Chapter Twenty-Nine || A Feeling You Can't Shake

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A week flew by and it was the night of Andy's graduation party

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A week flew by and it was the night of Andy's graduation party. Andy didn't have a traditional grad party consisting of cookouts and awkward family members you haven't seen in years. He decided to have a separate "party" for friends, only it was at a small indoor venue downtown and he was going to be performing with his band.

I had yet to see Andy preform live or even meet his band members. A few months ago they changed their name to "Black Veil Brides" and they were doing really good in terms of preforming often and getting gigs. Andy even got to shoot a music video for one of his songs "Knives and Pens", although it was low budget. Even though they aren't too well known, he's doing very good so far. I am really proud of him.

This show, however, was a little packed. Chance and I both arrived at about 9 pm. We were a little bit late but it didn't matter. The venue looked to be connected to a small apartment building upstairs, while the concert set up was downstairs. It was almost like an old theater. When we walked in, the static of the electric guitar and the beat of the drums almost blew our eardrums. Who knew concerts could be so loud?

Since the last party, Chance was being overprotective. He agreed to let me go to parties without telling mom only if he could be my chaperone. Even though it was humiliating, I agreed, even if that meant I couldn't drink. But when we got there, I noticed that Chance was acting rather odd. He told me to go ahead and get some drinks if I wanted to, and to have fun. He wasn't lingering around me or being a total helicopter. It was almost like he trusted me; but maybe it was because we were around mostly people we all knew.

So I did just that, I went over to the corner where I saw Jade and Damien standing with red solo cops. When they saw me approach, their eyes lit up and huge smiles appeared.

"Sky! Hey girl!", Damien shouted over the loud music, although his voice was still muffled. I returned the smile and pulled them both in a hug. I congratulated the both of them since I didn't get a chance to do so at the ceremony. They offered me a red solo cup of something I didn't know, but I trusted the both of them. I promised myself not to let myself get into any trouble so I stayed pretty close to them.

As we stood in the back, we observed Andy on stage. He was singing and totally jamming out. The crowd below him was actually pretty large, people were jamming out along with him. It was almost like Andy got totally lost in the music. His music was very intense and hard. It made me happy to see him get lost in his passion and totally lose himself on stage. He was dripping sweat and jumping all around the stage. The crowd was wild and with the intensity and size of it, I wondered how many of those people were friends or fans.

The boys and I stayed in the back, watching him and chatting amongst ourselves. We drank a lot but it was only in a casual manner. I looked to the other side of the room to see Chance standing next to a girl he was talking to. He looked to be laughing, with a red solo cup in his hand as well. I smiled to myself knowing that at least all of us are having a good time.

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