Chapter Twenty-Two || Mind Games

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I swing my chair around so that I'm facing her, she's just staring at me with a smirk on her lips and fire in her eyes

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I swing my chair around so that I'm facing her, she's just staring at me with a smirk on her lips and fire in her eyes. My heart is racing at this point. She's not bothered me at school, it's bold of her to come into my own home and terrorize me.

"Uh. The bathroom is the next door down...?", I say softly and timidly, watching her slowly shut the door behind her and walk closer to me. She chuckled lightly.

"Oh, I know where the bathroom is, dumbass. That's not why I'm here.", he says coldly, a smirk still planted on her lips.

I stand up from my chair as she inches closer to me, i back up at the same speed.

"What do you want?", I say, almost choking on my words. I could practically hear my heartbeat at this point. She doesn't answer me, she just slowly walks over to my dresser. She fumbled with a few of my trinkets and nick-nacks almost in a tauntingly fashion.

"Well, I just wanted to say that it's really brave of you to come back to school. After all, you did go through a few horrible months. Alone. In your room. No friends...", she trails off as she messes with a stack of photos I have sitting on my dresser. I gulp.

"And I just wanted to congratulate you. It's really great. And I'm looking forward to seeing you at school.", she says in an overly fake voice as she shuffled through my stack of pictures. Her fingers then meet the photo of me, Chance and Andy.

It was silent.

Pure silence.

"I noticed you were with him...Andy.", she trails, her voice getting harsher. Her eyes were then met with mine, icey cold.

"He doesn't love you, Sky. Not even a little bit. He came back to you only because he lost me.", she says, the evil grin then forming once again. I couldn't speak, not that I even had to words to form, but also because I was almost paralyzed with fear. Hell, I couldn't even move if I wanted to. She clutched the photo in my hands, smacking the others back down on the hard wood of my dresser.

"Did you ever notice that? He left you once he had me, but now that I'm gone, he wants you again. Huh, funny, right?", she says with a soft chuckle. "It's almost like...he's trying to distract himself." She holds up the picture of us in front of me suddenly, pointing at it.

"THIS. This is not real. He doesn't give a fuck about you so enjoy it while you have it, because I'll have him again soon. And trust me, as long as you live here, I'm going to make your life a living hell.", she threatens through clenched teeth, taking big steps to me. Scout isn't a big person, she is only a few inches taller than me and she herself is also pretty thin. But somehow, watching her step closer and closer to me until my back found the wall, it seemed like she was towering above me. I couldn't do anything other than take it and watch her hold that picture up with a burning pit of anxiety inside my stomach.

"Just a warning.", she breaks from her angry tone to a more soft tone, along with a fake sweet smile. She turns on her heel and starts to make her way to my door, picture in hand before she stops at the photo frame of me and my dad that I have hanging next to my door. She takes a good, long stare at it before flashing her eyes back at me once again.

"Sky, you ever wonder how your dad would feel to have such a pathetic excuse of a daughter?", she questions before looking back at the frame.

"I mean, there's nothing about you to be proud of. You're a nobody. I just think it's sad.", she says simply before exiting my door. I held my breath before I heard her footsteps disappear and their car drive away.

I finally look a huge breath of relief, but the anxiety didn't go away. I kinda just stood there for a hot minute before being able to slowly walk to my bed, sitting down with my thoughts.

Nope. She hasn't changed. She's only going to get worse. I don't know what I could do to rid my life of her, she is absolutely relentless. Sure, I could switch schools but this is the closest one to me. I just wish she'd give up. I've never given her a reason to hate me so much, I just don't get it. She took the picture of me and Andy and not only that, but also insulted me at my fathers expense.

How fucked up of a person do you have to be to use my dead father as a way to hurt me?

It's not like those thoughts aren't something I already battle with. Would my father be proud of me? What have I done to make him proud? Skip school? Go to parties only to ruin them? Have absolutely no friends?


Maybe what she says is true. Maybe I am a nobody. But I can change. I don't know who I am right now, but I know I'll find it one day. I just need to improve.

And with that, I got back up and walked to my desk, opening up my books and starting to study.

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