'A Glitch In The System'

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Void POV:

I guess I know where to go now! I do a quick motion with my hands that ive done over a million times, LITERALLY! A uneven black portal appears in front of me. If I go here, I'll have no problem finding the anti void, even though it could be quite far to the anti void, at least I won't get lost.... I walk casually into the portal, but I'm not standing anymore, I'm flying, well more accurately, floating. This is my home! Yeah.. it does look a lot like the void, but it's different, more dangerous... yep! My home, where I live is more dangerous than the void! It's not meant to be the same thing, just something I made up and decided to name after the void because of how similar the two looked to each other, yes I did call my home after myself! But think about it, what else am I meant to call it? A place of rainbows and sunshines? No.... I won't name my home something it isnt. It's a bit like the void like I said, but my version, and more dangerous. For example, something as simple as even walking in here, which is not possible, would be difficult, if you dont know how, you would be falling for eternity, with no possibility of getting out. While the void, the main one, you can literally walk in it and you dont really fall, you just walk around, and it's also easier to get out. Yeahhh!

Right! Now which one of these portals led to the anti void! This one... no, maybe this one.. nope! Another one!.... no luck... "Are you having some trouble?" I nod my head. "Im trying to get to the anti void and I forgot which portal to take! "Well that shouldn't be a problem for ya!" I nod my head. "So where is it?" I look for it, a bit confused. "Its not letting me find it..." "What isnt letting you find it!?" "I dont know...." I shake my head in disbelief. "HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!" "You've been doing this for over 100000 years with no problems!"  "There is a interuption void...." Im surprised. "Please can you become visible so we can help with this?" I then see a familiar figure appear in front of me. My buddy! "Looks like we have to sort some things out over here!"

Killer POV:

Im quite sad that Void couldn't stay for longer! After all it has been a proper while since ive seen that kid! And of course cross had to tell her about how 404 got knocked out by y/n, I knew it was going to come out either way! And I bet he thought we would have forgotten by now. I BET! This guy is stupid in his own way! He just claims he isnt because he has all this power! Look, I know I'm not too smart but I know for sure that this kids 'smart' is mostly the power he gets from his ability's!  I mean he does look quite pissed off at cross! But like I said, anyone one of us could have said it, I as even considering it! I do remember when 404 and Void first met, Of course they had one of those ginormous fights! And 404 won that fight, But he wants to 1v1 Void again to see if she has improved, after all it's been over 10 years since we have seen each other. I dont really know what business Void has to deal with and, trust me, I dont really want to know that haha! The reason we cant just travel to her is because she has drama to deal with across multiverses she has been to before. We of course do not know the routes to those multiverses so we dont even bother trying to get to her. And by 'we' I meant all of us. Including error 404, error and nightmare. Those three tried their best to somehow contact her but they weren't that successful! 

I swear though that Error is closest to Void. Like he even know her BIRTHDAY! Like I dont even know when boss or any of the others were born, or just weeellll started existing if you get what I mean! I dont even know what Void's favourite food is! LIKE I NEVER ASKED HER THE QUIESTION SO I DONT KNOW! It's still kinda embarrassing for me though! haha! The others, especially cross are having a mental breakdown for no reason!  And me, bill and 404 are the only ones that are actually being normal! I then see nightmare in the doorway. "BOSS YOU ARE FINALLY BACK!" "Any luck?" He shakes his head before going to sit down on one of the chairs. "What's wrong?" He then tilted his head up, looking at me pissed FOR NO REASON AT ALL! "I just want to find her, wherever she is!" I then smile, dont ask me why! "Also..... SOMEONE CAME RIGHT BEFORE YOU CAME!" "He then looked a bit surprised, thats how I wanted him to be at the moment. "Who came for moment right before I came?" I smile and look around for a moment for absolutely no reason!  "VOID CAME BY FOR A VISIT!!!!!" He then stands up so fast the the chair falls over. "YOU.... ARE... JOKING?" I look up at him, still smiling and then I decide upon shaking my head.  "WHERE IS SHE GOING TO RIGHT NOW?!" I just stand there for a moment not saying anything just to piss him off. "TELL ME WHERE!" I then laugh. "Ok, ok chill, she said she was going over to Error's place and then going to find you!" He then takes a deep breath in. "Ok I'm leaving to find Void and Y/N BYE!".....

Yep... he ditched us again!

Im finally done with this chapter!!!!

I hope you guys enjoyed it! 

Ill see you guys on the next chapter then!


Words - 997

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