Chapter Twenty-Five || What Would I Do Without You?

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I woke up that next morning in a complete haze

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I woke up that next morning in a complete haze. At first, I wasn't sure where I was exactly. But soon after, memories of the night before kept flooding through in waves. A mixture of both confusion and disbelief overcame me as I laid in an unfamiliar bed, staring at the ceiling tiles. My memories were blurry and patchy, but then I remembered him.

Crystal blue eyes.

Warm smile.

Strong arms.


He got me away. Before Liam was able to put his dirty hands on me, he swept me away from it.

I hate to sound like a typical fairytale cliché, but he truly did save me last night. And I am extreme grateful.

Speaking of which, how did I end up in Andy's room? Andy was nowhere to be found. I scanned the room and threw the blankets to the side. Suddenly a feeling of anxiety washed over me, assuming the worst.

Liam. Did Liam do something? Why would Andy just leave me?

I slowly crept out the door and down the stairs, very cautiously. It was dead silent in the house. My stomach churned as I imagined worst case scenario, Liam swooping out from the side and attacking me. I know it might be silly, but after last night, I wasn't sure what he was capable of and just how much I knew about him.

I walked into the main living room to find absolutely nobody in sight. I then made my way to the kitchen, nobody. And then the dining room. Nobody.

My anxiety turned into full fledged fear, being sucked into a slight panic attack and thrown into fight or flight. I ran to the nearest door, which was the back door out the kitchen. I didn't even look straight on, I just ran as fast as I could out of the house and onto the back porch. That's when my body came to a halt as I ran into something.

"Hey, kid. What's wrong?!", a worried voice came through. I looked up to see Andy towering over me, my face smacked right into his lower chest. I instantly felt my face heat up in embarrassment and quickly stepped away.

"I-I'm sorry. I just didn't see you and I got scared...", I trailed off, quickly diverting my eyes somewhere else out of embarrassment. Not only for acting like a coward for no reason, but also because I wasn't sure how badly I acted last night.

Andy stood there with a cigarette in hand as his worried expression turned into a kind smile.

"It's alright, I'm sorry for leaving. I came out for a smoke. You were sleeping so peacefully, I didn't want to wake you up.", he said softly. I swore my face turned bright red as I realized I fell asleep next to Andy. Andy must've noticed my distance as he took a step closer, turning concerned again.

"Hey, you sure you're alright?", he asked once again, examining me. I hid my face.

"Yeah, I uh, I just don't remember how I got here exactly.", I said, biting my bottom lip between my teeth out of nervous habit. Andy let out a soft chuckle while he finished off the rest of his cigarette before flicking it to the ground.

"You have nothing to worry about, nothing happened between us. You were just pretty messy last night so I wanted to get you outta that house.", he said before pausing for a second. His face got real serious and stone cold while I saw his jaw clench.

"You remember what happened with Liam, though, right...?", he said, his voice was deeper this time and serious. I nodded my head quickly.

"Yeah...", I sighed, looking back on last night in my memories. Andy shook his head in disappointment while he put his hands in his pockets, kicking hits foot off the ground lightly.

"I just...I don't get it...I don't know why he'd think he could get away with something like that.", he said, keeping his head down. I looked up at him, looking into his eyes.

"Andy...?", I spoke up. He looked up at me.

"Were you following me that night...?", I ask shyly, not wanting to sound crazy. He raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

I lower my eyes and clench my fists. Thinking about the series of events that just happened confuses me to no end. I don't understand why Liam would try to harm me like that but I also don't understand how Andy jumped in to stop it at the perfect time.

"It's stopped it all in a did you know I was in there?", I finally spurt out, desperate for answers. He looked at me sincerely, pausing before replying,

"Well, I didn't know you were in there. Honestly, I was looking for Jade but I ended up hearing you shout a few rooms down. So I followed your voice until I found you. What I didn't expect was to find him doing that to you...", he trailed off. I just nodded, keeping my head down. Listening to him cleared up my memories a bit and the wave of flashbacks washed through my mind. I could feel a lump grow in my throat 

That's when I felt two arms pull me into a tightly squeezed hug. Andy held me tight for a good while, his tall slender frame towering over me and my head resting in his chest.

"You are okay though...right?", he asked softly into my hair, he sounded concerned. I nodded my head.

"Yeah...Thank you. Seriously, I don't know what would've happened if you weren't there...", I say. We pull away from the hug and he just looks down at me, gives me a smile and says,

"As long as I'm there, nobody's going to hurt you. Ever."

I return the smile, as his arms are still around me and look up at him, getting lost in his blue eyes as always. When I'm with Andy I feel safe. Even if I'm sad or struggling, when he's around, it's like a blanket of peace covers me. I'm not sure what to call this feeling, but I feel protected and as if nothing can hurt me. He has a way of saying just the right things and making me feel grounded. I got so lost in my trance of thought that I realized we locked eyes for a solid minute or so. Our faces were merely inches apart. It seems that we both snapped out when we awkwardly pulled away completely. My face blushed pink and he just casually scratched the back of his head.

"Well," he cough. "I should probably get you home then, huh?"

I nodded with a sigh, throwing my hand on my head in defeat, "Probably, I just hope my mom doesn't figure anything out."

Andy have a reassured smile and threw his arm over me, jingling his key in this other hand, "If she does, I'll explain. I can come up with a pretty believable story.", he winked. I rolled my eyes and giggled.

"Sure, you're full of them."

He gasped dramatically, "What the hell is that supposed to mean?!"

"It means you're full of shit.", I smirked. He rolled his eyes.

"Fine. Catch yourself walking home!", he snapped back, jokingly, tossing his keys over my head. My eyes widened 

"No!! I'm hungover as fuck, you can't leave me to fend for myself!", I laughed, chasing him as he taunted me with his car keys.

"That's what I thought. You need me, kid.", he smirked cockily. I crossed my arms in defeat.

"What would I do without you?"

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