'Back at the castle'

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Y/n POV:

Ok, well I feel like im going to die right now, well thats because I probably will. I watch as I get dragged into the chaos. Well, there is no going back now..... I watch the things around me. They seem like they are doing fine. Its like they are used to this. That this happens every day. I mean it probably does happen every day but im not going to mention it heh. I can only watch as im pulled into the middle of it all. Ok... I honestly feel like something is about to hit me. I then look up to see someone flying over me. And not as in flying, like the superpower, I mean flying by when someone has thrown someone else and they then appear to be 'flying'. I then see another blaster in front of me. This time though, its not pointing at me.. Instead its pointing in the opposite direction. Geez man, I really dont wanna be here right now! You know.. now would be a great time to just leave. I turn to leave as Dust grabs me by the hand and teleports me up. Great. Now if I wont die because of the whole fight. Then ill die by falling from this height. I close my eyes, excpecting the worst once again. We then land on something sturdy. I am shaken right now and basically cant think at all, I just stand there. Unsure of what I was even doing. I then decide to snap myself back into reality. I nearly fall over, but I stabilise myself and try to be as unnoticed as possible. Thats when the real worst happens. There was a beam of light, what was that beam of light coming from? I didnt really know, I ducked, avoiding it and starting to fall. It was like in slow motion. I could hear my name being called from every angle. this was no nightmare, this was all very real. Turn out that beam was a blaster, welp, at least I didnt get hurt by that thing. I look down. The floor is only a couple inches away. I saw the person that caused all this, and then it all went black.

3rd Person POV:

Everyone was shaken, it was all so quiet, nightmare was the first to dash over to the sight, then dream, and then eventually everyone else came. Nightmare picked y/n up. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" All dream can do is look at it. " I didnt mean to do anything...." Then another fight begins. Y/n was lying there in the middle of all of it. They all thought that she was dead. The thing is though. She wasnt dead.... she was very much alive and well, it was her soul that was different. No regular human could have survived that fall. But, y/n was a bit more than a regular human....

Nightmare POV:

Well, Im even more pissed at dream and their stupid little group. How could they.... but wait. The encounter with error...... The soul that wouldnt break.... that wasnt.... that was y/n's soul! So that means that shes not dead, that is a good thing, well I pick her up and hold her in my arms. I am not really comfortable with this, I never liked physical contact. But this is a emergency I guess..... I the tell the boys that we are leaving. Of course He tired to stop me, of course he failed, My dodging skills are simply too good and fast for that guy. Heh. We make it back to the castle after a bit. I tell the others to go to the kitchen and sit down while I went and figured this out. I took her to my room and layed her on the floor. Maybe I should take a look at her soul? That could work...... I take her soul out. I was never really good with such things. I observe it carefully. Its completley, black.... but why? Shes a human and we both know that for sure. What if... she was a different type of human.....  I mean it could be true. No regular human could survive such a fall. I attempted to touch it. But it cracked, then it healed automatically. This is interesting, maybe I should just leave her, maybe she will wake up on her own. 

I walk back to the kitchen where everyone was, they were all worried, even horror and dust. There was something about this human that we all cared about. I just didnt know what it was. For horror it was probably the eggs, for killer maybe because he liked her personality, dust and her have similar personalities so its obvious why they get along, cross has a similar style to her, and what about me? I dont know what I like about her so much that makes me not want to kill her. Wait, what if I checked her past, I nearly never use that power as it drains me too much. But I could try to see her past. I never really thought of checking her past. Sure I have heard things she said behind doors away from me... but I havent really been paying attention to that, and I think I should try it. But maybe another day. She does need to get her rest. Who knows what Dream and his pathetic little group did to her, hopefully not giving her anything disgusting to eat. I  leave the room. I then decide to go to a seprerate call, I wanted y/n to meet one of my old friends. I called their number. They answered... " UHH hello?" "hello my old friend!" "Ahh its you! Long time no see huh?" "Yes, I can agree on that" "So why did you bother calling me on this fine day?" I roll my eyes and smile to myself. "I want to meet up, and I want to show you someone...."


Sorry for all the cliffhangers :P

I cant help it heh

Anyways I hope you guys like reading this chapter!

Words - 1018

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