Chapter Five || First Heartbreak

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I woke up the following morning to the sun beaming through the windows, blinding me as my eyes fluttered open

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I woke up the following morning to the sun beaming through the windows, blinding me as my eyes fluttered open. I gave them some time to get used to the obnoxiously bright rays before sitting up, only to be greeted by my idiot older brother, staring right at me.

"You and Andy fucked?!", he screamed loudly. My eyes widened as he jumped off of my bed and ran out my door.

I quickly took action, sprinting from my bed and followed him down the stairs, chasing him.

"HEY MOM ANDY SNU-", he screamed but was cut off by me lunging onto his back, hand over his mouth, as he fell to ground.

His back against the hallway walls, my hand still over his mouth, I stared at him in pleading eyes.

"Chance, listen to me. Nothing happened with Andy and I. He came in to scare me but ended up staying after I had a nightmare. I promise you, nothing happened and I need you to keep this between you and I.", I explained, hoping this persuaded him enough. My hand was still over his mouth.

"Now whenever I remove my hand, you are not going to say anything. Got it?" he nodded in response. I sighed deeply and removed my hand, flinching slightly as I expected him to start screaming again.

But instead, being the dorky brother of mine, he wiped off the area in which my hand was with his sleeve.

"Yuck, your hand tasted salty.", he complained whilst rubbing his mouth, full conversation towards that. I couldn't help but to giggle.

"So you're not mad?", I asked hopefully. He looked up at me. "Of course I'm mad, my best friend fucked my little sister!", he exclaimed, I quickly shushed him, looking around, paranoid.

He whispered, "I was only joking."

"Chance, she cannot know. Promise you won't tell?"

"I promise."

"No, you have to pinky promise."

"Yeah, yeah," he lifted up his pinky finger as I took a hold of it with mine, "pinky promise."

I smiled excitedly. I threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly. "Ew, get off of me, slut!", he yelled jokingly. I hit him in his leg and pulled away. "Shut upppp."

He just chuckled and shook his head. "Okay smartie, well you might want to hurry and get ready for school." I sighed at that. "Shit, I almost forgot."

He pulled himself up to his feet. "Yeah, well, forgot it or not, you got it. So get up and get ready, I'll be in the car.", he reached out his arm as I took it, pulling me up. He then walked to the front door and outside, I could hear him start the car up.

I walked to the bathroom, I decided to just throw on some sweats and a T-shirt. I put my hair up in a messy bun and a small coat of mascara, I wouldn't want to keep him waiting.

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