Chapter Twenty-Seven || Graduation

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After that, weeks passed by and I hadn't heard from Liam

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After that, weeks passed by and I hadn't heard from Liam. Not that I care, I just figured Andy scared the absolute shit out of him enough that it kept him away for good. It wasn't until later that month when I drove by his house out of sheer curiosity to see it posted up for sale, a picket sign in the yard and all. I shrugged it off thinking maybe word got around of what he tried to do to me. Everyone at school had heard about it. I noticed amongst the chatter when I'd enter a room. Of course with gossip, rumors spread like wildfire in high school. The story went from Liam making an attempt to assault me to him full on raping me; which sent me to the guidance counselors office a few times. I told her that none of the rumors were true, just chatter amongst everyone. I definitely wasn't going to be fully honest with her in fear of my mother getting involved, but it never came to that. Actually, it made people a lot nicer to me. I grew close with a couple of fellow freshmen girls in the last month of school. It was nice to have girl friends instead of constantly being around boys.

As for Scout, her dad and my mom broke up so I didn't see much of her besides grimaces through the hallways. She seemed to have been over Andy, as she ended up hooking up with the senior quarterback and the two have been in a relationship since. I'm glad to have not only her off my back, but it seemed as if everything was falling into place. It only took a year, but I started fitting in at school and I wasn't getting picked on. I'm honestly starting to have high hopes for the future.

Although, one thing stuck in the back of my mind and pains me to think about; Andy, Chance and the rest of the guys will be graduating in a week. Sure, it's a perfect time to make new friends, but the thought of not having them around next year scares me. I can make friends with just about anyone, but I've always had the boys by my side no matter what. I know they'll all still be around but it does make me sad to think about. But it's not all that bad, Andy will still be just up the road from me, as he has no plans for college at the moment.

The day of his graduation, he had came over, asking me to help straighten his hair for him. He was sitting on the toilet and I stood in front of him, struggling to get him to sit still.

"Jesus, Andy. You'd think by now you'd be able to straighten your own damn hair.", i grumbled almost under my breath but loud enough for him to hear. He chuckled.

"Fuck no! Last time I burnt the shit outta my hand, I make my mom help me.", he laughed. I rolled my eyes, proceeding to grab small pieces of his hair between the straightener.

"Yeah? Well why isn't she helping you today? I have to get ready too, ya'know.", I complained some more.

"Well maybe I just wanted an excuse to come see you.", he shot back smoothly. I shut up real quick, feeling my face grow warm but quickly snapped myself out of it.

"Whatever. Just hold still."

I finally got most of his hair straightened. He wore a white button up dress shirt and black dress pants. He stood in front of the mirror to examine himself.

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