'Losing Hope'

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Right before I start I want to point something out! So! WE FINALLY GOT TO OVER 5K YAY! I mean it hasnt even been 4 weeks but I aint even gonna think about complaining! I super grateful for the amount of reads this thing actually got! I was not expecting this much! I feel like I have said that on a different chapter but WHATEVER! So yeah! Im super happy about this and how about WE KEEP IT GOING! Who knows... maybe we will get to 10K before August but I doubt it.... I NEED TO STOP TALKING NOW AND GET ON WITH THE ACTUALLY CHAPTER! Hope you enjoy it!

Nightmare POV:

I think I know how to solve the problem... So listen.. Yes Im going to say this in my head before I tell them. I think that we need to lead Y/N back to the closet just like she did in a dream or Bad dream or whatever you want to call it. I know that you have to do it that way... because if it wasnt done in the dream earlier... then why would the substance have been so ravenous, plus, the effects were also a lot bigger than normal, but maybe because she is just simply weaker so it affects her more... I dont really know so whatever! Just there is a slight problem.... I dont know what happened in the dream or when it started, and I doubt that Y/N remembers it in this state.... Oh what are we going to do with you Y/N?

I then notice that everyone is looking at me. Yeah I need to explain this to them! "So what do we need to do to help her?" I sigh. This was going to take a while to explain, not even talking about the questions... YEAH! That would also probably add another hour or so on.... Well we need to explain it to the others too... WAIT! They have been waiting for a while.... YEAH WE NEED TO GET BACK TO THEM! "Ill explain it in the kitchen." All three of them nod their heads and start to follow me through the maze like hallways to the kitchen. Also, I wonder where error is. Eh he is probably just watching undernovela in his anti-void or whatever. Not like I want to know eiether way.

After quite a bit of walking we finally make it to the kitchen where the others are waiting... well I wish. What they were actually doing was making some.... I peer to their side, I cant believe these idiots havent noticed me yet. I see the others come in and tell them to be quiet. Im going to scare these guys for being stupidly deaf, but not before I check on what they are making. Its..... Some kind of noodles? I squint my eyes... OH HECK NO!!! Its alphabet soup.... I am disappointed in these idiots, out of all things... ALPHABET SOUP SERIOUSLY!!??

I walk up behind horror and.. wait, I can grab all of them and scare them haha. I reach out my tentacles and take a step back just in case anything happens.. ANNNNDDDD!! I grab them for a mere second and let go as fast as I can. I then hear the screams. Ahhhhh! Now thats the appropriate level of negativity that should be in this room. I smile as I see the four of them fall in front of me, acting like some kind of monster was in front of them... I mean there is but whatever. I then see the alphabet soup flying towards me. I reach out a tentacle and stop it right before it hit me. I cant say the same about 404 and Killer though. Y/N was too 'out of the way' to be hit by the disappointment. The look on their faces was PRICELESS!!! 

Anyways! After I quickly clean up the mess and sit down a couple of annoyed skeletons, including myself, BUT I AM NOT ANNOYING! Now I need to talk them through the plan!...

---Fast Forward the plan---

(Cus I dont feel like doing it!)


Now Im just sitting here, In front of a couple annoyed skeletons that have just either been splatted by alphabet soup or scared by the King of Negativity. What a great situation to be in. Anyways, after he explained the plan. They all looked at me. "Do you remember that dream?" I think, or at least try to. Like I said my memory is trash right now and my brain dosent want to think properly so DONT BLAME ME!! I-I-I-I cant think of it. No matter how hard I try. Well you know, at least I cant be annoyed by this whole situation. I then start to think about some other things, like what was that vial with that yellow liquid for. Was it supposed to help me feel something or what? 

I then think of Nightmare... oh yeah. I need to well try to remember what that dream was about.. or did he ask about something else? I wouldnt have even called it a dream.... I dont remember much of it, but I knew it was unpleasant. Thats what ill tell them. "It was unpleasant." I then see Nightmare and three of the others face palming. I dont know what I did wrong over here. "I meant what it was about, not if you liked it or not!" I just shrug my shoulders. "That is all I remember." I then see him sighing. Why is he sighing? No idea. I look around. Trying to see what the others are doing or well, anything really. Did that even make sense? Cus it didnt make sense in my head thats for sure. 

Well Nightmare look quite disappointed and sad. I dont really know why. But I remember something I guess. That when someone is sad, its good to hug them. Then they will be happy again. That what I think I know. Well Ill just go with it. Everyone else seems to be down in the dumps. Not as much as nightmare I think. So I stand up and walk to nightmare. "What is it?" He says, not looking at me. I wonder how hard is it going to be to.... smile. I bend down and hug him. He seems to be suprised. Same as everyone else. I continue to hug him hard. He dosent try to break free though. But at the same time he dosent hug me back. I force a smile on my face, I dont feel the emotion but ill still do it, even if it hurts to do so. Making people happy is good right? What even is good and bad.. they seems like the same thing, well I think that now. Tomorrow I might think differently. I then look at nighmare's face, and he looks at mine. He then hugs me back and starts crying into my sweater. Why is he crying?

"Ill find a way to get you back to normal... dont worry!"


My wifi went out twice while making this lol....

I hope you guys liked it!

I ended it on a wholesome moment

Who knows.. 

Maybe they will figure out how to solve this soon!

But you will have to wait for later to find out heh!

See ya!

Words - 1217

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