~Bonus Chapter~

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So as I said in the last chapter, this I kinda going to be a 200 reads special so yeah! 

This is kinda going to be moments from y/n's past so enjoy!

I felt like was being shaken. "Huh what?" I sit up in my bed. " hey sweetie wake up it's time to go to school!" I get up and walk downstairs to Bella, my cat, we just recently got her and I've already trained her to be nice to people. Its cool. But I have been convincing my parents to let her sleep in my room. I don't really understand why they won't let me. She's so calm and collected, just like me! So I'm sure we will match! I stoke her a couple of times before coming back upstairs to get changed. Oh what should I wear today!? I look inside my closet. There weren't too many clothes. I simply decided on a unique coloured t-shirt along with some shorts. It's summer right now and it's soo hot! It's hard to even think about it! That degrees go up to 40*C every single day. Im pretty excited for school, I heard there was a new girl coming to the school, I wonder what she's like! Maybe me could even be friends. I finish dressing,  and go downstairs to eat my breakfast. Yesss! It's eggs for breakfast today! I should start to make eggs for breakfast every single day. Well, I need to learn how to make the eggs first! I heard it's pretty difficult and I don't want to burn myself over here! I remember when I was like 7 when I nearly bought the house on fire. I was hella scared heh! We moved house soon after that, and I had a strong feeling it was because of  me..... eh! What gone has been! We don't think about that anymore heh! After I finish my eggs, I stand up and go brush my teeth, before getting my bag ready for school! I can't wait to see Millie! Oh yeah, Millie is one of my friends from my childhood, we've known each other all our lives! I also have Emily, but we don't really hang out that more, I don't like to see her lonely though so I let her join in with me  and Millie.

I then said goodbye to my parents and left the house, I was super excited to find out who was the new student. I love new people! They intrigue me, and I get to know them. I feel like I have a talent too! I can sort of tell what emotion someone might be feeling from their face expression. It's sick honestly! I learnt about it on YouTube! So then other people can probably do it too! I walk to school. The gates always seem to loom over short little me, well I'm actually pretty tall for a 12 year old...actually when I think of it, I'm nearly 13! Im really excited! I walk through the gates and enter the territory. I quickly go to the area where me and Mille would usually meet up, but when I came, she was no where to be seen. I just shrugged it off. Maybe she was just a bit late, or maybe sick perhaps, and she just couldn't come! Well I'm super excited to see her. I wonder how she will get on with the new girl! I wonder why someone new is joining.... Our class is literally overfilled anyways. There literally won't be a space for her to sit in. Oh well. That a her problem not a me problem! Heh.

The first bell rings and I head to class, I can't see Millie anywhere, who knows, maybe she is sick.... But then, wouldn't she have told me. The teacher then calls out everyone's names in the register. Everyone's except for Millie's. Maybe she said it and I simply didn't hear it. Well im going to be hanging out with Emily today! Also the name of the new student is Queenie, a bit of a weird name in my opinion, I think that we will get along pretty  well, after all I get along with 2-3 people, and that's a lot already! It must be quite tiring to have more than that. At least I think that heh. I leave the class for break time and head over to Emily who is hanging out with the new girl, Queenie, and some other girls. "Umm hey Emily do you know where Millie is?" She just looks at me ubsurdly. " Dont you know she left the school last week?" What? No she didn't I just smile awkwardly. I wasn't expecting that, why didn't she tell me though. As I go to leave Queenie sticks her leg out and makes me trip. " oh no are you okay?" I can tell she says it sarcastically. " yeah, I'm fine don't worry about it..." As I leave about two minutes later I can hear them laughing who knows if it was at me or at someone else. I really hope it wasn't at me...

I look up, all of a sudden I'm  in the school gardens leaning against a tree, well, I like trees, they calm me down. And the people that did the opposite to me were coming near me. Oh no! I attemp to hide behind the tree but the tree is a bit too thin and they can see me. "Aww look who's a little scaredy cat!"  Queenie take me by my shirt and picks me up as the other girls laugh. " please put me down..." she just laughs, I hated that laugh. She then just dropped me and I hit her in the knees accidentally as I fell. She then started to scream histerically while I ran to the toilets and locked  the stall. I leaned on the walls and cried. It's been a while since I've cried, it's all her fault, I don't want her in my life anymore. I WANT HER TO BE GONEEEE!!! 

Later that day, my parents were called in a had a little talk about my recent behaviour. I wasn't even doing anything wrong though, I was just defending myself, I am just supposed to let myself get hurt, because I don't want that. I want my right! But I sadly know I can't achieve it. 

From then on, the whole situation got worse, and worse, and worse. Even my family turned against me.... Who knew one person could ruin my life completely.... I started to get paranoid. Thinking that I'm doing everything wrong because that's what everyone else told me. Instead of sitting with my friends, I sit in the toilets avoiding any social contact. I eventually started to go crazy from everything, to the point I was having random mental breakdowns at least one a day.... Who knew that one singular person, could completely destroy your life.....

That is all for my bonus chapter

Hopefully it wasn't too dramatic

Well you kinda know the past of y/n kind of....

I hope you guys enjoyed :P

Words - 1195

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