Chapter Nine || An Unexpected Guest

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We both, in sync, jerked away from each other & jolted back into our previous postures, looking away almost in embarrassment

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We both, in sync, jerked away from each other & jolted back into our previous postures, looking away almost in embarrassment. Andy coughed awkwardly as we heard footsteps come up the stares.

"Andy! Oh my god!", the excited voice of Chance rung through the hallway, up the stairs. The door flew open. Chance came rushing in with a gigantic grin wrapped around his face & a piece of paper held in his hand.

"This is big, Andy! This is so big!", he exclaimed, pointing at the paper.

"What's that?", I asked, hinting at the paper but couldn't get a good look with Chance flailing around like that.

"Give it here!", Andy snatched the paper out of Chance's grasp, holding it up to his face while silently scanning it. Andy's once nonchalant expression turned wide-eyed as his mouth dropped. I felt like the odd one out.

"What the actual fuck!! This is insane, man!", Andy exclaimed, jumping from my bed.

"I know! I couldn't get here faster to show you!", Chance replied with the biggest smile on his face.

"That's great & all, but can someone please tell me what the hell is going on??", I huffed in annoyance. Andy held the paper up to my face. It was a page torn out of a magazine. It had a small paragraph script that was too small to read & above it was a photo of what looked like a band preforming on a small stage. As I stared at the photo a little longer, I realized that the photo was a picture of Andy in his band.

"I was in my study group & one of the guys brought in a magazine. He said he never knew Andy was in a band! This article was written by a journalist that tours around & checks out small artists! He came to your show Andy!", Chance exclaimed.

I quickly rushed over to my desk & sat down, firing up my computer. I opened google. "Chance, what's the name of that journalist?", I ask.

"Erm...Christopher Glasgow?", he replied while reading the paper closely. I started typing into google. When I searched his name, a wiki page with his name popped up. Chance & Andy hovered behind me as I researched more on this man.

"Sooo...he was born in LA. He does tour around the country interviewing bands but it looks like he has a side project to help promote smaller up-coming artists. Why did he decide to check you guys out, though?", I asked, while turning my chair around to Andy. Andy playfully looked offended.

"Uh, probably because we're fucking great?", he chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

"Not what I meant. Like, why a small suburb in Cincinnati? Of all places?"

Andy shrugged. "I don't know, but that was also our biggest show yet. The entire room was filled. Maybe he saw my myspace? I don't know!"

"Look, the details don't matter. All that matters is that this is big! This is really big! And did you read what he said about you guys?", Chance added. Andy returned to the paper.

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