'Getting Worse'

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Hello guys! I hope you guys are doing well! You know I have to be taking care of my lovely viewers so dont mind if I do hehe. Soooooo we are finally at 6K which is UNBELIEVABLE! It really did feel like yesterday when I started this heh. Im glad ppl actually like it and that im not just doing it cus why not.... even though that is the reason I am doing this but oh well. Well yeah! Also.... feel free to leave suggestions in the comments on what to write or even do a bonus chapter or something (Cus I still have to do one for 2K lol). It can really help me since sometimes I just dont know what to write so YEAH! Well I have done enough talking now! I hope Im not asking too much out of you guys. You just viewing this already means ALOT TO ME! So yeah..... OKAY ILL ACTUALLY STOP TALKING NOW AND LET YOU READ THE CHAPTER HEH!!!!

Killer POV:

Since when does boss ACT LIKE THAT?! Like honestly! Just why?! Well we all have someone we care for I guess.... I dont know if I am one of those people but WHATEVER! I look at 404 who is also looking at the scene. "So when are we going to test it out?" Nightmare looks at me. "As soon as we get Y/N to remember what happened...." I look at him absurdly. "Well yeah I know that but im asking when are we going to start to look for the solution for this whole dang problem." "We should start now... or as soon as we can!" It was Dust. "Since when are YOU included in this whole situation?!" I ask, spinning around to now face Dust. He glares at me. "Since I want to be included in this Killer.." I roll my eyes before turning around to nightmare. Geez I forgot he was there for a moment. He is now also glaring at me. "Say sorry KILLER!" Yeah..... completely forgot he was there heh.... 

Boss then stands up after I say sorry to Dust, all he gives me in return is a glare. RUDE! He then lets go of Y/N before pulling her up. "Do you have a crush on herrrrr??!!!!" Yeah Crossy is screwed over here.  Nightmare looks at Crossy and glares at him. "HECK NO WHY WOULD YOU EVEN THINK THAT YOU DOOFUS!!" I then see him lean back into his chair. "Meet me in my office later cross....." I look over at Crossy. He currently is probably rethinking his life choices. Oh yeah! If I didnt mention it before, Crossy over here has a HUGE obsession with shipping people, in fact, he has shipped boss with me once! Like WHAT? Just because he gets along with me the most does not mean that he love eachother like what the heck?! And dont even ask me why I call him Crossy and not Cross......

Error 404 POV:

Oki doki! I have no idea of what we are even going to do next. I also seemed to notice that Bill wasnt in the room. "HEY GUYS WHERE IS BILL?!" Everyone then looks at me before looking around the kitchen. "I Dont Really Know..." Well that sure is a useful answer! "He might be in the hallways?" I then look at Y/N. Oh yeah! He could be there! Looking for a solution to all of this! Why didnt I think of that? I nod my head and stand up. Yeah time to do some searching I guess!

Sooo! I end up basically dragging the others with me, except from Y/N which followed me with no issue at all. After a while we eventually made it to the hallway. We then split and went searching for Bill. I went with Y/N, Killer when with nightmare and Dust, Horror and Cross went together. Well the first place we checked was the bathroom area since that was where he was earlier when I was alone with Y/N EARLIER. Was he there, no he wasnt. I looked at the bathtub. It was clean.... I dont remember anyone cleaning this? Maybe its just me I guess.... We keep on walking, searching around the area. When we decided to leave the hallways. Maybe he was somewhere else? I wonder where the others are, and if they have found Bill yet. There is no point of even trying to teleport to them because of how huge this place is. We end up passing a few rooms, some bathrooms and even a living room. But no sign of him. HOW LONG WAS THIS GOING TO TAKE?! 

In the meanwhile, Y/N was just trailing behind me not doing anything other than exsisting really... "I could use SOME HELP!" I see her attention turn towards me. "I am helping though..." She just stares at me until I end up shaking my head and continuing forwards to search for Bill. 

We end up walking for a bit more and searching through some rooms and well, the hallways. Well, after a while I look behind me to check on Y/N... thats when another problem formed. She wasnt behind me. Oh geez. Now I have two people to find. UGH! I start to go in the opposite direction. Maybe she just fell behind, I mean I am a fast walker I guess.... I go back alot. Checking all the rooms as well, yep, every single one of them! She wasnt anywhere. DANG IT! What am I supposed to do now? Try to find nightmare for help, Try to find Y/N, or continue to search for Bill?! OH MY FREAKING HECK! This whole thing is starting to get on my nerves seriously! I then carefully decide on searching for Bill, if I do find him, It will be alot easier to find them. Now... where am I supposed to start? 

Nightmare POV:

Yeah, me and Killer have had no luck so far. This guys honestly! Where could he be? I wonder if the others have found him yet? Knowing 404 he probably already found him and Im just being pointless right now... So should I stop searching now? Or do I keep on going? Cause I really dont know what to do. Since I dont know if anyone has found him. GEEZ MAN! This is getting annoying. I look over to Killer, who is skipping with a wide grin on his face, disgusting...... Im not even going to try stop him. Ive tried too many times to stop this idiot from doing these type of things you know! Well you probably dont know but meh whatever!

"Are you even trying?" Killer stops skipping and looks over at me. He shrugs his shoulders calmly. I sigh. Yeah he isnt thats for sure.... I sit down, showing that I give up. Ugh... This is annoying. I then hear talking. Huh what? That isnt Killer. I stand up and drag Killer to where I think the sound is coming from. "Huh, boss what are you doing?" I dont answer him and just continue walking in the direction of the sound. I then turn a corner and see Error 404 standing on his own... shouldnt he be with Y/N? I let go of Killer and rush over to him. "WHERE IS Y/N?!" He turns around and looks at me worriedly. "I dont know..."  And I really thought this couldnt get any worse...


I hope yall liked it! 

Sorry for not updating yesterday!

I was busy.....



Words - 1272

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