'Stuck In A Nightmare'

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"Ww-w-w-w-w-what do you mean by that?!" She shakes her head. "Ive said too much, I'm sorry..." She closes her eyes for a moment. "Im sorry you had to find out like this..." .... Maybe she was right... Maybe I shouldn't have found out like this..... I start to cry, not being able to control what I feel... why me.. why me, WHY ME?! Void comes up to me and hugs me, pushing me over onto the whiteish grass below me. I gently hug her back. "I told you that you weren't ready for such things... you need to wake up now... QUICKLY!" I look up at her, I cant, not right now! "Cant you just do it for me?" She shakes her head, "Please.... I beg of you!" "Do it for yourself.. YOU ARE PUTTING YOUR WHOLE LIFE AT RISK BY DOING THIS!!!" I look up surprised. "B-b-b-but I cant die right?" She sighs. "You can die when you are in a state like this.. it isnt normal for someone like you to dream like this!" My awareness comes back to me. "wait... how long has it been?" I then see void checking something in her pocket before looking back up at me. "4 hours Y/N..." 4 HOURS?! I worriedly look around. "Void I want you do to something!" She tilts her he'd before coming closer to me. "I cant do that..." what? "But I haven't even said what I wanted you do to." She sighs again. "That isnt the most important thing to worry about at the moment!" 

I look around. Well most importantly, I look away from void. "Kill me... or at least try..." "W-W-WHAT NO I CANT DO THAT!!" "Please.... it's my only chance of waking up.." I take a deep breath. Why cant she just do it... "PLEASE!" I turn back around to look at her. She nods her head with tears in her eyes.... "Dont make me regret this please..." I look at her movements carefully. My instincts want to move away but I ignore them, doing what I intended to do. Void was standing there. With closed eyes, she opens one. It turns orange. I then see Only dark around me, I still see the grass under my feet though. Something grabs my arm, then my other arm. My leg, and then my other leg. It then starts to pull. Why does this remind me of something? It's starting to hurt. Okay never mind it's really hurting now. Like it's about to get ripped away from me. I scream. I then feel weak. The darkness goes away. It drops me and I fall onto the floor, closing my eyes. "I cant do it Y/N...."

Error POV:

I dOnT KnOw wHeRe tHaT HuMaN WeNt! WhAt dId sHe eVeN LoOk liKe? Eh wHaTeVeR I gOt mY ChOcOlAtE SO Im gOiNg bAcK To tHe aNtI VoId tO cArRy oN WaTcHiNg mY UnDeRnOvElA! NiW I HavE A SwEeT TrEaT TO ReWaRd mE FoR AlL My gOoD DeEdS!  I Go tO ThE AnTi vOiD AfTeR OpEnInG A PoRtAl aNd gOiNg tHrOuGh iT. I CoMe iN A SeE A BoDy oN ThE FlOoR.... nOw wHeRe dId thAt cOmE FrOm aNd wHy iS It hErE?! I TeLePoRt OvEr tO It.. IlL JuSt gEt rID Of iT! lIkE I GeT RiD Of nEaRlY EvErThInG ThEsE dAyS! I lOoK DoWn.... iS ThaT Y/N? nO.... It cAnT Be hER! I BeNd dOwN AnD LoOk aT Her. It iNdEeD Is Y/N.... HOW IS SHE HERE?! wAiT... WHaT If sHe wAs tHe OnE WiTh fElL?! And I cLoSeD THE PoRtAl.... NoT LeTtInG HeR OuT! oH CraP.... "Y/N wAkE Up!!" I stArT To sHaKe her bUt sHe rEmAiNs uNrEsPoNsIve.... "Y/N WAKE UP!!!!!" I CoNtiNuE To shAkE bUt tHiS TiMe I sHaKe EvRn HaRdER. StIlL No ReSpONsE. THATS IT! IM GETTING NiGHTMARE! BuT I AlsO CaNt lEaVe hEr iN CaSe ShE WaKeS Up..... I cHeCk fOr hEr pUlSe... nOtHiNG? Y/N WAKE UP PLEASE!!!!! "NIGHTMARE, NIIIGGGHHHTTTMMMAAARRREEEEEEE!!!!!" I loOk bAcK DoWn aT Y/N. "PLEASE I BEG OF YOU WAKE UP!" pLeaSe......

Void POV:

"Y/N!" nonononononononono! Please I'm sorry I wish I hadn't done this WAKE UP! Im breathing too quickly now. I notice that. I need to get out of here first... I know how to do this so I could also bring someone else to help me.... Ah! I got it... I'll get nightmare. Sure it's been almost a century since we have seen each other but he probably still remembers me right? Well its worth a shot... Y/N should be fine without me... I can trust myself right... Well I'm going to go before anything worse happens.

Im out of Y/N dream or how ever you want to call it. In my own void, now you probably this that this is THE void. You are mistaken if you thought that. I have my own version of it that is more dangerous. It is placed between multiverses! Anyways I'm not going to waste any more time on this! Now what was the route to the undertale multiverse..... aha! This way! After about a couple minutes I make it safely. And here I am. Where me and nightmare first met. By mistake of course. I already knew error though... but I dont remember if I was with him that time or not? Eh who cares! I knock on the door. No response, I knock again... same as before. IM TRYING TO BE NICE HERE AND THIS IDIOT ISNT OPENING THE DOOR! Well I guess I'm just going to have to let myself in! I teleport inside. Now I'm guessing that nightmare is in the kitchen! Drinking his coffee if he hasnt drank it already! I know this guy too well! I teleport to the kitchen. Nightmare isnt there but literally everyone else is. Wow... the guy I'm looking for isnt here, I might swell just stay here and welcome myself back. I just have to wish that Y/N is doing fine.... please....


Its a bit shorter than usual so SORRY

Its starting to get dark again!



I hope you guys enjoyed it either way!

See you guys on the next chapter!

Words - 1024

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