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Im in the anti void, with a chocolate bar in my pocket.... I guess that's useful! I don't really know how to get to nightmare's place right now... Maybe I can ask error.... I go to where the portal was... It's not there, and error isnt there anymore either.... Yep I'm screwed for now heh... That isnt good, I would read the paper now but this isnt the most private place in the world right now. I wonder why this is called the anti void... sure the colours are the opposite... but then wouldn't the whole thing be the opposite... like maybe full of trees and houses and well everything! But there is nothing else but nothing I guess..... I don't know what to do, I guess I should walk around.

I take the piece of paper out of my pocket. I look down at it and sigh. I would read it right now but I can't.... what if someone comes out of nowhere and snatches it out of my hand? I know people that know the route here. I kinda do but I don't know how to travel since I have no power, I think.... The word 'Think' is a strong word.... It could mean that your personal opinion is either right or wrong, you really don't know the truth from anyone but yourself, since only you know when you lie and when you dont, well at least most of the time, anyways. You can never know if anyone is actually telling the truth or not.... you never know unless you get a lie detector machine and you test it so it actually works and then you know... but still that detector could be lying so well yeah.. Anything can be real or fake.. If you really think about life for a while, you have a chance of figuring out its darkest secrets that nobody ever talks about.... Like, what if real death never existed and when you die you just respawn with no awareness of the same life you had in the past. It's so confusing........................ right? 

I see how people might disagree, but no one can disagree on the fact that we have had at least one particularly bad situation in our lives.. anyone who says they haven't is lying because to get a reward, we mostly have to suffer first.. nothing good to get is ever easy. Maybe I should stop talking about stuff like this. If we I talked like this until I was done we would be here forever.... that's how much life has to give to us...


Im done with that topic for now, but I will come back to it later, in moments like this... where nothing can get better than it is at the moment. I sit down on the floor.. there is nothing else to do anyways, so what's the point of standing, waisting energy... when you can lie down and relax. When was the last time I was ever this calm yet focused.... a long, long time probably if such a moment ever even commenced. I sigh and close my eyes. I wonder what will happen next....

I open my eyes. Im not in the anti void? I could be dreaming again, I get up to find any sharp objects. Pinching myself won't work in my dreams. If I'm fully aware of my surroundings then I'm deep dreaming, that's what I call it. Because if I dont wake myself up then I'll never wake up, it's impossible to wake me up in such a state. I dont find anything sharp so I just look in the mirror. I see myself, but it isnt me. I see a reflection of myself but I dont see it as me... I see it as a stranger, like I dont recognise myself .... no this cant be a dream! "HELLO?!" I'll at least try! If Im not dreaming then where am I? I then decide to take a proper look around. There are trees and grass and loads of buildings, almost like where I used to live. But different. It was cloudy and the sky appeared to be white. There were birds flying around in the sky. IIt was so quiet apart from the wind and the birds. A peace I'm hearing for the first time in my life. I take a deep breath in while closing my eyes and letting me fall. Well not really I just stand there doing nothing but enjoying the quiet... I cant help but feel that something about his place is off even though I've been here before.... I start to walk, in a random direction. Not really knowing where I'm going. I then see a white sign in front of me. I run over to it. I try to read it but I dont understand what it says on it. "Welcome to the anti-void, it said, Be aware of what you do here because every moment is watched, it said..." I turn around surprised. "Void?!" I look at her as she nods her head. "Do you know what this place is?" She smiles with a tear in her eyes. "The anti-void...." My eyes widen. "Y-y-you're joking right?" She shakes her head. "Your little theory was right.... this place used to be full of trees and everything but now it's nothing, that's because it took Everything out of the remnant of universes and kept it here..... So you could say that this place was a mix of thousands of universes..... with no end." Wow... who knew this was how it used to look like.... "Why is it so different now then?" She sighs. "It's all my fault.... you dont know that yet... and you shouldn't, you aren't ready for this..." "But why?" She takes a deep breath in. "You could never understand... I'm sorry" I nod my head, understanding why she cant really say but at the same time curious about this place, and how this used to be the anti void...

"You will know soon... when you are me...."

I ended it with a plot twist lol

I hope you guys enjoyed it!

50th Chapter anniversary... If such a thing even exists lol


Words - 1041

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