'The Hardest Decision Life Could Give You'

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I dont know what to do.. "HELLO?" Please someone answer me. I look at the option in front of me. I then see another option appear next to it... 'Continue' Thats what the button said. I then see another appear, and another, and another and then they all just multiply. Each one being different in colour and spelling. Then they all disappeared except from the rewind option. I looked at it again. Im curious to know what she lived as... but, am I that curious to figure that out myself, by being her? But I guess it isnt guaranteed, since it only takes me back to when a route was available, not straight to it. But then how would I know how to get to that route if I didn't even access it earlier. So it's nearly impossible. But then also how long ago was the last time that route was available for me to take. It could have been a week ago or a year... I dint want to go too far back. Another worry, that I won't remember anything that happened before. I dont want that to happen... that would be pretty bad... and I dont want that... what if I just leave it for now..... maybe that would be the best option! I'll think about it. What are the positives, and what are the negatives.. What risks there are to take, and what cons there are. But also what if it docent work out... and then I would go crazy regretting my decision because I could have easily avoided it or not...

Another thing I'm concerned about is that what if I never get out of here, and my only escape is that button... I feel a bit weak. So I decide to sit down and relax. That usually helps with that kind of stuff so it should help now. If it dosent then we are really in for something I guess. ... Why did I say 'we'. Was that just a mistake in my grammar or was it meant for something... Is there someone with me? "IF THERE IS ANYONE THERE COME OUT NOW!" The only response I get to that is silence. The one answer I dont want to hear. I start to cry. What is this meant to be! Crying isnt really my thing, in fact it probably isnt anyone's thing so whatever... I squint my eyes shut. Please end this, please end this!

I open my eyes again. But nothing changed, I stay quiet for a moment before my cries fill the silence. I dont want to cry. I then put my hands in my pockets. I feel something.... what is this? It seems to be a folded sheet of paper. IM GOING TO OPEN IT! I slowly open the sheet of paper trying my best to not rip the thin paper with my sweaty hands. I eventually manage to open the piece of paper. It's another note.. who is it from though... void? I look towards the bottom of the sheet of paper, where it says. 'Sincerely, Void' WHAT A MINUTE! This is the second part of the letter! But how did it end up in my pocket? Oh that is a question I may never answer and do not care about answering because I have more important things to care about. I get out the other sheet of paper, the first part of the letter, and I skim through it, reminding myself about the parts that I forgot about. After I did that I kinda joined the two pieces together and it shone a bright light.... WELL NAHHHH OF COURSE ITS GONNA SHINE A BRIGHT LIGHT! 

When the light faded off the two sheets of paper was now one singular sheet of paper that is now falling. I rush over to the paper to catch it. I manage to grab right before t hit the ground. I did a little 'YESSS!' moment before sitting down and reading the piece of paper all over again. Some things changed. Like the order of words and such things, but it was similar to the other paper. Now the second paragraph was a whole new thing... Like by that I mean that I haven't read any of it yet. I start to read it but then I hear a sound. I bolt right up, putting the piece of paper into my pocket before dashing over to where I think the sound came from. I dont find the source of it though..... Wait! I have a good idea! LETS LOOK UP! So I look up and see.... nothing, same as the rest of the place. If you really thought it was going to be something else, no it really isnt, I wish it was. Im kinda bored at looking at all this black already! JUST LET ME OUT OF HEREEEEEEEE! yeah thats not going to work at all.... why was I even supposed to bother trying? I just shrugs my shoulders. I dont know. I dont really know what I'm really doing these days. It's really does suck... yeahhhh. I cant think of anything else to say to myself.. NO! I do have something to say to myself it's just that I cant be bothered to spit those words out of my mouth. 

I sigh. What am I meant to do now? LIKE SERIOUSLY! Wait, I just noticed something.... WHERE IS THE REWIND OPTION! NNONONONONONONO I NEED TO FIND THAT THING. I start to run around the place, not really knowing what I'm doing.. I should actually walk around this place. Maybe try see if there is anything here except for darkness and, well, nothing I guess. The button is nowhere to be seen though.. DANG IT! Now I just lost my only way of getting out of here.... GREAT! JUST GREAT....


I hope you guys enjoyed it!



Well ill see you guys next chapter!


Words - 1010

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