'Pulled From A Dream'

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hello! Just before I start I just want to thank you guys for over 7K reads! Earlier I thought that I would never be able to make it this far! Who knows? Maybe that 7.1K will be 10K soon! But for now thank you guys for reading my story! OK ILL START THE CHAPTER NOW!

Just a warning:



I woke up.... I don't remember going to sleep, and not here.... on the floor, in a bathroom that looks oddly familiar.... I don't know why... is something off? And if it is then why do I not know about it.... by that I mean I don't know absolutely anything about it.... and I'm scared to know that... I guess. I stand up. My head kind of hurts. What happened before this? Why do I not know.... Its kind of scaring me... 

I go to look in the bathroom mirror.. I don't see myself... I see someone else, how do I describe them... Long white hair with bangs, not in a grandma way, which streaks of black, their eyes were black, one pupil white, the other green, Black streaks pulled from her eyes to the bottom of her cheeks, a bit like errors ones. She was wearing a shirt with a thick black line stretching across it, over that she was wearing a white jumper that covered most of her arms, she also had shorts with the same design as the shirt, then she had socks with black and white stripes, she had medium height shoes, well they looked more like boots but whatever, she also had a type of stain on her legs, it was green just like her left eye, it looked like blood but obviously green. 

I took a step back, traumatised by what I just saw, it was still there though, that image.... it scared me. What was that meant to do with me? If it even had anything to do with me in the first place.. It didn't copy my movements either, it just looked at me, smiling. I blinked, still nothing... what is this? Im really scared now.... 

This bathroom though.... its reminding me if something.... its.. its... This is the bathroom.... my old house.... my other life.... 

I died in this house.... 

but what does that person in the mirror have to do with me? I look at the mirror again, the figure is coming closer to the barrier of the mirror, It touches it and it shatters... My eyes widen and I step back, she only smiles, but not in a creepy way, it was in a warm way, as if I was her friend but I wasn't... I didn't even know her. I look at her, she is the same height as me. She dosent say anything but just walks towards me. She puts her hand on my shoulder. Im taken back, I try to move back but she hold my shoulder firmly. 

"Can't you speak?" She shakes her head but then takes out a piece of paper and writes something down on it.. 'I wish I could speak right now but I can't tell you why... I'm sorry' I nod my head. "Can you at least hear me?" She nods her head. "Also what things do you need to tell me?" She starts to write something down on the piece of paper. 'I have to say a couple of things that might change everything but we don't have much time... I can't tell you why' "Ok, it's fine just say it!" She starts to write on the piece of paper again. 'Are you sure... it could change a lot...' I nod my head because I'm not bothered enough to speak. She also nods her head and starts to write on the piece of paper. I wait and wait and wait but she wouldn't show it to me just yet. "Are you going to show me yet?" She looks up for a moment quickly before shaking her head. "Ok... just give it to me when you are ready." She nods her head, not looking up this time.

She was writing very fast, and when I say fast, she was writing really fast, her warm smile turned into a serious face, she looked up from the piece of paper. Her eyes looked watery. Was she crying? "Keep this, read it, don't show anyone and maybe we will meet again..." Her voice was trembling, it sounded weirdly familiar though. My eyes widened again. "WAIT YOU CAN-" She was gone. I look down at the folded piece of paper I have in my hands. "I don't want you to go yet...." I plump down onto the floor... I don't understand any of this. I start to unfold the piece of paper. It was a bit stiff but it didn't matter, I just wanted to see what she wrote down...

'hello, my name is void, sorry I couldn't tell you that, I can't tell you why I couldn't speak but you will find out soon enough. I have been waiting a long time for this moment. Even if you wake up you will still have this note, so don't worry about loosing it..... I was always scared of telling you this... but you have to find out eventually, I can't keep it from you your whole life....

I am you...

What do I mean by that, you are probably asking that question right now to yourself. It's complicated but I will explain it all here so don't worry! As you know now there are many universes and timelines and so on. You may also see that this is the house that we died in. You died in your room... for the same reason as me. But I took a different route. Instead of not existing, I got shown the save screen, it should be impossible for someone like me or you, to get a save screen. As this is a human multiverse where such supernatural things do not exist. But I got it by some coincidence, so you could say I got a different route than you right? Yeah but no. You see, you also should have gotten that save screen but you didn't because of some glitch that happened in between different universes. It complicated I know but I will try my best to explain all of this to you! Of course you won't end up like me because all of the routes that could have let you to that have already been passed by you which means such a route is impossible now. I don't know why but you have somehow gone to the undertale multiverse, probably done by some glitch like when you didn't get the save screen like I did. Now this is the hardest part....-

I look up. Darkness is surrounding me... OH NOT THIS AGAIN!!!!! Something pins me to the ground. Really, really tight, so tight it was hard to breathe. It started to shake me. I still had the piece of paper, secured in my right hand. I closed my eyes for a moment, I opened them again, I sat up quickly. There was a red skeleton, well kinda he was wearing red clothing mostly along with black and yellow and had red eyes, who was doing CPR on me... what? He took a sigh of relief before getting off me and running off to the kitchen without saying a word. I sat up and look at the piece of paper in my hand. I need to finish reading this, but I need to find somewhere where I'm alone.... and have no interruptions....


This one was a little longer than my usual ones but whatever

I hope you liked it!

And I hope there BAD moments weren't too bad if you get what I mean...


Words - 1303

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