Chapter Thirteen || Heaven Sent

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After that night, I pretty much stopped going to school entirely

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After that night, I pretty much stopped going to school entirely. My grades were awful, I got plenty of phone calls home to my mom from principals & guidance counselors. Which at this point, my mom didn't try stopping me or forcing me to go to school. After I snapped, she kinda gave me my space. I truly think she just has no idea how to handle the situation. Days went by, but days turned into weeks & weeks turned into months. Before I even knew it, winter had already came along with February. I couldn't usually tell if it were day or night as I was constantly locked in my room with the window curtains pulled down. My days usually consisted of sleeping or watching sappy reality TV shows, anything to distract myself when I couldn't sleep. Of course I would have to force myself to go downstairs for dinner when Michael & Scout came over, but it wasn't every day & I hadn't seen Andy come over since. Eventually the school stopped calling the house.  I've honestly considered starting online classes but I have absolutely no motivation to do any form of schooling. Maybe some day, & I know I'll regret this in the future. But life is just so bleak right now.

I ask myself, why Andy? Is it even truly Andy? Or am I just so starved from any emotional connections with people & maybe it's that Andy was the only true person who was my friend? Maybe if I tried making friends with more people, things would be different.

Forcing myself to get out of the house, I grabbed my old skateboard I had laying around in the storage space in my room. Man, I haven't touched this thing in years. By the dusk & grime on it, you can definitely tell it's been neglected. But it's time for me to pick up a new hobby & force myself to get out of my room. What better way to do it than to try skateboarding? After all, there's a skate park right down the block from my house.

When I entered the park, I was almost intimidated to the point I wanted to turn around & walk right back home. There was so many people riding their boards or just sitting around talking to friends. God, I am going to look like an idiot trying to ride this thing.

I took my board up to one of the smaller ramps. Even though it was smaller, it definitely didn't mean easy. The drop from this one was enough to make my stomach churn. I placed the board at the edge of the ramp, trying to place my footing correctly before I took off.

I thought I had done rather well, considering the first swing from the ramp didn't end with me falling to my death. But towards the returning trip, I felt my feet slip & I dunked over, falling straight to the bottom. Landing right on my knees, I cringed & let out a hiss in pain. Ouch, that didn't feel good. It looked like I got some attention from bystanders, while a few people looked down at me, almost to see if I was still alive. I noticed a few people even start to laugh or at least try to hide their laughter. I could feel my face getting hot as the embarrassment set in. I knew I shouldn't have come here. It was a stupid decision on my part. That's when a brown haired boy came rushing down on his skateboard, stopping right at me. He looked concerned.

"Hey, are you hurt??", he asked, kneeling down next to me.

"Looks like she got a little too cocky, that girl can't skate for shit!", someone yelled out at him.

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