Chapter Ten || Superficial

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With all the shit I've been through in the past

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With all the shit I've been through in the past. With dad, with school bullies, with Andy and now Scout!

The girl who bullies me. The girl who makes my school life an absolute living hell. Her dad has to be my moms boyfriend?!

"Hi!", Scout smiled with her fake overly sweet voice and grin, extending her hand for us to shake. "I've seen you guys around school but I've never formally introduced myself. I'm Scout!"

Inside, I want to vomit, scream and run away. But on the outside, I remain calm and casually. Chance and I both shake her hand and exchange polite talk. I can feel a sense of uneasiness in the room and I wondered if anyone else felt it too. Chance could probably tell I was feeling tense because the entire dinner I felt his eyes on me, as if he wanted to catch me in time just incase I exploded.

During the dinner, Scout was almost like a completely new person. She was very polite while talking to my mom, putting on an overly friendly grin and using a very soft spoken voice. I, however, was completely zoned out and only focusing on the fact that my biggest bully's father is dating my mom. Also wondering just how often I'd be seeing Scout outside of school. My vision was blurry and all the chatter in the room was muffled. It was almost as if I was watching the world outside of my own body, almost like watching a show on the TV. I just wanted this entire day to end.

When dinner was over, it had just hit 7 pm. Mike had decided it was time for Scout and himself to head home. We followed them to the door while my mom continued on about how Mike raised such a sweet girl and how she was happy they finally got around to introducing everyone. They shared a quick kiss goodbye and Scout said her goodbyes to us as well. But as they walked out the door, for a split second, Scout turned back and her eyes met mine. She wore an almost devilish grin on her face that just spoke the word 'evil'. I felt my stomach churn.

Finally, they were gone. But my anxiety still remained.

"What a nice girl! Do you guys ever talk at school, Sky?", my mom continued on with her talk about Scout while clearing off the table. I helped her, and pondered to myself whether I should tell her the truth about Scout or not. On one hand, telling her might steer her to keep Scout away from me at all costs. But on the other hand, my mom brushes everything I say or feel off as "teenage angst". She wouldn't listen to me.

", we don't.", I replied, almost stumbling over my words. I kept my head down as I helped her carry dirty dishes into the kitchen.

"Oh! Why not? I think it would be awesome if you guys got closer. You'd have another friend at school, instead of hanging out with all those boys!", she said, not looking over at me but still with the same optimism in her voice as she started working on dishes.

I honestly didn't know what to say back to her. There wasn't much to say but I didn't want to seem overly bleak about the whole situation to raise suspicion, my mom would take it as jealousy or malice over her having a new boyfriend, which wasn't entirely the case. I froze, trying to come up with some excuse as to why I don't want to be friends with Scout. Knowing my mom, she would only pester me more until the truth came out.

"Scout is Andy's ex girlfriend.", Chance's voice suddenly spoke. I turned around, seeing him behind me. "She knows how close Andy is to us and it's kind of awkward, I guess", he continued. Our mom stayed silent for a bit.

"Well...", she trailed off. "I'm sure you guys will warm up in time! They'll be spending a lot of time with us", she looked back at us both and gave us a smile before turning back to our dishes.

There wasn't any more words spoken that night. Chance and I both silently went up to our rooms. I'm not sure how Chance felt about the whole situation, although I'm sure he knows how I feel. He didn't try talking to me before we went to bed but he probably knew I was in no mood. I was actually feeling more shitty than ever. All I wanted was to talk to Andy.

I plopped down on my bed, pulling my phone out of my pocket. I started typing out a text to Andy.

Me: you'll never guess who's dad is dating my mom...
That was all I texted before laying my phone down on my chest. While waiting for a reply, I stared at my ceiling. At that moment, not much went through my head. It was almost like it was hollow. As if I was detached from all of reality. Before I knew it, time passed out and I had eventually fallen asleep with my phone still on my chest, waiting for a text back.

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