'Gone Missing'

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Killer POV:

Soo! Im pretty excited! We have a new member that boss seems to like, that probably means that she is special in a way. He usually loves to torture every single human he sees and I love to join him. But honestly! Y/n's eggs are  the BEST. Nothing can beat them! Like I need to ask her what she uses to make them. I NEED TO KNOW HOW TO MAKE YUMMY RUNNY EGGS!!!  And since, you know, me and boss have similar personalities, at least I think that, so that means I'm gonna like her too. It doesn't look like she slept at all though. I know I slept simply splendid! One of the best nights I've slept! I could only imagine what everyone's reaction would be if the human actually joined us. Well she wanted to.... And boss asked her so might aswell mean that she's part of us! Yay! But then, what if she joins the other side? Or who knows.... Maybe she's pretending  just so that she can get out of here quicker. I asked boss about this when we were about to leave. But he gave me a reassuring answer. That he could just kill her whenever. So that means I can just chill! Yesssssss! Anyway! We leave the castle and teleport to the place where I think we are gonna meet dream and the others. Boss doesn't like when I speak about dream. I can understand why. I mean he's really stupid. He also has the audacity to hurt boss. I mean how dare he. If he's the kind of so called 'positivity' then he should have never hurt a soul! Did he hurt people? Of course he did! Pathetic kid. I don't understand how people even like him. 

Anyways, the 6 of us decided to go and sit down on a nearby bench, nightmare all of a sudden asked y/n to come with him to explain something. Wait a second what? He's never done that with me. After I eye them as they leave, I decide to follow them and see what there are talking about. I tell the others that I'll be right back and I go follow them.

Y/n POV:

Im not really sure why and where he's taking me. All he said is that he need to ask me something. I just followed him just for the fun of it. I wondered, what was going to happen? I just thought about that as we started to walk away. I had a feeling that we were being followed by someone but I just shrugged it off and didn't mention it. I didn't want to cause any worry for him. Speaking of, would he even be worried? He doesn't seem like the guy that would worry about something any time soon.

We neared another bench and he told me to sit down, I could say that we were about 2 to 3 minutes away from the others. He looked at me for a bit before "why didn't you didn't sleep after I told you to?..." shoot I guess he did know that I didnt sleep anymore than 2hrs.  But.... How did he know? I didn't tell anyone.... Could he have been spying on me? Or did something give it away? Don't tell me it was that bags under my eyes. He kept on looking at me, expecting an answer. I wanted to answer. Sure! But I didn't really know what to say. He sighed. Was that supposed to be a good sign? "We will talk about it later..." He then stood up, and told us that we should go back as it's been a while and that the boys would be worrying about us. 

After we came back, the others weren't there. "Where are they!?" He looked at me and answered with a ' i dont know look'. He clenched his teeth and grabbed my arm. " I think I know where they are...." I looked at him for a moment. It then went black for a couple of seconds before we were in a different location. Whaaa? I didn't quite understand how that even works but whatever at this point.....I looked up to see that In front of us a guy in basically all yellow and some turquoise and black. He was smiling. " I see you've got your hands on a human!" " im honestly suprised you haven't killed them yet!" Im quite confused at this point. "Who the hell even are you?" I ask. He continues to smile. It creeps me out and I go slightly behind nightmare. " well.... You can call me dream, and I'm here to help you!" I look at him, I don't need any help, Im perfectly fine where I am right now... what do I answer back? I look at him pretty shaken. Dream starts to then walk towards me. " I want to help you human!" I shake my head. Im not I particularly scared, I just want to know where the others are....


I hope you guys liked it

Sorry that I kinda made it a bit shorter but oh well!

Words: 860

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