Chapter Twenty-Six || Seeing Red

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Andy drove me home that morning

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Andy drove me home that morning. The usually short car ride was elongated because we took back roads just to have some time to jam out to music a bit and talk. Although, we did more talking than we did music because my head was absolutely pounding. Andy offered to stop to get me Tylenol at the drug store but I declined, he already did so much for me and I didn't want to cause anymore trouble. I enjoyed the time I had left with Andy, it truly felt like I got my best friend back. I can feel myself growing more and more attached. The thought of him leaving again scares the absolute fuck out of me, but I genuinely believe that he made a mistake that he won't make again. I'm certain.

We finally made it to my street, but Andy slowed down real quick when we got closer to my house 

"Wait a minute...why the fuck is he here...?!", Andy snarled. I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I didn't realize a man was standing at my door. It looked as though he was knocking at it. He quickly turned our direction when he heard Andy's car pull up. It was Liam.

"That's it, this prick isn't getting the hint!", Andy snarled as he reached for his seatbelt quickly. I placed my hand on his, stopping it.

"Not at my house, no."

"Sky, he tried to fucking rape you last night. Who knows what he's trying to do now?!"

"He's not going to do anything right now. Just don't start a fight. I can't handle it.", I ordered. Andy shut up and just sunk down in his seat, watching me get out of his car and walk up my stairs to my house.

Liam was dressed in a black hoodie with the hood pulled overtop his head. His hands were in his pockets lazily as he met me halfway down the stairs. We just stood in front of each other for a minute.

"Why the fuck are you here?", I calmly asked. He just stared at the ground.

"Look, I know I'm a piece of shit for last night. I deserved everything that asshole did to me.", he finally mustered the courage to spit out. I rolled my eyes, my arms folded in front of me.

"I don't want to listen to excuses or sorries. I want to go in my house and go to my bed.", I said simply. I was trying to not let my emotions show. I wanted to be as cold and blunt as possible.

"Sky, you have to understand that I have urges sometimes and when I'm under the influence, they're bound to come out!", he explained. I raised an eyebrow.

"So you try to rape someone?", I questioned.

"No! God, ugh!", he threw his hand over his head, biting his tongue, "I didn't try to rape you! You were giving me mixed signals-"

"Cut the shit Liam. You tried to rape me. You are a piece of fucking shit!", I finally raised my voice. His face turned red and I knew as soon as he clenched his jaw and balled up his fist that is was over. He raised his fist in the air so quickly and as soon as I thought he was going to swing, I tensed up and braced myself. That's when I felt something push me to the side quickly.

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