Chapter Two || The Beginning of a New Friendship

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After that day, Andy had come over almost all the time after school

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After that day, Andy had come over almost all the time after school. That would be the highlight to my day, considering that I still haven't found any new friends. It's been my third day of being a freshman, high school isn't even what it's all been said to be. Not too different from middle school, frankly. It has always been a challenge for me to make friends. I'm just the shy awkward kid in the back, reading books and the one who actually CARES about their education.
Everyone here just isn't like me, I've even gotten bullied a little.

But when Andy comes over after school, it makes it okay. Even if it's just catching him in the hallway. I know, he's my brothers friend, but each time Andy has a chance to talk to me, he does. I've learned so much about him and we've even gotten closer.

His full name is Andrew Dennis Biersack.
His birthday is December 23rd, 1991.
He's absolutely obsessed with Batman, has ever since he was a child.
He plays guitar and sings in a band he has called 'Biersack'.
His favorite movie is Sweeney Todd.
His favorite band is KISS and Mötley Crüe.

He's amazingly funny, and so much like me.

I was sitting at the couch, only about two hours after I had come home from school.
Andy had came over about an hour after and him, Chance and I are just sitting on the couch, bored.
"Ughh, it's so boring!", Chance groaned, throwing his head back. Andy sighed, looking over at Chance, bored himself.
I pondered, thinking of a way to make things more interesting. It was a rainy, humid Wednesday in September. We couldn't really go out anywhere, so what else could we do?
I thought and a thought until a lightbulb popped up.

"Hey, guys, you know of that website. Erm, what is it again...? Oh! Youtube!", I spoke up, looking at them from my couch to theirs.
YouTube was this new website. People would post videos of just about anything. I found it real cool.
Chance popped his head up, Andy rose an eyebrow.

"Yeah, what of it?", Chance questioned.

"Well, maybe we could make a video and post it.", I suggested, shrugging. Andy's eyes brightened up, grinning.
"That's a great idea, Sky!", he exclaimed with enthusiasm.

"Yeah, well what are we gonna do about a camera?", Chance groaned, negatively. Andy looked at him with reassurance.
"We'll just use my mom's old digital camera."

Chance lazily pulled himself up and rose to his feet. "Alright. Let's do it."

Andy and I, filled with excitement, jolted out of our spots and followed Chance, who was already walking out the door.
Chance has never been to Andy's place. And that was where we were heading, to grab the camera.
Andy then proceeded to lead us through the yard and to the sidewalk, making his way to his place.

It must have been about two blocks until we eventually reached Andy's place, which was located on the boarder of the suburbs. The house was fairly large, looking big on the outside. It was painted in a shade of beige, dark brown shingles on the roof. There were different decorations, one on the door which read,
'The Biersacks'

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