'A break'

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Also right before I begin this next chapter P: I want thank you guys for getting me to OVER TWO HUNDRED READS IN 5 DAYS!? I am in shock right now honestly. So I just wanna thank you for that and yeah! ALSO! The next chapter will be a little extra that's not really part of the story! Anyways, I'll begin nowww! 

Y/n POV: 

I'm going to be well, not lying - cus I say 'honestly' way too much - I am pretty exhausted..... you know! Being tied up and put through all that trauma in one day is really a lot more than my regular life. Well, I don't want to go back to that either.... tragic moments... wait what? It wasn't even that tragic come on! Moving on! Heh... we are all back at the castle by now, just enjoying, well I don't really know.. but, horror and dust, are doing some- errr 'things' in the corner of the kitchen, like honestly, why here? And perhaps not somewhere else, anyways, killer is trying to find suitable reason to kill cross and I don't really think it's going too well for him, and nightmare is sipping at coffee and reading a book, most likely about ways to torture people and if it isn't I'll be surprised! I'm still here, not knowing what to do. What do I do? THINK ME THINK! What would I do when I was bored back at 'home' I guess..... umm, I went on my phone but I don't have that with me so no... oh yeah! I could go on a walk! That seems like a great idea, since that calms me down the most, usually.... I head out of the kitchen only to find Noot- AHEM! Nightmare questioning where I'm going. Okay, umm... geez I'm not particularly good at lying, and also me, remember, ITS STILL A MONDAY SO ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN! " I'm just going for a walk, why?" He just looks at me at shrugs his shoulders. "Ok, just don't come back too late." Welp, sure I could do that. I wasn't really expecting him to let me like that. After I leave I hear some negotiation, mostly killer, about how I'm able to just 'leave whenever'. Sheesh, this killer kiddo is pretty funny not gonna lie. Just in terms of being straight up stupid makes it the most funny for me. 

I walk outside the door and close it behind me. I then look around, I sure do love to be outside! It was pretty dark and the stars were shining bright in the navy blue sky. Looks pretty sick in my opinion. I've always liked nights more than days! It just seems, well, nicer and cooler. The giant obstacle course looking thingy looks a bit less intimidating now. I don't know if it because I've looked at it a different way, or maybe I've just been through a lot to not see this  as much of a threat to me. Still, it was intimidating. I look around, maybe for a different place to walk by, when I see this park. It was next to the house and looked pretty sweet in my opinion. I of course walked into it because I have nothing better to do with my pathetic self... I started to look around a lot. There were all sorts of trees. Some that were tall some, that were short, some that were old, some that were young, so that looked unsuitable for climbing and ones that looked VERY NICE FOR CLIMBING! Speaking of, as a young kid, when my parents weren't that strict, I loved to climb trees. Every single freaking day, I would come out, and race to the trees in my local park. But there was also this one tree that I'd go to the most, and I'd climb on it the most cus it's the best one for climbing. I would then either climb the tree or just sit down next to it on the grass. It calmed me. I just thought this as I was walking through. I wonder if nightmare goes here often or something. I continue walking for about 15 minutes or so until I see a big field of grass, and in the middle must have been the biggest tree stump I've ever seen in my life. It was very big, and well, round - rip my use of vocab - it kind of reminded me of something. I couldn't really remember it though. Maybe if I tried, no I don't think that would've worked..... umm.. yeah it didn't, or maybe it's just one of those times where it'll just take a couple of hours to remember something..... maybe not.. who knows at this point already. I start to turn back, before I hear a voice, I spin around just to see nothing. What? I swear I just heard something! I spin around a couple of times in all directions just to make sure no one is there.

I look down in front of me, my soul is just there, floating in front of me. Maybe that's what spoke to me.... hmm, could it be. I touched the side of it and it cracked. Huh what? It then healed again. These things are over complicated. I then hear another voice again. I stand back up again, not truly remembering when I decided to sit down in the first place and looked around myself once again. Was I going paranoid, or is it one of my mental breakdowns simply getting to me, walks are supposed to calm me down! Not do the opposite! I don't think the sound is coming from the soul. I hide it back into my body. What is that stupid little voice then! I look around, pretty spooked out by the whole situation. What if there is something wrong with me?! I just don't even know it myself yet. Tears start streaming from my eyes. I don't want to do this anymore. I look in front of me... no... NO! I snap out of it. The breeze is flowing softly across my face. I hug myself. Geez, times are really hard right now aren't they! I just can't get used to them no matter how hard I try. I wipe my face clean with my sleeve and I look up as I get into a comfortable sitting position. I look up at the sky. It's so nice, and calm... i let myself gradually lie down onto the dry grass. I attempt to count as many stars as I could, eventually stopping around 100, or perhaps it was 200? I wonder. I close my eyes. Thinking about the relaxing moments. When I hear my name. I fling my eyes open and sit up, nightmare was there next to me. " I've been worried about you! It's been 6 hours!" Now wait a minute... did he just say 6 FREAKING HOURS, WHAT IN THE ACTUAL- "you should probably go inside" I look at nightmare and shake my head. " I want to stay here a bit longer you know, just to, well, embrace the calm?" He nods his head " I can say, it is pretty nice here, you know what, I'll actually stay here with you and chill!" I smile at him, I'm glad he thinks it a good idea and that he's not pissed about me being 6 hours here, I mean, how did time even manage to pass so quickly? On second thought, Monday's aren't really as bad as they seem.

I lie back down onto the dry grass, thinking about all sorts of things, some really chill and easygoing, or really crazy, complex things. After a while, I open my eyes again. Nightmare is still them lying next to me, not knowing I have my eyes open, he's pretty close to me... heck no... I shuffle a bit to my left. Just to keep some distance in between. Perhaps he didn't mean to. I lie down once again, and then it all goes black.....


The fact that I should be sleeping right now.....

This is one of my longest chapters AND it took me the longest to make!

And in the next chapter I will make sure to do  more than one persons perspective!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it!

Words - 1383

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