Chapter Twenty || Disappointment

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Me: liam where r u? haven't heard from u all day

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Me: liam where r u? haven't heard from u all day...

I text Liam, hoping for a response but knowing I probably wouldn't get one. It was already 8:30 pm, I was planning on skating back home but I decided to take a short walk around the neighborhood. The sky was still lit a little bit, the sun was almost set but it was nice.

Liam never told me where exactly he lives, I know he lives on South Maplewood Street, he's only described his house. He said he lives in a small duplex, the house is brick & his yard is a total mess since he dad never keeps anything clean. I don't want to be a creep, but honestly, at this point I'm a little nervous for him. His dad broke his skateboard in a drunken fit of rage, he definitely has the ability of hurting Liam? Maplewood isn't far at all from me, just a few blocks away. I can skate there in less than five minutes. I'm sure I can somewhat guess the house he lives in based on the information he's given me.

So that's exactly what I did, threw my deck on the street & started skating. I skate as fast as I can down alleys, I don't wanna go through busy streets where cars are driving by. I skated through the suburbs until I got to the more run down part of town. This consisted of trailers or super old buildings. This area has a lot of drug use & activity. I tend to avoid this area at on costs but I'll risk it this once.

Finally, I made it to South Maplewood Street. This street was rather small compared to the rest. There was only a few buildings that laid & half of them looked to be abandoned. There was only one brick duplex that sat on the very end of the road. That had to be it. At this point, the sun was down & night time approached. My heart felt like it could skip a beat as I approached the building, I was so nervous. Mostly nervous about the possibility of what his dad might've done.

I throw my board down on the sidewalk & walk up to the building. I climb up the stairs & walk to the front do. I didn't have a plan, I kinda just acted on instinct. I found myself knocking lightly at the door.

No answer.

I knock again, only this time louder.

Bam! The door swings open.

A greasy older man, probably late 40's swung open the door. He's skinny & is wearing a white cutoff T-shirt that has numerous stains. His hair is buzz cut & he has bags under his eyes, which are bloodshot. His breath reeks of booze & cigarettes, which he was holding one right between his lips when he answered.

"Who the hell are you!", he slurs, his voice deep & raspy.

I gulp, "H-hi...I'm Liam's girlfriend. I was wondering where he was...?", i shyly respond, looking at him like a deer in headlights. He stares at me for a moment before taking the cigarette from between his lips, & chuckling suddenly.

"Liam!", he turns to the side & calls out. "You have a girlfriend? Damn boy I was starting to worry you'd be gay! What a relief!", he drunkenly shouts. Liam stumbles over to the door, clearly intoxicated as well.

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