'Eggs for Breakfast'

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Nightmare POV:

Honestly I'm glad that I scared y/n like that. Oh boy I was laughing hard in my room. I don't think she heard me though. But what was she doing up at that time? Now she's probably gonna be useless today. I guess we could use her as a distraction. If other plans don't work out. Honestly I'm more excited than ever to kick dream's butt today!  I fell asleep soonly after, thinking about plans to annoy dream.

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes. "I thought I closed the blinds last night" I casually said to myself. I went up and closed the blinds. I hate the sun. It's too shiny and bright. I got out of bed and headed over to the kitchen. As I was expecting, killer was already there waiting for me. I wonder what time this idiot wakes up. "Good morning boss!"

" I wouldn't say 'good' morning" he just smiled at me. Geez this kid has a stupid smile. I decide to sit down while killer is just standing there staring at me. " Stop being a creep and sit down..." honestly this idiot. I take out my mug with one of my tentacles and pour myself some coffee from the fridge. Just then y/n walks into the kitchen pretty hyped. But not too hyped. She comes and sits down between me and killer. She still has those bags under her eyes. They seems to be worse than they worse last night.... Did she not go to sleep? I look at her. She looks back at me and gives me a light smile. Im gonna be honest... it's better than killers. Or is it. Y/n asks me if there is anything to drink. I nod my head and I say that there is some water in the fridge. She nodded her head and stood up to get a glass and pour some water in, she then sits back down. "Do you have any eggs?" She asks. Im look at her for a minute before I say yes. " can I make myself some eggs?" I look at her again. I say sure. "Just don't burn down the kitchen" a killer laughs at the statement I make. She nods her head before getting a pan out and two eggs from the fridge. She asks me if I want some. I simply say no. Right after killer blurts out that he wants some. Of course he does. I sigh. I observe as she makes them. With skill and confidence. She might not be that bad. She gives one egg to killer and keeps one for herself. I look as they eat. Killers eyes widen. "Omg these are the best eggs I've ever had in my life!" I could see that y/n was happy with killers response. " give me some I want to try them." Then killer passes me his half finished egg. I then taste a bit of it. Sheesh. Killer was right this time, he usually isn't. These are literally one of the best things I've ever had. "From now on you NEED to make me this every DAY!" She chuckles on how I say it. She looks glad that I like it. Well it's time to go wake up the boys.

Y/n POV:

Well, Nightmare and killer apparently really liked my eggs, I saw him leave to do something I think, I was then left with killer on my own. He just looked at me for a while, after a couple of minutes. He commented on how good my eggs were. After that Nightmare came back in with dust, cross and horror. All three of them looked decently tired. Cross looked a bit worried about me. Maybe it was the bags under my eyes. It didn't seem to disturb me at all. After all, I'm not a single bit tired. "GUYS! You'll never guess what!" All three of them looked at killer confused. "What Is It?" Then, killer blurts out that apparently I make the best eggs. Horror look suprised, actually, all three of them look suprised. " someone cooks better than horror?" Killer just smiled at them. Before nodding his head and saying that in terms of eggs, my food is better. I could say he looked a bit disappointed. But glad at the same time. " Is This True Boss?" Nightmare looks at horror and nods his head. Horror and dust look super suprised. Apparently horror was the best cook in the house before I came over and served them my eggs. I mean, what's so good about them? Its just some normal eggs with salt. Quite confusing in my opinion! Perhaps, I should try cooking something else.... Or maybe not. It could end badly. Like in a way that horror might attack me. But hopefully nightmare wouldn't let that happen. Hopefully. Horror then asked me to serve him some of my eggs to really see if they were better. I simply said yes and went to the fridge to get two more eggs. 

After I finished cooking the eggs, I have the to horror and he started eating them. he was just as surprised as nightmare and killer was. "I Will Agree These Are Just Splendid!" You know, maybe making eggs just made my life better. Who knew that eggs could do that! After everyone eats some of my eggs. Nightmare sits down and talks through his plan for the day, and when he said that it was going to be busy yesterday. It was BUSY okay. But it was easy to understand what to do. Killer then asks if I'm joining in. "It's really up to her isn't it" Then he looks at me expecting an answer. I nod my head and killer runs up behind me pretty happy. "Looks like Egg Girl is working with us!" I look back at him and smile akwardly. Well this is going to be a fun day for sure!


I hoped you guys liked it!

Especially the eggs tho lol


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