'A lot Of Talking'

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Void POV: 

Now which way was the anti void? Ummmm. DONT TELL ME I FORGOT THE WAY! Well this aint good. Well I got a good excuse for it I guess! Oh yeah! It's that way... towards that other multiverse! But I need to remember not to leave this multiverse because well, let's just say it's easier to get out than it is to get in!  Multiverses are a lot more complex than you might think! There are usually millions of possible routes to get to them but none of them are usually easy to get through since, well, it's really REALLY confusing, it's really easy to get it wrong, but the length is also something you need to think about when travelling multiverses! It takes a lot of time and energy to travel through multiverses...... why am I even talking about how to travel multiverses when you are never going to actually use this advice? Eh I don't really know, I guess I'm doing this for fun! Talking isn't one of the things I usually do on a daily basis but I feel a bit different today! Yep! Uhhhhhh....

WAIT I FORGOT WHICH WAY I WAS GOING! Now where the flip am I? Because i have certainly never soon this place before.... Or maybe I just stopped in between a universe! That actually most probably is true but meh. This type of situation is quite easy to get out of..... if you know how of course, now even if you know how to escape being stuck between multiverses.. it's still one of the hardest things to ever do! 

Well I wouldn't be surprised from that fact for a particular reason! NO ONE WAS MEANT TL BE TRAVELLING ACROSS DIFFERENT MULTIVERSES! And don't ask me for a simpler answer because  I'm saying this as simply as I can and if you didn't understand then sorry but you are a bit.... Stupid! Heh! You also might be wondering how the space between two universes is! It's quite small so things like this happening is actually quite rare, even though it happens to me all the time! It kind of looks like half anti-void, half void but it has normal things like trees houses, monsters, people. YOU NAME IT AND ITS THERE! But at the same time there is nothing there, what you see always depends on who you are, and what perspective you are looking from. Now those are only the two main reasons for this, there are many, many more of possibilities why you might see this or that in between universes, timelines, multiverses! It also kinda depends what universe you are coming from and what universe you are going to! I kinda takes images of that place and puts it in the middle, like the parts it didn't need! That's how to best explain it!  It isn't the easiest thing in the world to just come into the middle of two universes and just live there forever. Now this might seem weird, but there is a time limit on how much you spend in the middle, some time periods are long, while some are short,  it if you do t make it out in time, you will probably meet a fate worse than death! So that's also why it's so dangerous.

NOW PLEASE DO NOT GO ASKING ME HOW I KNOW ALL THIS!  It was all once confusing for me too. I used to be like any ordinary person! But one specific person ruined that... my whole life! Ruined and cursed because of one singular person.... No one would ever know how it feels like... unless, unless Y/N pressed that rewind option and managed to well, do it. But that chances are quite slim. Who would want to know about my life anyways.... 

Also I've  just noticed that I kinda look like I'm 17 or something around that age! Yeah if anyone says that I won't  be mad... but they will be wrong, ok! I'm going to tell  y'all how long I've lived for! I've lived for over 50,000 years! THAT IS YOUR ANSWER! IF YOU ASK FOR THE SPECIFIC NUMBER I WILL TURN YOU INTO ICE CREAM! 

Anyways the exact amount I've lived for is 73,293 years! Yes I have lived for that long! If you don't count how many times I've died of course...... LETS NOT TALK ABOUT THAT SHALL WE! But out of all the the topics I've covered in this 5 minutes or actually less than 5 minutes.... WHO CARES! Anyways, getting back to the POINT, because a person ruined my life, sure I learnt some lessons, I met new people and monsters... but they were all killed, in front of my eyes... by that same person, over and over again for over 25000 years non stop.... It's not something I wanted to experience, I do t think anyone would want to know what experienced... well they would probably want to know.... But not to live through it, especially after they hear all the details... all the hurt, the pain... yet I made it through, and now  it's a lot better, but the real question is... 

Was it better than it was before?

I'll never be able to answer that.... Because I'll never know the answer to that question. It's one of the things I can't make my mind up about.... I remember though, my 16th or so multiverse I went through.... There was this human.... She was very similar to me! I don't remember the name out of the top of my head...  there were so many names to remember! I will admit though... I miss the old me in a way... I want to return, to the good times! To the times where everyone was living their best life... but everyone knows  that most people have their backstory's... I don't remember mine completely though... is that normal? Or is it just me who has it like that... but what that one person did to me... I will never forgive them...


I finished this chapter!!

Sorry it's a bit later!

I was busy!

I hope you enjoyed it!


Words - 1039

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