'The cell'

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Y/n POV:

Okay, ummm, I don't know if I should come out. This dude seems pretty sketchy. But at the same time, I'm not trying to die here. The person repeats their words once again. Just a bit more seriously and with some obvious anger shown.

"I don't want to force you out of there"

Is that supposed to be a threat? I don't know..... now it seems even more sketchy.

"I'm giving you one last chance to come out..."

This time I decide to actually think about what I Im going to do, I mean this guy seems sketchy, and so does this place.I finally decide to come out. I look up, and what I see is not expected....

??? POV:

I knew I heard something, I told the boys to go wait for me outside. I knew there was someone else in the room, I could sense it. Not only that, it was under the table. I think...NO I'm sure of it. Im not about to make a fool of myself! That would  be embarrassing. I swear if they find out!!!!  Wait.... What was I-? Oh yeah. The kid under the table. I repeated myself again. No answer. I was getting pissed. Not only was someone in my castle. They were hiding under my table, I think, and not wanting to come out. Well at least their negativity is helping me out in a way. I look back down at the table and I say that I'm giving one last chance for them to come out. I hear some rustling under the table. I was right. There was someone there.

Y/n POV:

I ain't gonna lie, I'm pretty stressed out about this.I then start to come out, first my head, then my arms.... And you know what's next. After I stand up and dust myself. I look up. There is this black figure that's dripping some weird goo in front of me. "What the-"

The being looks at me with a mixed feeling of confusion, relief and anger. I want to know what it is. But I don't want to ask. This guy looks like someone that would have anger issues, and me over here is not about to make that worse.It breaks the silence. "Who are you and why are you here?"  I just shrug my shoulders. " I don't know.... One second I was in my room and on-" "do you know my brother?"it interrupted. "No, I don't even know you, so how am I supposed to know your brother?" It just looks at me. Now more relieved than angry. "So what do you refer yourself as?" I ask, fearing a bad response. It looks at me blankly. " you can refer to me as nightmare..." Well that's an interesting name! We just look at each other for about 5 minutes. " You should leave..."  " but I don't want to" Nightmare looks at me. Then he says that I guess I could stay in his dungeon for a while until he came back. I nodded my head in agreement. Wow. Im somehow not dead yet. Geez. If this guy is called nightmare. Then imagine the things he possibly does to people. I could be wrong. But why would someone be called nightmare for no reason. 

We start to go down some steps. Actually, there are a lot of steps..... ALOT OF STEPS. After what seemed like forever. We finally got to the bottom of the staircase. It was pretty dark, you could still see a couple of meters in front of you, there were old fashioned torches on the side of the walls every 3 meters or so on both sides. The walls were grey and dull, yet something was still cheerful about the place, what was it. I still don't know. After a while, we got to a medium sized door, the only thing on the door that shook me, was that they were multiple locks to that thing. After Nightmare unlocked all of them, which took awhile. He let me inside. "It's not the best, but you should be grateful that It's not worse" he paused for about a second."Got it?"  I then nodded my head hastily. He then led me inside and said that he'd come back later with company. I didn't know and didn't want to know what that 'company' was gonna do to me. He closed the door and locked it, on only one of the locks. Does this sketchy nightmare guy like me? I mean, I'm not saying it in a bad way. I am going to be honesty here. I'm quite surprised I'm not dead or nearly dead. I guess that's good new for me. Though, I ain't gonna complain about it.

Nightmare POV:

I just locked her cell now. But only for one lock. Not all of them. There is something about this human that I mid like. I'll introduce her to the rest later after I've had some fun.I come back outside to meet what I call, the idiots, well I don't call them that in public but I'm reconsidering my options with how annoying they are. I'll have a talk with them later about the topic. " Sooooo what are we doing today boss???"  " Why do I even have to say this again Killer, WE ARE GOING TO TORTURE MY FREAKING BROTHER!!!" " oh yeahhhhhh, forgot about that" "also is error joining us this time?" " you already know the answer to that question you idiot" And THESE types of conversations happen day to day. Honestly, I killer might one of the most annoying ones in the group now. Soon Cross is going to be better than him. And error, well I see him sometimes..... he kinda ditched the group a while ago. I didn't really care at that point. I get along fine with him, and we see each other sometimes. But we don't work together anymore.

Anyways...... ITS BEEN A NICE DAY YOU KNOW!!!! Or should a say a horrible one? Well I'm gonna say this right now. WE BEAT THE LIFE OUT OF DREAM TODAY! I'm quite dissatisfied that we couldn't kill him.... maybe another day you know! I return with 'the idiots' back to the castle. And then I remember about the human. Oh yeah. I should ask for her name. There was something special about her. I don't really know what. But it's something that doesn't want me to get rid of her, I think. I call the boys over to the kitchen and tell them about ' our new guest'.....


Hope you enjoyed this chapter

Again, sorry if there are any grammatical errors


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