Chapter Eighteen || Leaving the Past in the Past

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"Sky, we need to have a talk

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"Sky, we need to have a talk.", I hear my mothers voice ring through the kitchen. I had just woken up, my hair was a mess & I was still rubbing sleep out of my eyes. I get up from the couch & follow her voice to the kitchen. She's standing at the counter with the home phone in her hand, as she turned around to face me with a disappointed look on her face.

"Take a seat.", she says. I do as she says, pulling out a stool from the kitchen island that sat in the middle of the room. I sit down & pull myself up to the island so that my arms could rest on the wooden table. I honestly have not a single clue what she's about to talk to me about, my mind fills with different scenarios. What could I possibly be in trouble for?

"I just got off the phone with the principal. He was wondering if you were withdrawing from enrollment. I told him no, that you've been having a rough few months & refused to go to school", she says, starting to pace a little bit with her hands on her hips.

"He says if that's the case, it's very possible that you won't be able to move onto sophomore year.", she states. With this information, I should be upset. But at this point, the idea of dropping out of school completely sounds like a blessing. I thought it was already in the process of happening.

"But, and that's a strong but, if you take a few courses of summer school over June, they'll see how you do & consider letting you move up.", she says, raising an eyebrow & watching me closely. I gulped.

Summer school?

What exactly would that mean?

I guess it wouldn't be too bad, the people I can't seem to stand wouldn't be going & honestly, not many people would be there.

"I mean, do I have a choice?", I ask sarcastically, my voice still strained from just waking up. She rolls her eyes.

"No. You do not.", she says. "It'll only be for a few weeks, they'll see how you do & if you do well, you'll be okay.", she adds.

Eh. I guess it won't be too bad.

"But, you have to start going back to school for the remainder of the year.", she says.

My heart could've stopped right there.

Okay, so summer school? Fine, whatever. But I have to go back? This year? It couldn't wait til next year.

Fuck this.

I didn't even have the energy to say anything. On the outside, I probably look calm & casual. But inside, my heart is sinking & my mind is filled with so much anxiety.

School was bad enough for me. But going back, I'll have literally nobody. No friends. Liam goes to the neighboring school district. I will be sitting in the bathroom during lunch & avoiding the people I can't stand the most every chance I get.

Perfect. Fucking perfect.

I drag myself off the stool & make my way through the house & to the stairs. I honestly just want to lay in my bed. I'm exhausted, barely got any sleep & just got smacked with this news. It's such a first world problem but an anxiety-ridden teen's worst nightmare.

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