Chapter Twenty-Four || This Disguise

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!!! **TW: this chapter contains S/A** !!!

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!!! **TW: this chapter contains S/A** !!!

It was just one shot.

One that turned into two.

Two that turned into three, and so on.

I wasn't peer pressured, but I haven't had the pleasure to get at least a little tipsy yet, although this was way more than a little buzz.

The room was spinning, my face felt warm and I couldn't stop giggling. I felt like the floor beneath me was moving and shifting all over the place. I had lost Andy after I played a game of flip-cup with everyone. But I wasn't concerned, he probably went off to find Jade, who kept seeming to wander off every hour or so. At one point, it just came down to me, Liam, Damien and a couple other people I had never met. We were the only ones taking shots after the others found themselves dancing or socializing. At one point, someone was swinging off the chandelier in the middle of the dining room and then there was a fight outside. But it was all a blur, crazy things kept happening and I couldn't grasp a moment to realize what they were or my surroundings. I just knew, at that moment, I was drunk off my mind and my whole world was spinning. I couldn't make out details of anything, I felt like my vision was blurred and I was conscious one moment while the next I wasn't.

I went to grab another shot but that's when I felt Liam lean down to my ear and speak lightly,

"I think that's enough, babe. Let's get you to bed."

I look over at the clock on the wall and noticed it said 1:00 am.

Wow, were we really partying for this long?

I knew I needed to stop drinking, but I didn't want it to end. I didn't want to sober up. I loved feeling like this, like I had no weight on my shoulders and no stress in my life. I felt light as a feather and I didn't want this night to end.

The next thing I know, Liam is practically carrying me up the stairs. At that moment, I had realized he was more sober than me, as he wasn't stumbling around and he was being so gentle with me. He knocked on a few rooms in the hallway but most of them were occupied, until he found the room at the very end with the door wide open. Nobody was inside. It was a nice bedroom, although I wasn't paying attention to anymore details. Part of me wanted to go back to sleep, the other half wanted to drink some more.

"Wa-wait, Li, I want mor-", I cut myself off losing my train of thought, but I was already muttering and probably not making much sense. Liam knew what I was asking for because he responded,

"Not tonight, you've had enough.", he insisted while laying me down on the bed. He was being so gentle but firm with his arms as I tried to wiggle myself playfully out. He started to struggle a bit to keep me down, and the next thing I know is that in one swift motion, his lips were on mine.

I instantly calmed against his lips, forfeiting my fight and allowing myself to melt in his touch.

This is nice.

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