Chapter Tweleve || Spiraling

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Absolutely enraged.

Although I think I did pretty well at hiding it.

The fact that Andy could just blow me off completely yet have the absolute NERVE to step foot in my house.

He didn't make eye contact with me, didn't even bother to look over. He just shyly kept his attention to Scout & her father.

"Well, Goodmorning sunshine!", my mother giggled nervously. "It's 'bout time you got up!"

I didn't say a word, just pulled out a chair at the very opposite side of the table, farthest away from Andy. I could practically feel my mom staring daggers into me.

She coughed awkwardly, & then tried to fill the silence once more, "Well, we have an old friend come to visit us. I had no idea that Andrew was dating Scout.", she chuckled. I continued to pick at the food that sat on my plate with my fork.

My mom & Michael continued to try to make conversation but I completely toned them out. I went blank. I was too consumed with the thoughts in my mind to pay any attention to my surroundings. It's one thing for me to be upset about Andy abandoning me for Scout, but it's a whole different level of hurt to see him have the audacity to show up to my house. The rest of the evening went as so. Andy made not one attempt to speak to me, although I caught Chance & him conversing a little bit. I'm not sure if it was blatantly obvious that I was angry, but I thought maybe he'd at least make an attempt to talk to me.

As I watched the three of them get ready to walk out the door, I saw Scout sneer at me.

And that was that.

He was gone. Again.

My heart felt like it had broken all over again.

"Sky, you barely touched any food on your plate!", I heard my mom shout from the kitchen. I had already made my way to the stairs, but before I could make it up to my room, my mom stopped me.

"What is it with you, Sky?? Talk to me!", my mom insisted.

"Nothing. I'm just tired."

"Bullshit, Sky! Do you think I'm stupid? I've watched you. All you do anymore is sulk in bed, you barely come downstairs, you're practically skin & bones anymore! What's wrong??", she continued.

"Nothing!! It's nothing!! Leave me the fuck alone, alright?", I snapped. And like that, it was silence. My mom stared at me, Chance staring as well. The whole room filled with silence & I felt the all too familiar lump in my throat. My eyes started to get blurred with tears. I ran up the stairs.

Slamming the door behind me, my chest got tight & my breathing became faster. I ran my hands through my hair as I walked to my mirror, staring at the reflection in front of me.

Who is this person?

Why am I getting so bad?

The last time I felt this way was when Dad died.

Over a stupid boy. Can you believe that? I'm almost 15 years old & this is how I'm acting over a boy?? Unbelievable.

I have got to snap out of it.

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