'New Universe'

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I have absolutely no idea where I am.... SERIOUSLY! There is snow everywhere, like EVERYWHERE! I really thought it was summer.... I guess I am wrong. I seem to be in some sort of forest. of course surrounded by the snow. I wasn't that cold though, which kind of surprised me! It felt like a summer evening I guess, but that could be just me so I'm not going to talk about it anymore. I start top walk, where? Well at least I know this time, I'm currently heading towards a small row of houses. It give vintage vibes I guess. Actually no, I don't know what kind of vibe it gives... never mind, at least I'm not in that forest anymore... it kinda creeped me out! Felt kinda sketchy in my opinion. Well that could be just for me haha. Im Not really sure where to go now, There are a lot of houses, there isn't anyone walking around though, well that's probably because its the middle of the night.... well it should be at least, unless its dark here all the time, I doubt that would be true though, if it was then I would be just sad I guess, I myself do like night but I don't like it 24/7 because well, that's just too much for me!

Ok what do I do now? Oh wait yeah! Nightmare isnt here! Which also means he can't try to kill me! HA! Im still thinking about who made that portal... couldn't have been nightmare because I don't think he even makes portals in general! Who else... cross? No I doubt it... WHO ELSE WAS THERE THAT COULD'VE DONE IT!? Umm, Wait a minute.... what if I somehow managed to do it... NO... but yes, it could be a possibility I guess, and I did stick one of my hands out.... NO WAY! How about I try to do it again? I stick out my hand like I did earlier... nothing, weird... WHY IS IT NOT WORKING NOW? That's not very cool is it! Actually that does suck but oh well. I guess I'm stuck here for now! yay! Well maybe I should investigate this place, and by that I mean to literally see what is here. Which way do I start with? ummm, maybe this way, basically the left side. It starts to snow... great! Now it's colder! I look up. Wait up, there aren't any clouds in the sky! WHAT? How does that work? Because I don't understand it. I just shrug it off, this whole place is weird enough anyways. 

I walk, and walk, and walk. Past houses, buildings, restraunts and who knows what else! Im starting to get quite tired.. I can't really sleep on the snow because I'm going to get wet from that and I'm in no mood to get wet at the moment, also its nearly impossible to sleep in this type of weather. I mean look at it! Snowing.... snow, AND MORE SNOW! I KNOW! Its a complete snow overload... Maybe I can go somewhere else to sleep, maybe someone will be nice enough to let me stay over! If not I'll just bribe them, I'm too good at doing that! hehe. I go over to a house that isnt too big bust isnt too small at the same time. Which is nice. I knock on the door, no answer. I knock again, no answer again. I try to push the door and to my surprise it opens. Oh well I guess no one lives here, I want to see what this place look like! It dosent look too old I guess, I haven't seen this type of house in quite a while!

I go to the living room where there is just a couch, literally nothing else, which kinda sucks because I really wanted to watch some TV but I guess I'm just going to have to do without. I go to the kitchen. There isnt much there either, just a bunch of cabinets and a table which 3 chairs.Quite basic. Now I would open the cabinets but I really can't be bothered, I'm not even hungry anyways so there is no point, maybe later I might take a peek though. 

I return to the living room and basically throw myself onto the sofa, I end up falling asleep nearly straight away. I wonder what's the worst that could really happen!

Nightmare POV:

This is stupid, I am stupid.. WHY DID I CHASE HER? NOW SHE IS GONE AGAIN THINKING THAT IM GOING TO KILL HER.... I will say that she kind of deserved it but STILL! Now I'm going to have to look for her all over again! Which really sucks because I have enough of searching for another decade. I see cross catching up with me. "Where is Y/N?" I don't answer his question. "Dont tell me you have lost her again..." Yep cross is now internally screaming. " Well its not my fault that portal appeared right in front of her!" He just looks at me for a short second. "Wait.... WHAT?!" I nod my head. Where could that have come from though.... definitely not y/n or me.... "Cross....." He looks at me a bit nervously. "Yeah?" "Did you make the portal in front of her?" He shakes his head. "I didn't even know about it until you told me..." I just nod my head. UGH! What am I even supposed to do about this?! Maybe I should go over to error.. maybe he knows? He is the one that makes portals to get around everywhere so maybe he might know something about it anyways.....

Yep, I ditched cross and now he docent know where I am haha. Anyways I'm in front of error now just staring at him. "wHaT Do yOu wAnT FrOm mE?" I sigh. "Do you know anything about y/n going through some portal somewhere?" He looks at me slightly. "No I don't NoW LeAvE Me aLone!" He then looks away from me. " What are you even planning to do anyways..." He sighs. "WeLl iM PlAnNiNg tO Go oVeR To uNdErFeLl tO StEaL SoMe cHoCoLAtE AnD ThEn wAtCh SoMe uNdErNoVeLa." I nod my head. "NOW GO AWAY!" I sigh and return to the kitchen. Oh what am I meant to do now?


Sorry I haven't updated in the last 2-3 days, I've just been quite busy overall!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter though!

See you guys on the next chapter! 

Words - 1087

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