'The first Night'

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Y/n POV:

At the table, Nightmare honestly seemed a bit stressed I ain't gonna lie. Maybe I'm wrong or something, but I seriously doubt it. Anyways, he briefly explained to me about the rules and everything. But the most important rule of course was to never, and I mean NEVER touch his favourite mug, or else you're screwed, but other than that, everything else seemed to be easy to follow. After he finished explaining the plan for the next day, he told us to go to sleep. I didnt have a problem with that, oh wait...... I don't really have a bedroom to sleep in. But like he red my mind, he said that I could sleep in one of the guest rooms. I mean, I was a guest after all.

After everyone scuttled off to their chambers, I walked over with nightmare to my room. When I first got to it I was quite surprised. It was pretty small but it was a nice looking room, with starts all over the ceiling. " I guess you can have this room." After that  he just looked at me, said goodnight, and left in the opposite direction. I flopped down onto the neat bed, now making it messy and slowly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to the silence and darkness of the room. I looked around and remembered everything that happened the day before. I looked at my watch. It was 2:03am. Sheesh. That's pretty earlier then what I usually wake up. I mean, is an hour difference really that much, I turn on the light and search the floor for my footwear. After finding that and putting them on. I sit back down onto the bed. Im not really tired anymore am I? I all of a sudden feel the urge to eat. I don't remember the last time I've wanted to eat at this time, in the middle of the night. This room kinda seems boring anyways, and everyone is probably asleep anyways, so I might aswell hop over to the kitchen to get a snack to eat and just chill. So I stand up, turn off the lights in the room, get a torch that lying on the top shelf, and start to walk over to the kitchen. Phew. Good thing the floor isn't hella creaky. I wouldn't want anyone waking up because of me and then be annoyed at me for waking them up. Hell no. I make it to the kitchen. Im surprised to see the lights turn on, I look inside. No one... I just shrug my shoulders. Perhaps someone just forgot to turn them off when they were leaving. I look around for where there might be any food and water. I end up getting a chocolate bar from the fridge and a clean glass of water to drink it down. I sit down on the chair, and I think, why me out of the millions that live on my planet? Why do I get to experience this? Is this  meant to be a punishment or a reward? I think about those three questions the most, not really finding an answer for them. I snap back into reality. I look at my watch. 2:58am. Hmm interesting. I usually zone out for longer time periods than that..... perhaps something disturbed me. I then quickly take a look around and not really finding anything. "Are you trying to look for something?" I look behind me, towards the door, and I see nightmare leaning against the door. "N-n-no not in particular" he just nods he head. "So why are you up this late?" Actually why am I up this late? I just shrug my shoulders. He decides to come in and sit opposite me on the table. He reaches out for this mug with what looks like a tentacle covered in the black goo. I try to ignore it. He then stands up, and pours himself some coffee. "You want some?" He asks. You just end up akwardly shaking your head and he goes and sits down on one of the chairs. I continue to sip my water slowly. Not really knowing what to do. "You should probably get some sleep...." " tomorrow's going to be quite busy so it's good to gets some rest I guess..." He just looks at me. " Then shouldn't you be getting some too?" He just stares at me blankly, before looking away. "You probably need it more than I do" I laugh a bit at that sentence. " I usually sleep around this much, so no need to worry, I'm not even tired anyways!" He looks at me suprised. "Really?" I nod my head. He chuckles "The bags under your eyes tell me otherwise". I didn't even know I had bags under my eyes, how long have I had them for, does it look bad on me? He says that either way, I should be getting sleep. You know, for someone called nightmare, he's alot nicer than the name he's given, at least around me. 

We both stand up and decide to go our rooms. I go to mine and I believe he went to his. I flopped back onto my bed. Im not even tired... how am I supposed to sleep? I end up laying there for who know how long. Until my door creaks open. What? I go up to check it. But there is nothing there. Something grabs me from behind and covers my mouth. I attempt to scream but hell now that ain't gonna work with whatever I have covering my mouth. "You need to sleep!" What the.... " If you let go of me I might try!" With that, he lets go of me and I'm just sitting there on the bed. "Come on, that was only a light jumpscare."You just look at him for a brief moment and sigh "We'll you certainly scared the life outta me so congrats about that" Nightmare stands up and walks over to the door. " if your not gonna sleep then imma jumpscare you even worse next time!"  Im left pretty suprised. Honestly I'm happy that wasn't some kind of kidnapper or whatever. I just end up lying there. Maybe I drifted off maybe I didn't. Perhaps I would find out the next day...


I hope you guys enjoyed it!


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