looks at me suspiciously. "A what?" I look over to the side. "Nothing killer, nothing..." He shrugs his shoulders and smacks cross. "HAHAH YOU GOT CALLED A OREO IDIOT!" I laugh for a moment. I nearly came out there, I cant tell that y/n is a version of me. That too risky to even thinks about.... In fact, I won't even think about it anymore, at least for now. 

"Do you lot know where nightmare is?" The ChiLdReN look around each other. Cross then steps out again. "Well, I last saw him looking for Y/N, no one really knows where he is now, you will just have to take a look around." I nod my head. I'll visit error aswell. If I visited them the I should also visit him. That wouldn't be very nice if I just came here and didn't tell him, also he might know where nightmare is so I would kinda go there either way! 

Guess I know where I'm heading now!



welp I hope you enjoyed the chapter! 

See you guys on the NEXT CHAPTER!


Words - 944

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