Chapter Sixteen || Someone New

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A few weeks passed by since the party, March approached faster & faster

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A few weeks passed by since the party, March approached faster & faster. Things were relatively back to normal, only me & Liam were hanging out a lot more. Not to any new parties or smoking weed, but mostly at the skatepark. I have had him over for dinner a few times. Mom seems to like him a lot, but Chance definitely doesn't. Which I don't care, he can be weird sometimes about the people I hang out with. Although, I've never hung out at or even seen Liam's house. He doesn't talk about his parents, all I know is his mom died when he was young & his dad is busy a lot. That's the biggest thing we relate on; having lost a parent at a young age.

As for Andy? Haven't heard from him. Blocked his number. Didn't want to risk having a text pop up. I didn't even want to see his name on my phone, I just wanted to pretend he doesn't exist. Though it's hard considering that mom told me that Andy & Chance were talking again, even hanging out. What a surprise. Definitely didn't see that coming at all...

But other than that, Liam & I formed a pretty tight knit friendship. He pretty much has just been showing me different moves on the skateboard. He's since cut off ties with Zach & introduced me to more of his 'chill' friends that hang out at the park. I got along with them great & I opened up to Liam even better. For only knowing him for a short while, we've gotten close. I feel alive when I'm around him. We're always goofing off together or taking random Walmart trips, getting ice cream or watching horror films in my living room. But even though we were friends, it was a little weird. There was always this strange tension between us. Nothing bad...just, different.

You see, with Andy, it was obviously a one-sided crush. He was my brothers friend & was forced to hang out with his dorky little sister. We got close but I developed a crush on him, hardcore. Andy never felt the same. Not that he stated that, but it was known. He always saw me as a friend. Nothing more.

But with Liam, there's just something in the air. How we catch each other looking at the other while swinging on the swing set, or the look & blush we give each other after almost touching hands when we both go to grab the same thing. We are constantly in touch. When we're not hanging out, we're texting. Even if it's about nothing. Liam wasn't a rebound for me, but I think he was a godsend, in a way. He lifted me from a dark spot.

"Going out with Liam again?", my mom caught me as I was making my way through the kitchen to get to the front door. I stopped in my tracks.

" that cool? I'll be back before dark.", I reassured. She stood at the counter peeling potatoes into a bowl.

"Oh, that's fine. It's've been spending a lot of time with him lately.", she trailed off, "Chance is having Andy over for dinner. I thought it might be nice if you two could catch up.", she offered, pulling her eyes off the potatoes & giving me a look. I rolled my eyes.

"Absolutely not.", I stated. "I'll be back before dark!"

I grabbed my skateboard off the porch & ran to sidewalk, skating my way down. It was a beautiful day & the sun was shining. Perfect for skating. But Liam wanted me to meet him at the park by the swings. So I did just that, skating til I saw him. I hopped off my deck & ran down to the swings.

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