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??? POV:

So! He has someone to show me! Im decently suprised. He hasnt done that in a while. So, I wonder if he has played uno with the kid. I want to see if the kid can beat him at it, I sure know that I cant heh. We chat for a bit longer before ending the call with nightmare. We should actually meet up though! Its been a while! He ALWAYS busy with torturing his brother. I dont even know that much who he even is, but probably someone thats horrible I guess. 

I go back into the room I was Originally in until I heard my phone ring. "Who were you talking to?" "Just Nightmare......"  He looks at me and nods his head. "You finally going to go see him?" "Well we are just planning for now, he said that he wants to show me someone.." "who?" "I dont know..... he just said that he wanted to show me someone....." "Can I come with ya?" "Sure" ......


I open my eyes. Thats the first thing I do. Im quite dizzy and I dont know why. What happened yesterday? Well, all I know is that I need to use the bathroom..... I sit up. Im in nightmares room..... what if all that happened yesterday was a dream, or should I call it a nightmare..... Well Im not dead either way so thats a good thing. I stand up. Or atleast I try. I trip over nothing and nearly fall on the floor, but something catches me, yeah standing up isnt a good idea when your dizzy. "Whaa?" "You should be more careful kid...." The person then lets go and I hit the floor. " You couldve let me fall a bit more, lets say, calmer?" He just laughs. I sit up to see nightmare standing in front of me. Yeah no wonder this guy is laughing. Im not really dizzy anymore.... I stand up, dusting myself and looking up at nightmare. "How are you after yesterday?" I think he could tell that I was a little confused. "Im talking about the fall...." Oh so that wasnt a dream... dang... Who even fired that blaster in the first place though, and second, HOW AM I STILL ALIVE??!! "You good?" He just looks at me I dont really know what to say... "ummmm..." "I need to talk to you about something..." I... " What do you need to tell me?"  "Ill say it later, we should go to the others, they are worring about you..." "OH YEAH! I also have some drama to spill about dream heh..." His smile then widens. "We should hurry up in that case!" We then walk to the kitchen and as nightmare said, they were all crazy worried about me, and I literally had to keep on saying that I was fine for straight up 15 mins before they finally shut up. "GUYS Y/N HAS DRAMA TO SPILL ABOUT HIM!" They just look at him for a moment, before starting to hype up again. You know...

For someone that called nightmare, King of negativity and all...... he is alot nicer than he thinks.....

Its like he is this mean guy, a horrible person to humankind and mosterkind, but here next to his friends, he is.... suprisingly nice! Sure, he has his little moments, but apart from that, he is pretty cool!

ANYWAYS! I sit down along with the others at the table and I did as any normal person would.... I STARTED TO SPILL ALL THE DRAMA ABOUT DREAAAAM!!! Oh boy I knew they liked it! It was so funny to see their reactions! "THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOW WAY THAT THE THREE OF THEM ACTALLY FELL FOR THAT!!!!" And then hearing Killers phsychotic laugh behind me. Anyways, after I stopped talking about it. We all eventually fell silent for a minute or two, resting from all the hype and craziness from that conversation. Thats when nightmare decided to speak up....

"We are going to meet up with them." Killer then hypes up again, he hypes out about everything here. Dust then looks up at nightmare, showing that he is paying attention. "Why dont you just say their names?" I dont even know what hes talking about. I guess I can agree with him. "Yeah, Why Dont You Just Say Their Names?" "I just cant, and you know why Dust......" Nightmare says in a cold tone. Dust just nods his head. Why so serious though... Is there something that I dont know about. Nightmare then stares at me. Creepy but okay... "I will tell you why when the time comes y/n." He says it so coldly... why? I dont get why.. Maybe its because I dont understand... Thats all. I nod my head and smile. Trying to shake off what Im actually feeling inside. 

Im not doing a very good job at that am I?...

Once again I attempt to shake the feeling off, I just cant get rid of it, its like a sign of hate that will never release me.... Im getting too dark now arent I? But Its all true... I cant get rid of that feeling no matter how much I try, even in the best of moments.... Its always there... deep inside, eating me alive. Its like a emotion. Kind of I guess. Where I kind of lose track of everything around me. Trying to do almost anything to get rid of it. All I know is that it never works out. That may also be one of the reasons why I zone out so much, and for such long periods aswell.. I dont think.. that its normal for such things to happen to people, I used to think that it happened to everyone, but-



I look up. They all are worried, even nightmare. "What happened?" I end up asking, confused. "Y-y-you... We couldnt snap you out of it!, You were just there, not reacting to ANYTHING!"

"We were scared for you..."

I just sit there, thinking about what cross just told me. These are the type of things I was talking about. 


I made it extra dramatic today!

Anyways I hope you liked it!

Words - 1035

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