Chapter Fifteen || Conflictions

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"Andy?!", I gasped in total disbelief

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"Andy?!", I gasped in total disbelief. At this point, the crowd went silent. Everyone either fled or stood still, watching.

What. The. Fuck.

Why the fuck is Andy here? Where did he come from?

He stared at me with pure rage in his eyes & a bloody nose. His black hair was tossed in a mess & the blood was dripping on his white T-shirt.

"What the hell are you doing here?? Why are you beating him?!", I demanded, pushing him in his chest. At this point, I am angry. Andy's ruined everything for me these past few months. Absolutely everything. And now my birthday? And a potential first kiss?? How the hell is he able to do this to me?

"Why the fuck do you have to come in & ruin everything for me?!", I screamed at him, pushing him in his chest a bit harder this time. He just took it, breathing heavy.

"Skylar..", he said stern & seriously, using my full name, which is something he's never done. He threw his arm down & pointed at Zach, who was still laying on the ground with his arms propping himself up, staring at us.

"This MAN is graduated. He is 18. He does NOT need to be touching you or kissing you!", Andy raised his voice, practically shaking with rage. I scoffed, rolling my eyes & throwing my hands in the air.

"I'm 15, Andy! I think I'm old enough to make my own decisions!", I yelled back.

"Skylar! He's an adult! This isn't the first time he's taken advantage of a young girl & I didn't want him to try any further!", he screamed at me.

"Oh, give me a FUCKING break!", I yelled, throwing my hands in the air & storming out of the room, making my way out of the house. I didn't know where I was going to go, but I couldn't be there any longer. I was near tears at this point, sniffling them away. I won't let Andy cause me any tears anymore. I refuse. I stormed off the property & into the silent, dark street. Making my way down, I heard footsteps behind me.

"Sky! I'm sorry for yelling, you just don't know him like I do! I know what he's about & he's nothing but trouble. I just don't want you to get hu-", Before Andy could say more, I cut him off.

"Hurt?! You don't want me to get hurt?! Why the FUCK do you even care? You haven't even been around!", I yelled, charging back to him & looking him dead in the eye. I was merely inches away from his face, I was shaking with rage.

"You wanna see hurt, Andy?! You should've seen me alone in my room for MONTHS. Isolation. You were my only friend. YOU knew that. Yet, you didn't give a fuck. Why do you care all the sudden?!"

Andy's eyes softened & he got quiet. Only hurt filled his eyes. His hair was still a mess, I could see in the yellow, dim street light.

"Sky, I know I haven't been the best friend lately...but, I care about you. I do...", he trailed off, his head falling to the ground. "I have no excuse! You deserve no excuse. You are absolutely right..", he continued, stopping for a second as his breath got shakier, still facing the ground. "But...I DID care. I DO care. I always will... I got caught up in my music & my sorry excuse for a girlfriend...I didn't intend on seeing you tonight but when I saw him all up on you, I had to step in...I got so angry...", he spat out. He turned to me, his eyes meeting mine, filled with sorrow.

I just stared at him, tears blurring my vision. I stayed silent, not knowing what to say. That's when I heard new footsteps from behind him & a figure.

"Sky?! Are you okay?", I heard Liam's voice as his shadow appeared & I saw him creep into the street light. Andy shot his head back at him.

"'re the one who took her here...", Andy growled quietly, facing Liam. Liam put his hands up & stepped away.

"Look, man, I didn't expect this shit to happen. I left for a second & the next thing I kne-", Liam tried to explain calmly but Andy got in his face.

"I fucking know you, bro. You're just some junior who smokes his entire life away! You have no business taking a freshman to parties like this & getting them high!", Andy yelled. Liam continued to step away, scared.

"It was dumb on my part! She just needed a friend, I wanted to help."

"Well you can help now by fucking right off & staying away from her!", Andy growled. I pushed Andy away from him.

"Andy you have no business leaving me for months then just decide to jump in & tell my new friends to do the same!", I yelled, staring him dead in his eyes. I was trying my best not to cry at this point, I'm surprised I was able to hold it in this long. I felt tears creeping so I turned my face.

"If you want to help me, just leave me alone. I can take care of myself.", I said, calmly. At this point I was just too upset & I wanted to go home. I didn't want to see Andy.

"But, Sky-", Andy started but I cut him off.

"Go away, Andy.", I demanded a little more sternly this time. He stayed quiet, & out the corner of my eye I saw him walk away, his foot steps trailing off.

I finally let a few tears slide, thinking I was alone but totally forgot that Liam was next to me.

"Hey...are you okay...?", he softly asked. I didn't say anything. I didn't make a sound. I just kept my head down. But when Liam put his arms around me & pulled me into his chest, I completely broke down. I sobbed into him.

"I'm sorry...I ruined this entire night...I didn't mean for this to happen.", I managed to get out in between sobs. He just rubbed my back, resting his head on top of mine.

"Hey, it's okay. It's not your fault. You got involved with crazy...I'm sorry that Zach did that...I really didn't think he would..", he softly said, rubbing my back. We just stood there for a good minute or two. He just let me cry into him as he calmed me down. I finally felt okay to pull away from the hug, looking up at him. He smiled softly at me with sad eyes, putting his hand on top of my head & ruffling my hair.

"It's okay. It's been one crazy night, but...I still like ya.", he chuckled. I giggled lightly.

"Can I drive you home?", he asked. I nodded.

When we got back to his car & into our seat, we drove without music. It was silent. But an okay silence. I must've dozed off because I didn't remember pulling into my house. He just softly woke me up & walked me to my front porch. When I looked at the time, it was 1 am.

"You sure you're okay?", he asked one more time. I nodded, sleepily.

"Thank you again for driving me. I'm sorry I caused so much craziness.", I apologized once again. He shook his head.

"Don't apologize. I shouldn't have taken you, at least not to Zach's party. That was my mistake.", he said. We both exchanged a smile before we said goodbye. When I got in the house & into my room, I immediately collapsed to my bed, instantly falling asleep.

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