Chapter Twenty-One || Met With Evil

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"Look who it is!", I hear the teasingly tone of Damien's voice ring in my ears as I enter the cafeteria

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"Look who it is!", I hear the teasingly tone of Damien's voice ring in my ears as I enter the cafeteria. He's sitting at the table with Jade, Andy & Chance, waiting for the morning bell to call us to class

"How was your vacation, Sky?", Jade chimes in, with a deep chuckle. He springs up from the table & throws an arm around my shoulder, walking with me back to the others. I roll my eyes.

"Shut the hell up. Don't make my first day back a hell.", I snap, partially playfully but I'm also extremely exhausted. My sleep schedule hasn't been the best these past few months.

Jade throws his hands up in defeat with a smirk. "Woah! It's good to see you too Sky!", he laughs.

"Yup! It's good to have you back!", Damien adds, before turning to Andy while squinting his eyes.

"And you, too, Biersack. We lost both of you around the same time.", he grumbled. Andy nervously laughs, scratching the back of his neck.

My first day back to school flew by like a breeze. Nobody really picked on me, but I was surrounded by Andy & Chance in between classes. Scout & her crew only threw a few quick glares once in a while.

I guess Andy found out Scout cheated on him. He told me at lunch that he walked in on her with some dude who graduated last year making out on her couch. She's been trying to win him back but to no avail. It makes me sad to see him hurt like this, but I'm glad he's out of that toxic relationship. I knew she wasn't any good for him from the start. I've sort of lost all romantic feelings towards Andy. The thought of him getting with another girl doesn't make my blood boil, I honestly just view him as a friend now. That's how it should be, though. I'm sure a lot of my feelings moved on because of what happened but I also came to terms with the fact that I would never be with him, as well as me already having a boyfriend.

Speaking of boyfriend, as I walked out the doors of the school, I was greeted by none other than Liam, waiting for me by the entrance. I could almost feel the annoyance from Andy walking besides me. Liam watched us as we walked, his hands in his pockets. Andy suddenly stopped walking.

"Well, looks like someone's here to see you. I should probably leave you from here.", he said, watching Liam carefully. I gave a soft smile.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow."

"See ya.", he said before walking off in the opposite direction. I turned to Liam & slowly walked over there.

When we met, there was a small silence. Almost as if none of us knew what to say.

"I'm sorry about the other night, Sky...and for not texting you.", he said, keeping his eyes low.

"What happened, Liam? Me going to your house, finding you drunk with your dad is one thing...but not hearing from you? You had me worried sick.", I snapped. He cringed at my words.

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