Chapter Thirty-One || An Unexpected Goodbye

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A few weeks pass by where I don't see Andy

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A few weeks pass by where I don't see Andy. We keep in contact but it's really hard to make plans to see each other. Any time I try getting him to come over or vice versa, he's either in the studio or planning out his next show. Sure, it sucks but it's nice that he takes time to shoot me a text message or a quick call. I'm sure things will be back to normal before too long.

Until one Saturday night, around 10 p.m., I hear faint and drawn out clanking at my window. Startled, assuming the worst, I cautiously creep to my window to take a peek out.

It was Andy, standing out on my street in front of his car, throwing pebbles at my window.

How fucking romantic.

I quickly push up my window up and stick my head outside.

"Damnit, Biersack! You trying to give me a heart attack?!", I shout out, still catching my breath and letting  my heart rate settle. I could see a smug smirk planted across his face as he chuckled.

"Sorry! You think you could use some company?", he shouts back. I smile.

"I'll come down to you!", I shout back before I climb out my window and carefully down the side of my house; which wasn't too far from the ground. Finally, I meet Andy. We both instinctively run to each other for a hug. He grabs me and spins me around.

"Christ, have you been avoiding me?! I haven't seen you in forever.", I mutter into his chest as I squeeze onto him tightly. He squeezes me back just as tightly and buries his face in the crook of my neck.

"I know, I'm sorry. I've been so busy.", he sighs as we depart from the hug.

"So what have you..", I smile up at him before noticing a mountain of cardboard boxes piled up in his back seat. "What is all that..?", I question, curiously pointing at his car. He looks behind his shoulder at it before back to me, reaching his hand to the back of his head and nervously scratching it.

"Yeah, I um...that's why I'm here...", he starts. I stare at him, trying my best to understand why those boxes are there and where he is going.

"Sky, I uh...I'm going away for a while...", he starts to say, looking back up at me as our eyes meet under the dim, yellow street light. Even though it was dark, his eyes still shone crystal blue as always. My heart sunk.

"We were offered a record Kentucky...I'm going to be moving there with the band...", he says, softly. Not breaking eye contact. My throat closes up as I scatter my mind for the words to say. Although, it's as though I can't say them at all. I just stand there, staring at him with my mouth open and eyebrows furrowed.

Andy's leaving...?


"You're joking...right...?", was all I could let escape my throat, as though something was stuck in it. I felt a sting in my eyes but I tried my best to stay calm. Maybe this is a misunderstanding. Andy just stared at me with sad, regretful eyes.

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