Chapter Twenty-Eight || Somewhere Only We Know

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The following evening, Andy invited me over to his place to hang out for a while

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The following evening, Andy invited me over to his place to hang out for a while. When I arrived to his house, I found him waiting in his car parked out front, the music on the stereo already on full blast.

"Sky! Hop in!", he stuck his head out the window and shouted. I gave him a confused look and pointed to his door.

"I thought you wanted to chill here..?", I asked.

"I wanna take you somewhere cool! C'mon!", he said. I shrugged it off and did as he said, walking up to his vehicle and hopping in the passenger seat. He almost immediately zoomed out of the parking lot, speeding his way through town and onto a back road.

"Hey! Where the hell are we going?", I shouted over the loud music. He casually clutched onto the steering wheel with one hand, smirk on his lips all while speeding off.

"You'll see. I don't want to spoil the surprise.", he said smugly. I rolled my eyes before attending my gaze back to the window. It was strange how quickly we could go from the busy streets of Cincinnati all the way to what appeared to be bumfuck nowhere. The road we drove through was surrounded by trees, not a house in sight and no cars passing through.

After what only felt like a couple minutes, we arrived to a desolate area, trees surrounding us and just a little pile of gravel off the side of the road in which he parked the car at.

"We're here!", he cheered, reaching his entire body to the back seat where he pulled out his guitar case before getting out of the car and swinging it over his shoulder. I scoot lower in my seat, glaring at the obscure scenery. I'm a city girl, not a forest creature. I don't hike, I don't explore.

"Andy, where are you taking me?", I demanded. He made his way to my side door and opened it, reaching a hand out for me.

"You'll see! But hurry, the sun's almost setting!", he pleaded. I rolled my eyes and took his hand. He leaded me to the edge of the forest, where we saw a small trail; as if somebody carved a path through the woods. He lead the way, not letting go of my hand as we trekked our way through the trees and the weeds. I was constantly paranoid that maybe a spider or a tick would crawl up my pant leg, but tried to be brave. After hiking what seemed to be forever and nearly breaking a sweat, we arrived to a small section of the forest unlike the rest; it was an area that was surrounded by trees entirely but in the middle stood nothing, only a singular tree in a spacious land. It was a huge oak tree and as my eyes made their way up the bark and to the top of the tree, laid a wooden treehouse.

"Woah... How the hell did you find this place..?", my mouth gaped open as I took a step closer to the gigantic tree that stood before me, admiring how the sun shined a golden filter through the branches coming from the horizon. The sky that peeked through just a little bit was purple and pink, the perfect sunset.

"My grandparents live just up the road from here. Every summer I'd stay with them for a couple weeks and because I had no friends around here, I made do with what I did have; nature!", he exclaimed, adjusting the guitar strap around his shoulder. "C'mon, let's go inside!"

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