Chapter Seven || Shattered Glass

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of my alarm beeping through my ears, almost instantly jolting me up and awake

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of my alarm beeping through my ears, almost instantly jolting me up and awake. I took a deep breath, sighing as I dwelled in the thought of getting out of bed, ready, and to school where I almost always got bullied.

I never really thought high school would be this hard. I mean, I thought it would be at least a little easier than middle school. But everything just seems to be going more and more down hill, and it was only November. Sometimes it's just hard to get out of bed in the morning.

So I just stayed in bed. I stayed in bed and stared at my ceiling, trying to find even the singlest ounce of motivation to get up.

And that's when I thought,

Blue eyes.


And I felt my lips turn up, my heart skip a beat. Suddenly, a bolt of energy rushed inside and I felt like everything would be okay. It would all be okay if Andy was there.

So, with that, I sprung out of bed. I quickly went to my closet and searched through for an outfit for the day. I pulled out a black and white striped oversized sweater and a pair of black leggings. I quickly changed and made my way to my vanity, where I sat down and looked over myself in the mirror.


My dyed blue hair sat messy in a bun on my head, strands popping out here and there. My skin looked even pastier this morning, faint blue bags under my eyes. My bare face wasn't too easy to look at, my complexion was absolutely terrible.

I dug through my makeup bag to look for certain makeup products. I did my foundation first, th n my eyeliner. I filled in my eyebrows a little and applied mascara; just the usual makeup routine. When I finished, I straightened my hair and let it rest on my shoulders. I admired myself in the mirror, looking over my now finished makeup and hair.

Honestly, I didn't look bad.

As soon as I got downstairs, I bolted to the door, paying no mind to my mom who stood at the stove, flipping pancakes.

"Sky? Why the rush?", she called out. "No rush, just ready to get this lousy day over with!", I exclaimed, trying to play it cool but probably failing with the excitement in my voice. Truth is, I was excited to see Andy. And although I know he has a girlfriend, that doesn't even matter. Andy and I are good friends, and it should stay that way. Our friendship is special, and I'm coming to terms with the fact it would be simply ruined if it were anything more. I should take it how it is and ignore any feelings I had. I'm a new person today.

I skipped out the door cheerfully, full of excitement, and ran to Chance's car parked in the driveway. Chance probably wasn't even awake yet, honestly. That's when I made the smartest decision to press on his horn as hard as I possibly could to wake him up.



That's when I saw his upstairs window open & his fuzzy coconut hair peek out.

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