Chapter One || The First Day of School

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7 years ago;

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7 years ago;

"Ugh, Chance, wait up!", I called out to my older brother of two years who had just sprinted off the bus and towards our new house, located in Cincinnati, OH.

I attempted to catch up with him, but my lack of shape prevented me from doing so, causing me to just stumble my way home whilst panting.

I finally reached my front sidewalk, walking up the stairs and to our front porch, opening the door and stepping inside. I grabbed my backpack, which was thrown over my shoulder, and threw it to the couch before kicking off my black converse high tops.

I walked to the kitchen where I could hear the voice of my mother's followed by Chance who was sitting at the bar while our mother was at the stove, cooking.

When my mom noticed me, she turned her head from the stove with a bright and hopeful smile.

"Hey, sweetie! How was your first day of school?", She asked with enthusiasm. I shrugged, leaning against the wall and grabbing an apple from our bowl, which was sitting in the surface of the bar.

"It was alright I guess.", I shrugged, taking a bite of my apple.

"Alright? Didn't you make any friends?", She asked. I was about to reply with a 'no' before Chance sprang in, interrupting rudely with,

"I did!"

"Really? Who is it?", our mother questioned as she fixed her eyes from me to Chance.

"His name's Andrew. Oh! And he'll be coming over after his band's practice.", He announced, my ears perked up at the word "band".

Chance earned all my attention at that, causing me to spring up.

"Oooh! What's his name? Is he cute? What does he look like? Does he sing well?", My questions were interrupted by a knock at the door. Chance hopped off his chair and walked to the door, where I slowly trotted behind.

His hand approached the door knob, grabbing it then twisting it. He pulled it open only to reveal a tall figure.

The figure was a male, not too older than I. He was pale with black hair, his bangs swooped over his left eye. He had a lip ring and a nose ring and sky blue eyes, reminding me of crystals. He was wearing a black 'KISS' t-shirt with black skinny jeans along with black converse.

Needless to say, he was gorgeous.

"Hey, Andrew! Come in, bud.", Chance exclaimed excitingly, stepping aside to let Andrew in.

"Thanks. And oh, it's just Andy.", His deep voice said with a smile planted on his lips.

I guess he noticed me standing behind Chance just a little ways, staring in complete awe because he looked at me only to lightly chuckle.

"Who's this?", He asked politely.

Chance opened his mouth to reply, but I interrupted, hopping in and saying,

"I'm Skylar!"

Chance glared at me, annoyingly and stated,

"My little sister."

I looked to him as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You're only three years older than me.", Making me 14 and him 17.

Chance rolled his eyes with a scoff, "Still, you're a little baby."

Andy just stood there, laughing at our bickering. "You guys fight like cats and dogs, geesh."

I smiled softly, actually making eye contact, and let me tell you, it was as if sparks had flown.

I didn't even know this boy, but he made me feel deep down inside. Something that I've never felt before. My stomach felt like it was doing flips and my cheeks fell warm. He felt like sunshine in a human form.

The moment was taken away by Chance's loud, demanding voice.

"Sky, go upstairs or at least help mom out in the kitchen. Do whatever, just please, leave us alone."

A frown grew onto my lips as I grunted, turning my heel and walking to the stairs and climbing up. There were two rooms in the hallway; the bathroom, Chance's room and mine.

Mine was on the far right so I turned and opened the door before stepping in, locking it behind me.

I sighed deeply, walking over to my bed and plopping down, hitting the back of my head against my black and white checkered sheets.

I looked around my small room filled with band posters, mostly classic rock. My eyes then wondered to my Esteban guitar which was resting in the corner by my bed. It was acoustic/electric and black with white rimmed around the hole. A smile appeared on my face as my eyes roamed around it, sitting up from my bed and reaching my arms for it. I grabbed the neck and pulled it over to me.

I didn't plug in the amp, I knew how it would bother my mother and my brother.

There were rules, for me to have a guitar, I can only play it when my mom's at work, or in the garage. But I wasn't about to do that.

I grabbed a pick in between my index and middle finger out of a small bowl I keep on my dresser. I then started to pick the intro to 'Wish You Were Here' by Pink Floyd, a band that I grew up listening to.

This was the first song I had learned on guitar. But as I picked then began to strum, as I traveled further into the song, nostalgia came over me.

I remember as a child how my father would sing this ever so softly in my ear, right before I fell asleep in his arms. It was a nightly thing, I couldn't sleep without hearing just the sound of his voice.

On nights where he would work his night shifts, not being able to help me sleep, I would just lie there. When I was supposed to be in my bed, I just crawled to my window and I stared up into the New York skylines, hoping that he would come back. He always did.

Until that Wednesday morning.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my door opening and footsteps following. I jerked my head behind me, startled only to seen Andy peaking his head through the window.

"Oops, sorry, thought this was the bathroom.", He apologized, blushing. I couldn't help but to chuckle lightly with a friendly smile.

"It's fine.", I reassured. He smiled, looking into my eyes but his eyes soon trailed down to my guitar. His eyes widened, his smile growing.

"Woah! You play?!", he gasped, filled with enthusiasm. I blushed slightly, looking down at the guitar shyly.

"Not really-"

"Oh, don't be so modest! I heard you play! You're awesome. I actually play myself.", he announced, leaning against the doorway.

I raised an eyebrow, surprised.

"Really? Wow, that's cool."

He opened his mouth to say something, but was disturbed by the sound of Chance's voice calling up the hallway. "Andy! Hurry up!"

He didn't sound happy.

Andy turned his head to glance down into the hall, then back at me with widened eyes and a slight frown.

"Well, I should get going before he founds out that I've been talking to you. We should play together sometime."

I smiled brightly, nodding my head. "Yeah, sure. That'd be awesome.", I said. He returned a smile before slowly closing the door and walking down the stairs.

I sighed, grabbing my guitar and resting it against the wall. I then plopped back down, my back hitting the bed as I stretched my arms and legs onto the mattress.

All I could think about was those eyes.

Those crystal blue eyes.

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